Algebra 3 and Trigonometry
Dr. Patricia D. Buffington
Course Description:Algebra 3 and Trigonometry is an advanced study of algebra with an introduction to trigonometry. Students will study linear equations and inequalities, relations and functions, systems of equations, polynomials, rational and radical expressions and equations, quadratics and exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will also explore the content area as it appears on the SAT. Students will be exposed to trigonometry at an introductory level. This is not a preparation for a calculus. Students should take a pre-calculus course with a more comprehensive study of trigonometry before taking calculus.
Sequence of Topics:
- Linear Functions
- Piecewise Functions
- Polynomial Factoring
- Rational Functions
- Radicals Functions
- Quadratic Functions
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Trigonometry
- Maintain a notebook with class notes, class work, handouts, and homework.
- Notebook: We will develop a notebook using Office 365. Students will also need a pencil and paper notebook for practice sets.
- One-to-One school assigned laptop computer.
- Bring a graphing calculator to class daily. We will be using the TI-84+ in class. However a TI-83+ would work, as well as the silver editions of these calculators. (TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition or TI-30XA)
- Participate in class, volunteer for board work, and work cooperatively with your peers.
- Complete all homework assignments, in-class assignments, Team Approach to Problem-Solving (TAPS) assignments, quizzes, examinations, and projects.
- Textbook: Intermediate Algebra – (Miller, O’Neill and Hyde) – Available as a classroom set.
Rules and Procedures:
Please follow all rules and procedures as outlined by the code of conduct for high school students in accordance with school board policy. I will be adhering strictly to these guidelines when managing my classroom.
- All homework assignments are listed on-line in the calendar pages of the instructor’s web-page for the course, as well as posted on the Remind Me account.
- Although homework is not graded daily, it is extremely highly recommended to work through the problems. The demonstration of the skills learned through the homework will occur within the completion of weekly assignments, quizzes, projects and tests.
- Students who practice the daily homework assignments, have shown they are more successful on graded assessments.
- Marking period grades will be composed of the following:
- Demonstration of Knowledge – (In-class Assignments and Take-home Assignments) – will occur weekly
- In-class Assignments and Take-home Assignments can range between 10 – 80 points
- Quizzes, TAPS, and Projects – quizzes will occur at minimum twice a week, and TAPS and projects will occur at least twice a marking period
- Quizzes in point value can range between 5-80 points
- TAPS in point value can range between 20-100 points
- Projects in point value can range between 50 -150 points
- Examinations – will occur at the end of each unit. The examination potentially can contain a minimum of 20% of previously learned material and the remainder will be on the new unit’s materials.
- Examinations in point value can range between 80-200 points
- Marking period percentage breakdown of material for grade
- Tests are worth 50% of overall grade
- Quizzes are worth 30% of overall grade
- Demonstration of Knowledge (Examples: In-class Assignments, Projects, TAPS, Take-home Assignments, etc…) are worth 20%
- The course grade is determined as:
- 20% for each quarter
- 10% for Mid-Term
- 10% for Final Exam
- Grade Scale:
- A - 90% - 100%
- B - 80% - 89%
- C - 70% - 79%
- D - 60% - 69%
- F - 0% - 59%
- Failure to complete a project or examination will result in an incomplete for the marking period in which it occurs.
- Students will have two weeks from the completion of a marking period to make up any work owed.
- Students who receive 0 points and would like to receive more points he or she can show the teacher the completed homework prior to the start of school or after school to receive partial credit which is 3 points.
- INCOMPLETE MATERIAL: any work that is considered INCOMPLETE will be marked as a zero after 10 school days have passes and it is not made up
Team Approach to Problem-Solving (TAPS) Grading:
- Some chapters will provide an opportunity for a team of students to work together to complete complex problems.
- Each member of the team is to contribute in-class to the work.
- The grading will be completed by the use of a rubric of either a 4 or 5 point scale per problem.
- TAPS is created to help students learn to work together in harder problem-solving activities to enrich their skills for future educational and career activities they might become involved in.
Attendance Procedures:
- You are RESPONSIBLE for any items you miss.
- Review Daily Procedures below.
- If you know you will not be in school, please ask the teacher if you can be provided the lesson before the day you will miss.
- If you are absent, you will receive a paper stating the items you missed that day. This will be filled out by the teacher.
- It is your responsibility to make up the work and show the teacher the missing assignments.
- You have 5 days to make up the work, unless there is an extreme circumstance. Then please discuss this with your teacher.
Daily Procedures:
Our class is written according to the Pennsylvania Core Standards for High School Mathematics. If you are behind, or feel as if you are falling behind, please plan to seek extra help.
-AAP is available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school. A late bus is provided.
-Striving for Excellence is available on Tuesday and Thursday in the evenings. You must provide your own transportation.
-I will provide you opportunity to correct homework, and ask questions concerning any difficulty you may have encountered.
-I will not provide you time to copy the answers or reteach the lesson because you were absent or did not put forth a reasonable effort on the homework. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to learn lessons you have missed because of absenences.
Make-Up Policy:
You have 5 days from the originally scheduled date of an assessment to retake the assessment. You will be given an alternative form B assessment. This assessment is known to be more difficult than the original assessment.
Academic Integrity:
Copying another student’s work is not a beneficial academic activity. You will need to demonstrate academic ability in the subject matter presented in a testing environment in order to pass this course. The testing environment will be silent, no questions are answered by the teacher so they should not be asked, cell phones and other electronic devices are collected and active monitoring will take place. Only school issued cleared calculators may be used during exams. Students who do not follow these rules are considered to be cheating and will be assigned a ZERO for the test/quiz grade and appropriate discipline will be levied.
Unexcused Absence Policy: (Board Policy 5130)
For any day a student is illegally absent (unexcused absence or class cut), the student will be denied the opportunity to make up work, quizzes and tests. As a consequence of this policy an unexcused absence on a test or quiz day will result in a grade of “ZERO” on the test or quiz.