LEA Efforts to Reduce Overuse of Discipline Practices that Remove Students from the Classroom

ESSA Section 1112(b)(11) states the Local Educational Agency’s(LEAs) plan submitted for Title I, Part A must address how the LEA will support efforts to reduce the overuse of discipline practices that remove students from the classroom, which may include identifying and supporting schools with high rates of discipline, disaggregated by each of the student subgroups, as defined in section 1111(c)(2).

  • This plan requirement will be satisfied by completion of Questions 22 through 29 on page 4A of the iGrants Form Package 201.
  • These questions should be completed by the lead person in the LEA responsible for efforts to improve school climate, address student behavior, and/or update discipline policies and procedures.
  • For assistance or clarification on these questions, please contact Joshua Lynch, Program Supervisor for Student Discipline, Behavior, and Readiness to Learn at 360-725-6100 or at .

Resources to assist your LEA:

  • Department of Education:
    Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline
  • OSPI:Behavior Menu of Best Practices and Strategies
  • OSPI: Discipline Data and Analytics
  • REL Northwest:School discipline data indicators: A guide for districts and schools
  • National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments:
    Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline: An Educator's Action Planning Guide

Discipline Point-of-Contact:

Provide the lead person in your LEA responsible for efforts to improve school climate, address student behavior, or reform discipline policies and procedures.

☐This is our LEA superintendent
or Enter the lead LEA administrator for these efforts.

Name:Click or tap here to enter text. / Title:Click or tap here to enter text.
Email:Click or tap here to enter text. / Phone:Click or tap here to enter text.

22.This LEA has implemented the following discipline strategies that are required by RCW/WAC.

☐A. Yes, as required by RCW 28A.600.010, the LEA has adopted written discipline policies and procedures that are consistent with federal and state laws including RCW 28A.600.015, RCW 28A.600.020, RCW 28A.600.022, and the model policy developed under RCW 28A.345.090).

B. Enter the date LEA governing board last updated the policy (MM/DD/YY):
Click or tap here to enter text.

C. Enter the date the LEA last updated the procedure (MM/DD/YY):

Click or tap here to enter text.

☐D. Yes, consistent with RCW 28A.600.460, the LEA collects data on disciplinary actions taken in each school and records these actions in the statewide student data system (CEDARS) consistent with the CEDARS guidelines.

☐E. Yes, consistent with RCW28A.320.211, the LEA (1) annually disseminates discipline policies and procedures to students, families, and the community; (2) uses the disaggregated data collected under RCW 28A.300.042 to monitor the impact of the school district’s discipline policies and procedures; (3) periodically reviews and updates discipline rules, policies, and procedures in consultation with staff, students, families, and the community.

☐ Yes, consistent with WAC 392-190-048, the LEA annually reviews disaggregated discipline data to identify and address disproportionality in the administration of discipline on the basis of sex, race, limited-English proficiency (i.e., English learners), and disability, including students protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

23.Data Review Information:

When reviewing disaggregated discipline data to identify and address disproportionality or high rates of discipline, the LEA analyzes the following (select all that apply):

☐Office discipline referrals

☐In-school suspensions

☐Out-of-school suspensions

☐Emergency Expulsions


☐Other (Explain):Click or tap here to enter text.

24.This data review occurs at the:

Select all that apply.

☐LEA Level

☐School Level


Please indicate theapproachesyour LEA will systemicallyuse in the 2017–18 school year to prevent or address behavioral problems, with the goal of reducing discipline that removes students from the classroom and reducing disproportionality.Select all that apply:

☐Family Engagement

☐Positive Behavioral Intervention
and Supports (PBIS)

☐Restorative Justice Practices

☐Social-Emotional Learning

☐Trauma-Informed Approaches

☐Other:Click or tap here to enter text.

26.MTSS Integration:

Our district is implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support and integrating behavioral supports with other domains.

☐Check if applicable


Indicate if your LEA will offer the following personnel professional development to support the implementation of discipline policies and procedures. Select all that apply:

☐LEA-level administration



☐Bus Drivers

☐Additional school-level staff

☐School Resource Officers

28.Strategies to address problems:

Indicate if your LEA will offer the following personnel with professional development on strategies to prevent/address behavior problems. Select all that apply:

☐LEA-level administration



☐Bus Drivers

☐Additional school-level staff

☐School Resource Officers