Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) toolkit
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) are regular local meetings where information about high risk domestic abuse victims (those at risk of murder or serious harm) is shared between local agencies. By bringing all agencies together at a MARAC and ensuring that whenever possible, the voice of the victim is represented by the IndependentDomestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) , a risk focused, coordinated safety plancan be drawn up for the victim. There are currently over 260 MARACs operating acrossEngland, Wales and Northern Irelandmanaging over 57,000 cases a year.MARAC Process
(School actions in green)
What do I need to do?
Please refer to flowchart on previous page. The list below reflects the school’s actions only.
STEP THREE: Confirm whether or not they are on your school roll
STEP FOUR: Email report to Herts MARAC coordinator using encryption or a secure method such as Schools FX.
Ida Andreasen
MARAC coordinator, Hertfordshire
T: 01707 354072
M: 07946 813382
Things to consider:
- Attendance by a school representative at MARAC is not necessary. The MARAC coordinator will share your report with the multiagency meeting.
- The victim (parent) is likely to be aware of the meeting but will not be in attendance.
- Your report will not be shared with the victim or perpetrator (unless requested by victim).
- Please only fill in the report. No supplementary information is required.
- Please explain any acronyms.
- If you are being asked for information for a repeat MARAC meeting, please only fill in the review section on page 8 of this toolkit
- Please encrypt the MARAC conference report using the password given to you by CPSLO. Instruction for how to encrypt a file can be found at MARAC do not accept faxed reports.
- Please keep a copy of the report provided on the child’ssafeguarding file in school. The information on this file is not disclosable under the Data Protection Act 1998 and so can be withheld if it is felt that disclosure may create risk of harm. Schools are advised to seek legal advice if a Data Protection request is made.
What happens next?
Your report will be shared at the multiagency meeting. The Chair of the conference will agree any information to be shared with school/other agencies. If this is agreed, the CPLSO will feedback to the school as soon as they have received the minutes of the meeting.
Title / Page 1MARAC - Flowchart / Page 2
Process / Page 3
Contents, references and glossary / Page 4
School report to MARAC / Page 5-7
Review report to MARAC / Page 8
References and glossary:
CAADA 2013(Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse)
CADDA supports and develops the work of Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences
For more information, visit
CPSLO (Child Protection Schools Liaison Officer)
The Child Protection Schools Liaison Officers are part of Children’s Services: Safeguarding and Specialist Services. The role of the team is to support schools to effectively safeguard children from harm, abuse and neglect.
IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor)
The main purpose of an IDVA is to address the safety of high risk domestic abuse victims and their children. Serving as a victim’s primary point of contact, IDVAs work proactively with their clients from the point of crisis to assess the level of risk, discuss the range of suitable options and develop co-ordinated safety plans.The IDVA service is a free service offering independent, professional and confidential advice and support in a non-judgmental manner. The IDVA acts as an advocate on the victim’s behalf, exploring legal options and/or supporting the victim through the court process. The IDVA can support the victimby liaising with agencies such as housing, the Police, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), solicitors and other services. For more information, visit
School Report to Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)This document is strictly confidential and must be completed by a lead/deputy DSP only
- If completing this form due to a repeat referral to MARAC, please only complete the review section on page eight.
- Please complete one form only – if siblings attend your school, include all information here.
- Please explain any acronyms/ educational jargon
- Supplementary information, e.g. attendance print-outs are not required. Please include any relevant information in this form.
- Please send this via password protected, encrypted email to . Details about how to encrypt can be found on page three of the MARAC toolkit. The MARAC coordinator will NOT accept faxes.
East / Central / West
Date of MARAC:MARAC area:
Name/s of child/renDate/s of birth
Names of child/ren’s carers and relationship to the child
Date child last seen
Name of school child attends
Name, role, agency and contact details of report author
Agency Involvement
What level of support is being provided to the child and family? (Please tick the relevant box)
If unsure, please use the following document to help choose the relevant level of support.
Which agencies are involved with the child and family?
Please give details of the nature of support provided (if known) over the last two years, e.g. play
therapy. This also includes any support offered by the school.
Awareness of Domestic ViolenceWhat knowledge do you have of domestic violence issues for this family?
Child and Family ChecklistPlease provide information in bullet points about any concerns or strengths for the following areas
of development:
HealthEducation and learning(e.g., attendance figures)
*Levels and grades not required *
Emotional and behavioural development
Family and social relationships (including observations of the behaviour of the adult/interaction between adult and child)
Social presentation
Self care skills
Parenting capacity (including anything that may impact upon this, e.g. poor mental health, substance misuse)
Family and environment
For an explanation of the above areas of development, please refer to the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families, available within Appendix One of the Child Protection Conference school report at:
Is there any other relevant information that you believe MARAC should be aware of?
EvaluationWhat impact do you think domestic violence may be having on this child and family, e.g. significant harm?
Please note that if you believe a child is at risk of or is suffering significant harm, a safeguarding
referral to Children’s Services should be made on 0300 123 4043.
ReviewPlease identify any new concerns/strengths since the last MARAC referral:
Concerns / StrengthsWhat impact do you think domestic violence may be having on this child and family?
What further support do you think would be appropriate in the future to support this child and family?
Do you consider the child to be at risk of significant harm?
Please note that if you believe a child is at risk of or is suffering significant harm, a safeguarding
referral to Children’s Services should be made on 0300 123 4043.
Is there any other relevant information that you believe MARAC should be aware of?
MARAC toolkit–February 2015
Child Protection Schools Liaison Service - Hertfordshire Children’s Services