Bickerton Holy Trinity

Church of England Primary School

Attendance Policy

Person responsible for policy: / Paul Sweetnam
Approved: / 2nd October 2017
Signed: / Claire Carman, Chair of Governors
To be reviewed: / Autumn Term 2018

Our School Prayer

This is our school,

Let peace be here,

Let it be full of


Let love be here.

Love of one another,

Love of everyone,

Love of life itself,

And love of God.


Our Mission Statement

Respect for oneself and others is central to our mission of giving every child in our school the highest standard of education and care within a Christian community.

Our School Rules

Respect and take care of each other.

Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Share and use the school’s equipment carefully.

Listen to each other and to adults at school.

Help others to learn.



This section contains the policies that the governing body has decided shall apply to the school. Procedures specified by the head teacher to implement these policies are detailed in Section B.

The following terminology is used in this section:

“may” indicates a suggestion by the governing body to the head teacher;

“should” indicates a recommendation by the governing body to the head teacher and indicates what the governing body considers to be best practice;

“must” indicates a mandatory requirement determined by the governing body.

Where the head teacher is unable to implement any mandatory requirement specified in this section he must report the fact to the next meeting of the governing body or the appropriate committee and, in urgent matters, to the chair of governors.

Aims and Expectations

The governors expect that every child attends school regularly and on time. The school is a caring community whose values are built on the values of the Church of England, mutual trust and respect for all. This policy is designed to encourage all families to ensure that their children come to school every day unless there is a specific reason for absence. This promotes an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure, and where everyone enjoys being at school, and promotes high quality learning.

Governors, parents, staff and children share a responsibility to ensure each child’s attendance.

The Role of Parents

The governors expect that the school works collaboratively with parents so that all parents and children receive consistent messages about the importance of attendance.

Reports by the Head Teacher

The head teacher should report organisational issues which might affect attendance to the chair of governors, or to the full governing body in the Head Teacher’s Report as appropriate.


Attendance should be monitored, and all absence should be followed up, in accordance with the procedures set out below.

The head teacher must monitor the effectiveness of this policy and report to the governing body via the appropriate committee the effectiveness of the policy with, if necessary, recommendations for improvements.

The head teacher must arrange for appropriate records to be maintained and reviewed.



The better a child’s attendance in school, the better their learning. The procedures below aim to set out succinctly the ways we try to ensure excellent, consistent attendance by every child in our school.

School Ethos and Philosophy

At Bickerton Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, the Christian values of the Church of England are central to the high quality of relationships and behaviour that we all expect and enjoy at school. This is central to achieving good attendance. Children who are happy and want to come to school will have as good attendance as their health allows. Other important elements of good attendance are the high quality of teaching, the interesting curriculum and range of activities we offer to every child, the stimulating environment and the value that is placed on every child.


All children will at some time be poorly and may need to take time off school. Parents are asked on the first day of absence to inform the school before 09.00 if possible, or as soon after that as they can if their child is poorly and is not able to come to school that day. This is recorded in the absence book which is kept on the reception desk by the phone. If a family does not let us know, a follow up phone call will be made to establish the reason for the child’s absence. This should be before 10.00.

If a child has a medical appointment, parents / carers should inform the school by letter of the date and time and, where one is available, bring a copy of the appointment time to the administrative officer so a copy can be made for our records and attached to the letter.

Arriving at school on time is a very important way to help children to make a good start to their day and their learning. All children should arrive at school before 09.00, which is the start of the school day. If a child arrives late, between 09.00 and 09.10, a late mark (L) will be recorded in the register. The number of late marks will be included in each child’s annual written report. Arrival after 09.10 will be recorded as arriving after the register has closed (U). Parents should sign the late book situated at the administrative officer’s desk if their child arrives at school after 09.00.

If a child has an unusual pattern of absence, such as one day per week or other pattern which causes concern, the head teacher should make contact with the family and discuss the reasons for their child’s irregular attendance, ensuring that the family understands the need for their child to attend school regularly and on time. If necessary, reference will be made to the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).

Some children may suffer a long term illness. In these cases, we liaise with their family, doctor or hospital to ensure that everything is being done to continue the child’s education, even if that is away from school.

If a child has sickness or diarrhoea, we follow the guidelines of Cheshire East Council. The child should remain away from school for 48 hours after the last symptoms have finished. If a child is brought to school within that 48 hour period, the parents will be asked to take the child home. It is important that these guidelines are followed in order to reduce the spread of infection.

Leave of Absence

Children have approximately twelve weeks holiday in the school year. Families should take their holidays during these times. The head teacher is not allowed to authorise holidays in term time.

However, there may be rare occasions when it is appropriate for a family to take ‘leave of absence’ at a time other than during the normal school holiday period. These should be for exceptional circumstances (which includes bereavement) only. (Please see the Leave of Absence Request form at Appendix 1.) Parents should make an application using the form before booking. The head teacher must make a judgement about the circumstances and is empowered to refuse permission for a child to take leave of absence in term-time if the circumstances are not exceptional. Such absence will be marked as unauthorised and may need to be reported to the EWO.

If a child’s parents decide to take them on holiday during term time, it means that they have taken a conscious decision that their child will miss the work that they would have been doing in school during that period. There is no expectation that the teacher will set any work for the child. The teacher may ask the child to take a book to read and a maths game to play with their parents each day, and perhaps get their parents to help them to make a diary whilst they are away. ‘Worksheets’ or the teacher’s plans for work to be covered in school will not be sent home.

Educational Welfare Officer (EWO)

If there is a pattern of unexplained or unauthorised absence, the EWO or other appropriate outside agencies will be contacted for advice. The EWO may be asked to provide support for the school to combat lateness which may take the form of interviewing parents arriving after 09.00. The EWO also comes into school on a regular basis to look at registers and check on absences in order to support the school. Unauthorised absence may necessitate the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice by Cheshire East in accordance with its current policy on Unauthorised Leave of Absence (holidays) taken in term time. (Appendix 1.)

Our school EWO is:

Glen Haag. 01270 375 232 / 07920 295 278

Pupil Mobility and EHE Consultant is:

John Fowler: 01270 685 973

We also make use of the School Health Adviser who comes periodically to talk to parents about how to deal with common problems such as nits to help to ensure that children are only absent if they need to be.

Appendix 1

Request for Leave of Absence in Term Time

The 2013 regulation amendments make clear that head teachers may not grant any leave of absence (holiday) during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The amendments give parents no entitlement to take their child out of school for a holiday in term time. The head teacher and the governing body will determine what exceptional circumstances are.

Before authorisation is considered for leave of absence to be taken during term time, please complete the form below and return it to the school’s administrative officer. Completion of the form does not guarantee leave of absence will be authorised.

Pupil’s Name ______Class ______

Dates of Leave of Absence: From: ______To: ______

Please give full reasons for requesting leave of absence in term time:

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please ensure you have read the school’s Attendance Policy which is available from reception, and on the website at the following location:

Taking your child out of school without the school’s authorisation may result in the local authority issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice to each parent / carer for each child. The table below shows the Local Authority’s penalties for unauthorised absence.

Penalties for Unauthorised Absence
Timeline / One child / Two children
Paid within 21 days / £60 per parent / £60 per child = £120 per parent
After 21 days and before 28 days / £120 per parent / £120 per child = £240 per parent
After 28 days / You will be summons to appear before the Magistrates’ Court on the grounds you have failed to secure your child’s regular attendance at school. / You will be summons to appear before the Magistrates’ Court on the grounds you have failed to secure your children’s regular attendance .

For Completion by School

Name(s) of Child(ren)



Authorised / Register Code H / Unauthorised / Register Code G

Reason for Leave of Absence being Unauthorised:

Signed: ______Date: ______

Copy To: / Parent
Pupil File
Local Authority Educational Welfare Officer

Parents / carers requesting leave of absence during term time will be sent the following letter:

Bickerton Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Long Lane, Bickerton, Malpas, Cheshire. SY14 8AP

Telephone: 01829 720 240

Email address:


Head Teacher: Paul Sweetnam BA, MA, NPQH


Name(s) of Pupil(s):

Dates of Requested Leave of Absence:


I am writing in response to your request for leave of absence in term time for your child(ren).

Following changes in regulations, leave of absence may only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. As your request does not constitute exceptional circumstances in this instance, we are unable to authorise it.

If you continue with your plans and take your child(ren) out of school, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. As such the school may inform the Local Authority and a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) may be issued. Failure to pay the fine within the required time may result in prosecution.

Please refer to the chart below for details of the FPN process including fines and timelines.

Penalties for Unauthorised Absence
Timeline / One child / Two children
Paid within 21 days / £60 per parent / £60 per child = £120 per parent
After 21 days and before 28 days / £120 per parent / £120 per child = £240 per parent
After 28 days / You will be summons to appear before the Magistrates’ Court on the grounds you have failed to secure your child’s regular attendance at school. / You will be summons to appear before the Magistrates’ Court on the grounds you have failed to secure your children’s regular attendance.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Sweetnam

Head Teacher