Table S1. Relation of typologies of potential forest landscapes in Peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands (Saínz-Ollero et al, 2010) with a description of main forests included in each landscape.

typology / local
variant / Number
of patches / Extension
km2 / % non
forested / Definition
1100 / 67 / 2313.7 / 1.36 / Northern high mountain sparse woodlands
1200 / 11 / 3045.7 / 2.02 / European black pine forests, subalpine silver fir forests, birch forests, rowan woodlots and Oro-Mediterranean scrublands (creeping juniper and juniper) in the Pyrenees mountains.
1300 / 7 / 5717.2 / 9.12 / Scots pine forests in mosaic with beech, birch and silver fir in the Pyrenean mountains. Locally mixed forests of valley bottoms, ravines and cliffs
1400 / 9 / 15150.6 / 24.06 / Sub-Mediterranean forests of Pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) and other oaks (Q. faginea, Q. subpyrenaica), Holm oak, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra subsp salzmanii) with boxwood understory in pre-Pyrenees and Pyrenees mountains.
1600 / 16 / 7993.4 / 11.51 / Beech forests in the montane zone of the Cantabrian Mountains, the Pyrenees of Navarre, northern Iberian System and the eastern sector of the Central System. Relict forests of Scot pine, juniper or white oak.
1610 / 7 / 3350.6 / 13.79 / Variant located mainly in southern valleys of the Cantabrian mountains with high influence of Mediterranean climate
1620 / 6 / 911.2 / 2.46 / Variant located mainly in poorest zones of northern Iberian System and the eastern sector of the Central System.
1700 / 12 / 2819.3 / 7.05 / Birch forests, oak (Quercus robur) forests, with rowan and holly trees and marcescent oaks (Q. pyrenaica) in montane environments of Galicia and Asturias
1800 / 2 / 13559.2 / 31.98 / Quercus robur forests and serial mosaic with birch and Quercus pyrenaica woodlands in Galician mountains.
2100 / 1 / 1414.5 / 22.40 / Broadleave eutrophic mixed forests, oak (Quercus robur) and Holm oak forests, and relics of Laurus nobilis woodlands in the coline zone of Asturias, Cantabria and Euskadi.
2110 / 1 / 12000.6 / 40.62 / Holm oak forests and relics of Laurus nobilis woodlands nearest the coast, in paleo-Mediterranean climates with other termophilous species

Table S1 (cont 1). Relation of typologies of potential forest landscapes in Peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands (Saínz-Ollero et al, 2010) with a description of main forests included in each landscape.

typology / local
variant / Number
of patches / Extension
km2 / % non
forested / Definition
2200 / 11 / 930.0 / 39.12 / Oak (Quercus robur) forests in Galician-Asturian hills and pine (Pinus pinaster var. maritima) forests on Paleozoic acid substrates
3100 / 3 / 16088.1 / 33.23 / Psicroxerophitic grasslands , juniper, broom, heath and thorny scrubs in oro-Mediterranean environments
3110 / 19 / 2764.4 / 1.00 / Variant in Iberian and Central System
3120 / 7 / 533.8 / 2.11 / Variant in eastern mountains (Betic System)
3200 / 9 / 1448.9 / 5.66 / Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests on Iberian Central System (North and South) on siliceous substrates
3300 / 12 / 13091.2 / 17.96 / Supra Mediterranean Spanish oak (Quercus pyrenaica) forests in Central System and Iberian North.
3400 / 16 / 13207.6 / 13.40 / Mixed forests of Quercus or mosaic of Mediterranean sclerophyllous and marcescent in Luso-extremadurenses mountain ranges
3500 / 8 / 1649.4 / 11.04 / Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests and / or Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanii) forests in the southern Iberian Betic System
3510 / 5 / 6893.1 / 12.15 / Oro-Mediterranean variant (3500) with predominance of Scots pine and juniper accompanied by creeping juniper, thyme and psicroxerophytic grasslands.
3520 / 2 / 3379.9 / 10.75 / Supra-mediterranean variant (3500) with Spanish black pine alternating with some oaks, boxwood, saskatoon and barberry.
3600 / 15 / 3447.8 / 22.91 / Juniper (Juniperus thurifera) forests in the Iberian System.
3610 / 1 / 909.8 / 50.82 / Mesomediterranean variant (3600) mixed with holm oak in The Mancha

Table S1 (cont 2). Relation of typologies of potential forest landscapes in Peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands (Saínz-Ollero et al, 2010) with a description of main forests included in each landscape.

typology / local
variant / Number
of patches / Extension
km2 / % non
forested / Definition
3700 / 18 / 11519.4 / 36.37 / Holm oak forests, Portuguese oak forests and garrigues in Betic mountain ranges.
3800 / Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) forests or stone pine (Pinus pinea) forests, holm oak, cork oak and Pyrenean oak forests on unique substrates.
3810 / 20 / 2666.4 / 20.71 / Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) forests or cork oak or Pyrenean oak forests on unique substrates on sandstone (Triassic red sandstone, Cretaceous sandstones and conglomerates of the Iberian System
3820 / 7 / 1801.9 / 14.84 / Mixed pine forests or stone pine (Pinus pinea) forests on metamorphic rocks or granitic batholiths in the Central system, the Teleno (Tabuyo), Sierra Morena and Costa Brava.
3830 / 3 / 516.9 / 9.46 / Southern Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster subsp. Hamiltonii) forests on peridotite and serpentine in the western Malaga (Sierra Bermeja).
3840 / 3 / 1901.3 / 23.00 / Southern pine forests of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster subsp. Hamiltonii) or Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) on dolomitic calcarenites of the Betic mountains (Cazorla, Segura, Tejeda, Almijara, The Trevenque) with juniper (Juniperus phoenicea).
3900 / 2 / 82.6 / 12.89 / Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) forests and Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea var. Alpestris) forests of the wetter Betic mountains (Serrania de Ronda, and Tolox Yunquera, Grazalema, Sierra Bermeja Royals), often in mosaic with holm oaks in montane environments.
4100 / 5 / 15818.7 / 25.25 / Sub-atlantic or supra-mediterranean Spanish oak forests on supra-Hercynian arc piedmont, usually on plio-cuaternary screes.
4200 / 8 / 96464.9 / 40.20 / Mosaics or mixed forests of holm oak and cork oak Luso-extremadurenses and Salamanca-Douro, acidophilus, in mesomediterranean or locally supramediterranean climates
4300 / 19 / 48660.2 / 77.46 / Continental holm oak (Quercus ilex ballota =rotundifolia ) forests in mesomediterranean climate, over basic substrates in tertiary or quaternary plains
4400 / 11 / 26558.4 / 40.85 / Continental holm oak (Quercus ilex ballota = rotundifolia) and Portuguese oak (Q. faginea faginea) forests or Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera) forests in supramediterranean Iberian moorlands over tertiary-Messinian or secondary arbonated substrates.

Table S1 (cont 3). Relation of typologies of potential forest landscapes in Peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands (Saínz-Ollero et al, 2010) with a description of main forests included in each landscape.

typology / local
variant / Number
of patches / Extension
km2 / % non
forested / Definition
4500 / 1 / 23815.4 / 87.51 / Pine forests of Pinus pinaster and Pinus pinea on sands of the central plateau (Land of pines in Segovia, Ávila, Valladolid, Cuenca, La Manchuela).
5100 / 6 / 44136.7 / 56.85 / Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ilex) and cork forests or maquis with arbutus, mastic, Kermes oak, buckthorn, olivillos, etc., in thermo-subhumid environments in Catalonia or Cadiz. Presence of Quercus canariensis in the regions of Girona and La Selva.
5110 / 14 / 3256.8 / 52.30 / Variant of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ilex) forests with Viburnum tinus, mastic, strawberry, olive trees and mock privets in mosaic with pine forests of Pinus pinaster or Pinus pinea
5120 / 4 / 8280.3 / 46.77 / Variant of forests with Cork oak (Quercus suber) in a mixture with Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ilex) in the valley bottoms. Scattered presence of Q. pubescens, Q. canariensis, Pinus pinea and P. halepensis
5140 / 3 / 2095.1 / 23.57 / Variant of Cork oak forests with Quercus canariensis on sandstones of the Cadiz mountains of The Aljibe. Riparian alder forests with Rhododendron ponticum and subtropical ferns.
5200 / 3 / 2296.7 / 7.47 / Maquis or garrigue Mediterranean-thermophilic with kermes oak, mastic, palmetto, wild olive and carob trees, with or without Aleppo pine, in xeric environments of Levante, Betic mountains and Balearic Islands.
5220 / 3 / 7320.4 / 65.51 / Varaint located in Levante coast.
5230 / 1 / 8289.4 / 78.08 / Betic mountains variant with cork oaks, wild olive, pine and flora psammophyte (Stauracanthus spp.)
5240 / 2 / 652.1 / 51.65 / Variant with olive trees and carob trees in Mallorca and Menorca Balearic Islands). Significant presence of relict cork oaks in Menorca
5300 / 43 / 4079.2 / 60.68 / Pine forests of Stone pine (Pinus pinea) on coastal dunes, in Onubo-Algarviense region, Cadiz or Costa Brava.
5310 / 3 / 1832.7 / 38.99 / Cadiz-Huelva coast variant, on dunes with other shrubs; psamophilic jaguarzal, Retama spp and Juniper spp. scrublands.
5320 / 2 / 490.3 / 44.36 / Catalan Costa Brava variant on granite shores, alternating with thermophilic maquis, arbutus, Aleppo pine, Teline spp. and so on.

Table S1 (cont 4). Relation of typologies of potential forest landscapes in Peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands (Saínz-Ollero et al, 2010) with a description of main forests included in each landscape.

typology / local
variant / Number
of patches / Extension
km2 / % non
forested / Definition
6100 / 3 / 12532.6 / 49.89 / Continental maquis of kermes oak and black hawthorn (kermes oak and thorn). Juniperus spp scrublands, Aleppo pine woodlands and halophilic scrubs on endorreic zones.
6110 / 3 / 23662.6 / 70.56 / Central Ebro Valley variant with Kermes oak, black juniper and Aleppo pine.
6140 / 6 / 5892.3 / 76.38 / Gypsic endorheic areas of halophilic scrubs (Algezares, albardinares, thyme, tamarisk) in the depressions of the interior Tertiary plateau.
6200 / 1 / 6172.4 / 63.31 / Murcia-Almeria drylands with Tussock grass communities, Kermes oak or thorn bushes and other semi-arid shrublands.
6210 / 3 / 1430.3 / 44.81 / Substeparian landscape with Saharo-sindic influence. Scattered Aleppo pine along the coast and dense on the inside. Seasonal watercourses (ramblas) with Nerium oleander, Tamarix spp and Ziziphus lotus.
6220 / 1 / 2408.5 / 46.14 / Coastal variant with Periploca angustifolia and halophilic formations with Arthrocnemum spp and Limonium spp.
9990 / 11 / 1419.5 / 55.68 / Coastal estuaries and other coastal water bodies

Figure S1. Forest Landscapes Map (WWF, 2009; Sainz de Ollero et al, 2010)