Expression of Interest to hold an event at Albert Park Reserve during the 2017/2018 Financial Year
Event Details
1.Event name:
2.Proposed site(s) within Albert Park Reserve:
3.Proposed event date/s in order of preference:
a) / b) / c) / d)4.Detailed description of proposed event:
5.Proposed site/course -attach the site map identifying where you would like to hold your event in the park. For events such as cross country running or mountain bike riding events, please provide a detailed course map and refer to Attachments for further instructions. (Maps are available at
6.Has this event been held previously?
Yes - Please advise date and location:
7.Proposed event schedule:
Event date: / Bump-in commences: / Bump-out completed: / Event start time: / Event finish time:8.Event numbers:
Expected number of Participants/Guests:Expected number of Spectators:
Expected number of Participant/Guests Vehicles:
Expected number of Operational Vehicles:
Number of Marshals/Organisers:
9.Please provide details of entry fees for participants and/or spectators:
Ticketed – If ticked, proposed fee:
Internal Use Only
Event application received:Name: / Date:
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Expression of Interest to hold an event at Albert Park Reserve during the 2017/2018 Financial Year
Event Permittee
10.Business name of organisation proposing the event:
Note: Permit is issued in this name and must match Certificate of Currency.
11.Event Permittee status:
IndividualCompany / What is your ACN?
Sole trader / What is your ABN?
Incorporated Association / Registration number?
Charitable organisation*
Not-for-profit organisation*
*Please provide evidence of this status with your application i.e. a copy of the organisation’s constitution or articles of association with an acceptable non-profit clause. Registered for GST No Yes
12.Business address:
Street number and name
Suburb State Postcode
13.Postal address:
Same as business address OR
Street number and name/P.O. Box
Suburb State Postcode
14.Name of Event Permittee: Position title
Business telephone numberMobile number Fax number
15.Event Day Contact:
These details will be used on the day of the event by relevant Parks Victoria staff. They will also be included in the permit.
NamePosition title
Business telephone numberMobile numberFax number
With permission the Organisation’s name, phone number and website will be included in the Event Calendar and other promotional material. The event day contactdetails will be used on Parks Victoria What’s Onpublished on
Are you willing to have the Event Day Contact details published? No Yes
Event Suppliers
16.Will food be available at your event?
Yes – please advise number of vendors below:
Note: Food Handling Permits may be required from local councils
Self-catered Coffee Cart Professional Catering Company
Service Club Ice Cream Van Other food/drink vendors
Please provide details of all catering provisions:
17.Will alcohol be available at your event?
Yes (please attach a site plan showing proposed consumption areas for consideration by Parks Victoria prior to the liquor licence application being made.)
18.How will alcohol be served at your event?
Note: The Event Permittee must ensure glass free of the use of shatterproof plastic cups/glasses.
19.Do you propose using any infrastructure items for your event?
Yes (please complete the table below and refer to Notes 1, 2 and 3 below)
Yes / No / Detailstyle, size and total numbersGenerators
Hydration stations
Inflatable arch/gantry
Portable flooring
Public toilets
Temporary barriers
Temporary fencing
Temporary seating
Temporary toilets
Note 1: If you have answered yes please attach the site plan showing proposed location(s), the event schedule confirming bump in/out times, and indicate further details above where appropriate.
Note 2: Pegging is not permitted, all infrastructure (including marquees and signage) must be weighted.
Note 3: Tree Protection Zone, erection of infrastructure is not allowed within 3 meters of the base line or drip line of any tree in the park (whatever is greater).
20.Does your event require access to power?
No Yes
Note: Access to power may not be available due to the individual site selected.
21.Does your event require access to tap water?
No Yes
Note: Access to water may not be available due to the individual site selected.
Additional Vendors and Entertainment
22.Do you propose having any of the following items for your event?
Yes (please complete the table below)
Yes / No / Details including style, size and numberAmplified noise / If yes please refer to Question 23
Animal farm, pony rides etc
Drones / If yes please provide the additional documentation confirmed inAttachments
Fireworks/pyrotechnics / If yesplease refer to Note 3 below
Inflatable amusements / If yes please refer to Notes 1, 2 and 4 below
Media coverage including photography/filming
Music(recorded or live) / If yes please refer to Question 23
Note 1:If you have answered yes please attach the site plan showing proposed location(s), the event schedule confirming bump in/out times, and indicate further details above where appropriate.
Note 2: Pegging is not permitted, all infrastructure (including marquees and signage) must be weighted.
Note 3: Fireworks will only be considered for events that are of state, national or international significance.
Note 4:Tree Protection Zone, erection of infrastructure is not allowed within 3 meters of the base line or drip line of any tree in the park (whatever is greater).
23.Do you propose having amplified noise/music for your event?
Complete this section if:- Your event has any amplified sound or
- Other elements that will be louder than general noise (e.g. Speakers, bands, drums, PA systems, horns, starter pistols etc.)
Expected sound level / More than 65dB(A) / 55dB(A)-65dB(A)
Less than 55dB(A)
Type of sound: / Live music with drums/or sub-bass / Live music without drums/or sub-bass
Live music with small sound system / Amplified speech or music via low power sound system (PA)
Type of speakers / Low-powered loud speakers / Stacked boxes
Distributed low-powers systems / Sub bass
Directional line array systems / Other:
Further information:
Note: A separate Noise Management Plan and/or a Resident Notification Plan may be requested in order to assess your application.
Site Services
Traffic Management and Car Parking
24.Could your event impact the normal use of roads in and around your event site?
Yes (please complete the table below)
If you are proposing to close a road or change normal traffic conditions, potentially causing disruption to parking or pedestrian safety, you will be required to provide a Traffic Management Plan that has been prepared by a qualified traffic management company engaged to provide traffic management services for your event. Additional permits may also be required.
What road/s will be affected?Date: / Times: / Close: / Open:
Other details:
25.Please detail arrangements forattendee’s car parking(include in the Site Plan and Traffic Management Plan):
26.Will there be any parking restrictions requested (including during bump in and bump out times)?
27.Will you be charging a fee for parking?
Yes- if yes what is the proposed fee?
Rubbish Collection/Waste Management
28.Please detail the waste management arrangements that will be in place for the event:
Note: The Event Permittee is responsible for all litter removal from the event site both during and following the event. A Waste Management Plan may be requested in order to assess your application.
29.Will you require access to any locked areas within or adjacent to the proposed event site?
Yes- please provide details:
Note: If keys are provided, an event bond may be required.
30.Please provide details on size, number, type, message, proposed sites and bumpin/bump out details(the Event Permittee must provide details on a Signage Map):
Note: All signage is subject to the approval of Parks Victoria and must be free standing. Signage and banners are not permitted to be attached to trees or park infrastructure.
Additional Information
Public Liability Insurance
31.Please provide evidence of public liability insurance covering the event for no less than $20 million and noting Parks Victoria as an interested party:
Evidence of this insurance is to be provided to Parks Victoria via a Certificate of Currency.
Certificate of Currency attached? Yes No
Cancellation Procedure
32.What is your cancellation procedure for the event?
Note: In the event of extreme weather conditions a planned event may be cancelled by Parks Victoria in the interest of public safety.
Declaration and Signature
I declare that:
I am authorised as the holder of the position cited below to make this request on behalf of the event proponent.
To the best of my knowledge the contents of this form and any attachments are true and correct.
I understand that this application is not consent for the event to occur.
I have read the Albert Park Reserve Major Event Guidelines and understand the conditions of use of the venue and will comply.
I acknowledge that if lodging this request electronically, Parks Victoria will accept this communication as containing my signature for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 (Vic).
Signature of EventPermittee (if lodging electronically, type name here) Date
XPrinted namePosition
Event Operations Plan including the following:A copy of the Event Map. The map must:
- Show the site map identifying where you would like to hold your event in the park;
- Show the type and location of all infrastructure, facilities, vendors, entertainment, parking; and
- For events such as cross-country runningor mountain bike riding events, please provide a detailed course map including start and finish locations.
A copy of a Certificate of Currency showing current validity of public liability insurance. You must have a minimum of $20m public liability insurance coverage for the event, noting Parks Victoria as an interested party.
Contact list of on-site contacts (event managers, safety officers, major contractors).
Full programme/running sheet of the event including bump in/bump out details.
Risk Management Plan.
A Site Plan and Infrastructure list detailing all structures, equipment, barriers, vehicles and selling locations.
Waste Management Plan collection and cleaning.
If Applicable:
Depending on the scale and nature of your event the following documentation may be required:
If you have not provided your Cancellation Procedure at Question 32, attach it as a separate document.If your event involves children, please consider your obligations under the Working with Children Act 2005. A Child Protection Plan would be recommended to be developed.
If drones are proposed at your event, you must also provide:
- Aircraft Operations Plan including:
- Take off and land zone;
- Proposed flight path;
- Proposed exclusion zone; and
- Proposed location of spotters.
- Factsheets of all proposed aircrafts;
- Remotely Piloted Aircraft License for all proposed pilots;
- Operator’s certificate;
- Operator’s certificate of currency of public liability insurance;
- Job Safety Analysis; and
- Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) area approval(if required).
Liquor Licence. Parks Victoria must approve the sale and consumption of alcohol at any event, after which the event organiser needs to obtain a liquor licence from the Victorian Department of Justice and abide by conditions of the permit. For more information, please refer to their website:
A Noise Management Plan outlining mechanisms to ensure compliance with State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No N-2.
For more information please refer to the Environment Protection Authority website
Occupancy Permits for a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) issued by Building Commission for prescribed temporary structures. This document confirms your event complies with the Building Act and must be displayed at all times during your event.
Pedestrian and Crowd Management Plan.
Public Performance of Sound Recordings (PPCA Licence) for events that involve the playing of sound recordings or music videos in public. For more information please refer to their website:
Resident Notification Plan. A notification letter to residents, typically requested for events involving road closures and amplified noise. Parks Victoria staff will advise during the planning phase if this will be a requirement for your event.
Signage Plan fordirectional, promotional, emergency, flags, banners and VMS.
If you are proposing to close a road, a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) prepared in consultation with VicRoads, local Council and Parks Victoria. The TMP must include parking, signage, signage distances, method of communication and traffic controller details and must be prepared by a qualified traffic management company engaged to provide traffic management services for your event.
Victoria Police Major Events Unit notification. Notify Victoria Police with full details of the event at least 2 weeks before the event.
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