Knaphill Planning Update – 24 March 2014
Variation to the conditions imposed on the new house built between 58 and 62 Chobham Road.
The planning application that was approved had no windows on the side of the house facing No 62. The developer went ahead and put three windows into this side of the house and then submitted a planning application for retrospective approval.
This retrospective application has been approved by the Head of Planning under delegated authority.
Application permitted. Decision taken by Planning Officer, delegated authority.
PLAN/2013/1081 Barnbrook Sinclair, 1 & 3 High Street, Knaphill
This is an application to gain outline planning permission to demolish the current building and build a four storey block of flats. There would be 10 flats four of which would be two bedroom flats but only 10 parking bays.This building, as well as the old headquarters of Barnbrook Sinclair, is also the home of the pet shop Pets Kingdom and PC repair A&E PC Repairs both of which will lose their premises if planning permission is granted.
The planning application has been rejected by the Local Planning Authority on the grounds that the village could ill afford to lose the shops and office accommodation housed in the current building.
Application rejected by Planning Officer.
PLAN/2013/1122 & 1124 Tesco’s 15 High Street
Installation of an ATM to the shop front.
The installation of 6 bollards in front of the proposed ATM and shop front.
The above two planning applications are linked. Local residents have asked if another ATM in the village is required. If Tesco’s feel that it is important for the store to have its own ATM then residents want to see it relocated from the Fosters Lane end of the building.
Planning Committee approved the installation of an ATM at the Fosters Lane end of the building. The number of bollards was reduced to 4 and these will be located outside the store entrance.
Application approved by Planning Committee.
PLAN/2014/0021 Heathview, Grindstone Handle Corner
Build a second storey extension above existing first floor single storey extension. Convert existing garage into a habitable room and replace existing conservatory roof with a pitch tiled roof.
Application approved by Planning Officer
PLAN/2013/1235 23 Sparvell Road
Erection of two storey rear extension
Application approved by Planning Officer
PLAN/2013/0350 48 Lower Guildford Road
Erection of a two bedroom detached house.
The original application was rejected under delegated powers. The grounds for the rejection were that the proposed development would result in an incongruous overdevelopment of the site in breach of CS21 and CS24 policies.
The applicant submitted an appeal on 12/12/2013.
The appeal has been rejected.
PLAN/2014/0077 126-128 High Street.
Demolish current houses and build 4 houses plus one block of 2 flats.
This plot is next to Knaphill School and the new houses will be close to the school play area and swimming pool.
PLAN/2014/0215 Old library, 20 High Street.
Demolish old library and build a 9 residential unit (3 x 2 bedrooms + 6 x 1 bedroom)
Awaiting details
PLAN/2013/1114 New Haweli, 22 High Street
Application is to fit black tiles on the front of the take-away.
PLAN/2014/0067 41 Highclere Road
Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding and the erection of 3 detached houses with garages.
Note although the address is given as Highclere Road access to the new houses will be in Lane End Drive.
PLAN/2014/0081 Land at Brookwood Farm, Coresbrook Way
Application for new footpath and canal bridge to link new junior section of Brookwood Primary School and existing school.
In looking at the detail the footpath appears to have become footpath and cycle way.
AMEND/2014/0087 Tesco, 15 High Street
Variation of condition 2 to allow a 5 minute newspaper and magazine drop off.
Condition states no deliveries before 8.00am and after 8.00pm.
PLAN/2013/0856 – Brookwood Farm
Reserved matters application for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a primary school.
In December Woking Borough Council (WBC) Planning Committee deferred making a decision on the above application. One of the main reasons for deferment was due to the fact that Surrey County Council (SCC) had withdrawn a planning application for a new footpath and bridge connecting the two school buildings (more on this later in this report). There was also concern with regards general access to the school both on foot and for vehicle access. SCC had also failed to give any details on the materials to be used in the construction of the school and the Planning Officer stated in his report that if the materials are not carefully selected it could result in stark form of development within the landscape. Finally Councillors have issues with parking for parents dropping or collecting children.
Note: The developer has added more details to the plans in line with the request from the Planning Committee.
PLAN/2013/0864 Brookwood Farm
New footpath and canal bridge.
This application is linked to the planning application, reported on above, for the building of a new school building on Green Belt land in Brookwood Farm. The footpath and bridge are to link the new school building to the school on Connaught Road. Surrey County Council plan for a new bridge to cross the canal, at the rear of the Connaught Road School and linked to a footpath that will go across the Country Park to the new school building on Brookwood Farm.
This application has been withdrawn by SCC. First, Natural England has raised a number of objections to the plan and secondly, local residents in Brookwood were opposed to the public footpath continuing through the school grounds and onto Connaught Road. See PLAN/2014/0081 above.
PLAN/2013/0940 16 – 39 Chequer Tree Close
This application from the above residents is to change of use of open amenity land to become residential land by moving fence line.
Brookwood Farm Development
We understand that there are ongoing negotiations between Woking Borough Council and Cala Homes over the purchase of the land owned by WBC. Cala Homes have closed their Information Centre in Connaught Road, Brookwood.
Esso Service Station, High Street
The owners of the Esso Service station have applied for a change to the premises licence. They are seeking permission to sell alcohol from 06.00 to midnight seven days a week plus permission to sell hot food from 23.00 to midnight seven days a week.
NoteThis report does not attempt to cover all planning issues in Knaphill.If you have any questions or points on the above please feel free to contact the KRA.
Phil Stubbs