Killingholme Primary School

Long Term Plan – LKS2 Year B

Please note topics are text led and wherever possible lessons are taught thematically.

Subject / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Reading and Writing / Harris Burdick
The Black Dog / Leon and the Place Between
Pied Piper of Hamlin / Flotsam
Heart in a bottle
Maths / Number and Place Value (Recap)
Fractions and Decimals / Shape Space and Measure
Statistics / Statistics (Consolidate)
Number and Place Value (Next Year Transitional Unit)
History / A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 (Y3/4 Cycle B: Spring: Pied Piper of Hamlin – Black Death and the Plague) (Y3/4 Battle of Britain
Romans? / A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 (Y3/4 Cycle B: Spring: Pied Piper of Hamlin – Black Death and the Plague1346–1353) (Y3/4 Battle of Britain / The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor 430 AD- 1066 (Y3/4 Cycle B: Summer: Flotsam and Heart in a Bottle)
Science / Scholastic:
Light Shadows ( year 3)
Rocks Group different rocks how are they formed?( year 3) / Scholastic: Animals including humans – digestive system, teeth and food chains.( year 4)
Sound ( year 4) / Scholastic:
All living things ( year 4)
Forces and magnets ( year 3)
Art / ·  to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
·  to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
·  about great artists, architects and designers in history / ·  to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
·  to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
·  about great artists, architects and designers in history / ·  to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
·  to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
·  about great artists, architects and designers in history
Design and Technology / Annotate from Stuart Bontoft’s Programme of Activities or Mike Cargills / Annotate from Stuart Bontoft’s Programme of Activities or Mike Cargills / Annotate from Stuart Bontoft’s Programme of Activities or Mike Cargills
Geography / Please delete as appropriate
Locational knowledge
locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities
name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time
identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night)
Place knowledge
understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region in North or South America
Geographical skills and fieldwork
use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world
use fieldwork to observe, measure record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies / Please delete as appropriate
Place knowledge
understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region in North or South America
Human and physical geography
describe and understand key aspects of:
physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water
Geographical skills and fieldwork
use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world
use fieldwork to observe, measure record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies / Human and physical geography
describe and understand key aspects of:
physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water
Geographical skills and fieldwork
use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world
use fieldwork to observe, measure record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies
Computing / Scholastic:
Myths and legends ( communication and safety)
Robin Hood
Science Fiction ( networks) / Scholastic:
Dragon (animations- algorithm and programming)
Normans ( Data and information) / Scholastic:
Jacqueline Wilson ( Data and information)
Rainforest ( Algorithms and planning)
French / Wakefield Scheme of Work:
Greetings, numbers to 20, Families and colours / Wakefield Scheme of Work:
Numbers to 30
Weather, Travels, body parts / Wakefield Scheme of Work:
Celebrations, cafe, animals and directons
Enterprise / Christmas crafts for Christmas fayre. / Venetian masks?
PSHE / Core Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing / Core Theme 2: Relationships / Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World
Religious Education / 3.1 Remembering: Why remember? / 3.2 Faith Founders: Who are the faith founders and what did they teach? / 3.3 Encounters: What makes a place sacred?