Meeting Report – 25th May 2017

MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES – We were advised that regarding the return of equipment to SASH, Milbrook Healthcare do not take wheelchairs/strollers and they suggested that these items are donated to charity. Regarding other items of equipment, these should have a sticky label on it to say who to contact and where to return it to. The Health Centre are going to invite the Dementia Society to do a dementia friendly walkabout of OHC. Posters have been put up about the Choosing Wisely Campaign. A couple of nurses are available to work extended hours which will start after the summer and annual leave. We talked about organising focus groups on child immunisation to see why there is a low uptake. The PPG Meet and Greet sessions went well where OHC received positive feedback from patients.

OXTED PARKING REVIEW - Belinda Purcell and Nikki Tagg from Tandridge District Council (TDC) came to the meeting and gave the following background information. In October 2016 a car parking review was undertaken for ‘on and off’ street parking for Oxted and Hurst Green. Results showed insufficient capacity and people parked either illegally or undesirably. TDC considered the benefits of more enforcement as parking overheads are a huge cost and currently TDC runs at a loss, which is not sustainable. Proposal is to have free parking on Saturdays and Sundays and parking spaces at OHC will remain free of charge. Surrey Council have contracted out to Reigate & Banstead Council. Charges do not apply to disabled bays. We asked if the barrier at OHC could be moved – this may be considered in the long term. TDC want to increase capacity and are trying to implement the best short term solution. There will be one hour free parking and then charges will apply i.e. 0-1 hours is free, 1-2 hours is £1.50, 2-3 hours is £3. There will be various ways for ‘paying on exit’. We asked what provision will be made for taxis as they currently park in the disabled bays by the station, this will be looked into. We also asked if there will be enforcement about parking on the pavement and we were advised the review will look at this. TDC will be taking advice from other councils re implementing new parking schemes. We were asked to complete the feedback form. TDC’s website will provide regular updates; they expect to generate sufficient income to cover car parking and investment of Oxted town centre. TDC will try to minimise disruption whilst the parking change is enforced. ‘Park and ride’ is being considered. There is a concern for LINK drivers about parking on a yellow line with the new parking enforcement which will be looked at.

PRACTICE UPDATE – OHC is to get Wifi funded via a government initiative. There will be Wifi for patients and a separate one for staff. The survey has been completed and BT will be installing the switch on 8th June. You cannot stream using this Wifi. Julie Ludbrook wanted a thank you to be passed onto Carla the cleaner who has been cleaning the entrance area which is greatly improved.

TALKS UPDATE – The last talk went well with a very good turnout and excellent speaker. At the next talk on Tuesday 11th July, Dr Matthew Cowan and Dr Jonathan Nolan will talk on ‘The Epidemic of Liver Disease in the UK: A Challenge for Society and the NHS’, plus ‘Nutrition and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)’. We discussed possible subjects for our talk in October such as Neurology, Mental Health, the Respiratory System and possibly Diabetes to link in with the current diabetes prevention project.

NEWSLETTER UPDATE – Izzy Boorman will start producing the newsletter as Pranita Tamang is leaving the PPG to go to university.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Mindy Daubeney distributed leaflets to the PPG from the Chartered Society for Physiotherapists on how to manage your back pain. A poster will be put on the PPG noticeboard, an article will be put in the next newsletter and information cards will be sourced to give out to patients. Dr O’Connor has now completed her term on the PPG and will be replaced by Dr Maybrey. A couple of members attended a recent public meeting on 'All About the Ambulance Service’ which was very interesting and the issue of waiting times was raised and was covered in part. Cameron McIntosh, a new county councilor, stated that one of his key aims is healthcare and he supports the Local Plan. In a recent letter Mr McIntosh commented that the Local Plan will lead the way for infrastructure funding for a new GP surgery which will help with OHC being oversubscribed. Dr Hill answered that this was difficult to quantify but that our ratio of doctor to patient is good and that we have got the right ratio, also if a patient does not live within our boundary then they cannot be registered at OHC. Mr McIntosh is going to be invited to a PPG meeting.

The next meeting is Thursday 13th July 2017 at 7:00pm.