944 Clay Ridge Road, Alexandria Ky .41001
(859) 635-2129
Principal- Amity Kukla
Preschool Coordinator/Director of Special Education- MarinellKephart
Teacher- Virginia Rabe
Paraprofessional- Linda Beal
*Important Information
Prior to admission, the following forms must be completed on each child:
1.Copy of Certified Birth Certificate
2.Copy of Social Security Card
3.Proof of Residency
Medical Forms
Each child is also required to have the following additional forms on file at the school:
1. Physical Examination forms
- Immunization form
- Kentucky Eye Exam Form
- Eye Exam completed by January
These forms must be signed by a physician or Health Department staff. If you need assistance securing these services, please contact the office staff.
Emergency Contact
Parents and families need to provide their child's teacher with names and phone numbers of adults who can be contacted in the event of an emergency. Please keep us informed of all current phone numbers, cell numbers, and E-mail addresses.
EmergencySchool Closings
Classes will be cancelled in the event of inclement weather as decided by the school superintendent. Parents will be notified of cancellations or delays by the all call system. And your local radio/TV stations.
School Calendar Information
Southgate’s Preschool Program operates on the same school calendar as the Campbell County School system. The beginning and ending dates will differ. There will be a "phase-in" of preschool children at the beginning of the school year and an earlier end to the school year due to screening for the following year and home visits. The district calendar is located within this handbook. The last day for preschool will be May 14,2015. Snow days will not be added to the preschool year.
Family ConnectionsResource Center
The Family Connections Resource Center has free services that are available to all Preschool families. Examples of the services provided through the Center include: referrals for health, dental, and social services; counseling; GED; adult education and others. Ms. Cross is available at Grant’s Lick on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For more information, call the Family Connections Resource Center.
(859) 441-1395 X2
To maintain a healthy preschool environment the school requires that children who are sick stay at home. Children should be symptom free for 24 hours of the following conditions such as vomiting, diarrhea, unidentified rashes or other illnesses, which can be transmitted to the other children in the classroom. If children become sick at school, parents will be notified immediately so arrangements may be made to seek appropriate care.
Emergency Procedures - In case of a medical emergency of any kind involving the administration of first aid of any kind, the principal and parents shall be notified so that further decisions can be made.
Children will be provided with one well-balanced healthy meal every day. A cafeteria menu is sent home monthly. The cost of the meals is $1.50 Breakfast, $2.50.
Field Trips
The preschool will plan field trips which will enhance the program curriculum and provide desirable learning environments. Teachers send multiple reminders home about field trips several weeks in advance so that parents can plan their schedules accordingly. Some field trips may not take place during your child’s scheduled class time.
Guidance/Classroom Management
The Grant’s Lick Preschool staff will use positive discipline techniques such as providing consistent and clear rules, giving choices, setting good examples, planning ahead to prevent problems and providing a safe environment. Children will also be empowered to be in control of their own behavior. Children will be encouraged to use language (their words) instead of harmful physical behaviors.
Outdoor Play
We look at the child's development as a whole process. Gross motor skills are an important part of the physical development of a child; therefore, to address this area of development, we utilize the outdoor playground year round. Please dress your child appropriately for weather conditions. We will play outside dailyexcept in the case of severe weather.
Articles From Home
LABELING - Please put your child's name on items brought to school (i.e. backpack, coats, hats, sweaters, change of clothes). This will help your preschooler identify his/her belongings with less frustration.
SPECIAL TREATS - Please discuss holiday or birthday treats with the teacher prior to sending them to school. We must follow the School’s Wellness Policy. All food items must be store bought.
SCHOOL BAGS – All bookbags need to be large enough to hold 8 ½” by 11” notices. There is a large amount of correspondence. Due to the preschooler's age, correspondence takes place through notes and newsletters. Therefore, a back pack will be beneficial to your child. Please read all information sent home and respond as soon as possible.
EXTRA CLOTHES- Please send an extra change of clothes which we can keep at school. It should include the following items: underwear, socks, shirt, and pants or shorts.
TOYS AND CANDY- For safety reasons please do not allow your child to bring any toys or candy to school. Toys can easily become broken, lost, or stolen. Teachers will not be responsible for toys brought to school. We will be asking the children to bring in items to share throughout the year.
Parent Participation
We believe parents are a child's first and most important teacher. A goal of Southgate’s Preschool Program is to promote effective lifetime participation in the child's educational experience.
There are many ways parents can participate in the program. The best way parents develop an understanding of the preschool program is by being an active participant in your child’s education. We need and encourage your involvement at every opportunity. Activities include providing materials, going on field trips, helping at parties, or sharing a special talent with the class. We value yourinput!
School Board policy requires that any adult wishing to volunteer in the classroom or chaperone field trips complete a background check prior to volunteering. The office staff can handle this.
Children who turn five on or before August 1, will transition into Kindergarten. Special efforts will be made to prepare the preschoolers for this transition, including visiting Kindergarten classrooms and meeting Kindergarten teachers. Both Kindergarten and preschool staff want the children to experience a successful transition from preschool into Kindergarten. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
Home Visits
During the school year, teachers plan a minimum of two visits to the homes of their students. These visits provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to work together for the benefit of the child. Home visits are pre-arranged at a convenient time for the parents. The first visit will be held as your child begins preschool. The purpose of this visit is for families and teachers to meet and share information. The second visit will take place sometime towards the end of the school year.
3 & 4 years olds attend school Monday through Thursday
A.M. session begins at 8:30 and ends at 11:30 a.m.
P.M. session begins at 12:20 and ends at 3:20 p.m.
Students are not permitted in the classroom before 8:00
All children should be walked in to the lobby of the school. The preschool teacher will walk your child to the classroom. Parents are always welcome to walk your child to the classroom, however we ask that you sign in at the office. If your child arrives on a bus, they will be greeted by a teacher and walked to the classroom.
AM dismissal- Parents will park in the back of the building (loop) when picking up your child. Please walk up to the teacher to pick up your child for best safe practice. Hang your number in your car so that it is visible.
PM dismissal- Bus riders will be taken to the bus by their preschool teacher or paraeducator. If they are parent pick up, they will need to be picked up in the loop in the back of the building. Please have your number visible from your car.
Late Pickup
When arriving late to pick up your child, please notify the office as soon as possible or leave a message by calling 441-0743 Ext-127. Upon arrival please report to the office; your child will be waiting there.
Grant’s Lick Preschool
The Philosophy of the Southgate Preschool is based on the developmental needs of children. In our program we emphasize the child's growth and development as a total person. This implies a constant awareness that a child is developing mentally, physically, emotionally and socially. This awareness allows the child to take the lead in the learning process based on the unique needs of his/her particular stage of development.
Children construct knowledge from hands on, concrete experiences within their environment. Our goal is to assist the child in growing to his/her fullest potential by recognizing and responding to their stage of development. Aided by a curriculum that will nurture and facilitate his/her growth, we can enhance the child's natural curiosity to learn.
Parents who are interested in inquiring further about our program are encouraged to come and observe and talk with our staff. Inquiries can be directed to the preschool teacher:
Complete, Tear out, and return it to your child’s teacher.
Handbook Receipt Acknowledgements
Parent's Name______
Child's Name______
Parent Signature______
Grant’s Lick
Return to Child’s Teacher
School is FUN!!!
Administración de la escuelaprimaria de SOUTHGATE & información
Sr. James Palma a – Superintendente
Sr. Edward Franke - Directora
Sra. Pam Schlosser - secretaria
Sra.Marlene Jones - Directora de educación especial & preescolarDirectora Sra. Elizabeth Kirby- maestra de preescolar
la señora Pam Dufresne – discursoidiomaterapeuta
señora Donna Hoffman – asistente de instrucción
preescolarteléfono – 441-0743 EXT 127
SOUTHGATE preescolarfilosofía la filosofía y metas del Southgate preescolar se basaenlasnecesidades de desarrollo de los niños. Ennuestroprogramahacemoshincapiéencrecimiento y desarrollocomo persona total del niño. Estoimplicaunaconstantetoma de concienciaque se estádesarrollando un niñomentalmente, físicamente, emocionalmente y socialmente. Este conocimientopermite al niño a tomar la iniciativaen el proceso de aprendizajebasadoenlasnecesidadesúnicas de su particular etapa de desarrollo. Niñosconstrucciónconocimientos de manosen, hormigónexperienciasdentro de suentorno. Nuestroobjetivoesayudar al niño a crecer a sumáximopotencial al reconocer y responder a suetapa de desarrollo. Ayudadopor un currículoquefomentar y facilitarsucrecimiento, podemosmejorarcuriosidad natural del niño para aprender.Los padres queesténinteresadosenpreguntarmásacerca de nuestroprograma se anima a venir y observar y hablar con nuestro personal. Las preguntaspuedenserdirigidas a la maestra de preescolar: Sra. Virginia Rabe @ 441-0743 (Ext 127)
kkkrconexiones. (859) 441-1395 X 2 tempranainfancia
Salud para mantener un ambientesanopreescolar de la escuelarequiereque los niñosqueestánenfermosquedanen casa. Los niñostienenenfermossitienefiebre de 100 grados o másdurantecuatro horas o más, son vómitos, diarrea, erupciones no identificados u otrasenfermedades, quepuedensertransmitidos a otrosniñosen el aula. Si los niños se conviertenenenfermosen la escuela, los padres se notificaráinmediatamenteasípuedenhacerarreglos para buscar la atenciónadecuada. Procedimientos de emergencia - encaso de unaemergenciamédica de ningúntipoqueimplica la administración de primerosauxilios de cualquiertipo, el director y los padres deberánsernotificados para quemáspuedetomardecisiones.
Los niñoscomidas se prestará con una comida sanaequilibradatodos los días. Un menú de la cafeteríaesenviado a casa mensualmente. El costo de lascomidasescubiertopor el preescolar.
Excursiones el preescolarplanearánexcursionesquerealzará el currículo del programa y proporcionarentornos de aprendizajedeseable. Maestros envíanmúltiplesrecordatorios casa sobreexcursionesvariassemanas de antelación para que los padres puedenplanificarsushorariosenconsecuencia. Algunasexcursiones no puedetenerlugardurante el tiempo de clase de suhijo.
Orientación/aula gestión el Southgate preescolar personal utilizarátécnicas de disciplinapositivacomoproporcionarreglasclaras y consistentes, dandoopciones, establecerbuenosejemplos, planes para el futuro para evitarproblemas y proporcionar un ambienteseguro. Los niñostambiénestaránfacultados para estaren control de supropiocomportamiento. Los niñosseránalentados a usarlenguaje (sus palabras) enlugar de comportamientosfísicosnocivos.
Jugar al airelibrenosfijamosen el desarrollo del niñocomotodo un proceso. Destrezasmotorasgruesas son una parte importante del desarrollofísico de un niño; por lo tanto, para hacerfrente a estaárea de desarrollo, utilizamos el patio al airelibredurantetodo el año. Por favor, vestir a suhijoadecuadamenteporlascondicionesclimáticas. Jugaremosfueratodos los díasexceptoen el caso de climasevero. POR RAZONES DE SEGURIDAD, OJOTAS, CROCS, SANDALIAS Y ZUECOS, NUNCA SE PERMITEN DURANTE EL HORARIO ESCOLAR.
Artículos de hogar
Etiquetado - por favor pon el nombre de tuhijoenartículostraídos a la escuela (mochila, abrigos, gorras, suéteres, cambio de ropa). Estoayudará a suniñoenedadpreescolaridentificarsuspertenencias con menosfrustración.
GOLOSINAS especiales - consultetrata de vacaciones o cumpleaños con el maestro antes de enviarlos a la escuela. Debemosseguir la política de bienestar de la escuela.
BOLSAS de la escuela – todos los bolsoslibronecesitanser lo suficientementegrande para 8 ½ "por 11" avisos. Hay una gran cantidad de correspondencia. Debido a la edad de los niñosenedadpreescolar, correspondencia se realiza a través de notas y boletines de noticias. Por lo tanto, unamochilaserábeneficiosa para suhijo. Por favor, lea toda la informaciónenviada a casa y responder lo más pronto posible.
EXTRA ropa - por favor, envíe un cambio extra de ropaquepodemosmanteneren la escuela. Debeincluir los siguienteselementos: ropa interior, calcetines, camisa y pantalones o pantalonescortos. Por favor, juguetes y caramelosporrazones de seguridad no permitensuniñollevecualquierjuguetes o golosinas a la escuela. Juguetespuedenfácilmenteserrotos, perdidos o robados. Los maestros no seráresponsablespor los juguetes a la escuela.
Padres participacióncreemosque los padres son los primeros y másimportantes maestros. Un programapreescolar de Southgate pretendepromover la participaciónefectiva de porvidaen la experienciaeducativa de los niños. Hay muchasmaneras los padres puedenparticiparen el programa. La mejormanera los padres desarrollarunacomprensión del programapreescolaresporser un participanteactivoen la educación de suhijo. Necesitamos y alentarsuparticipaciónencadaoportunidad. Las actividadesincluyenproporcionarmateriales, pasandoporviajes de campo, ayudandoenlas fiestas o compartiendo un talento especial con la clase. Valoramossuopinión! Junta Directivarequierequecualquieradultoquedeseenservoluntarioen los salón de clases o un acompañanteviajes de campo completarunaverificación de antecedentes antes de voluntariado. El personal de oficinapuedemanejaresto.
Los niños de transiciónqueencendercincoen o antes del 1 de agosto, hará la transiciónen el jardín de la infancia. Se realizaránesfuerzosespeciales para preparar a los niñosenedadpreescolar para estatransición, incluyendovisitandolasaulas de preescolar y conocer a los maestros de Kindergarten. El personal tanto de jardín de infantes y preescolarquieroque los niños a experimentarunatransiciónexitosa del preescolaren el jardín de la infancia. Si ustedtienealgunapregunta o inquietud, no dude encontactar con el maestro de suhijo.
Visitas a domiciliodurante el año escolar, los maestros plan un mínimo de dos visitas a los hogares de susalumnos. Estasvisitasproporcionanunaoportunidad para que padres y maestros a trabajarjuntosenbeneficio de los niños. Visitasdomiciliarias son concertadaspreviamenteen un momentoconveniente para los padres. La primeravisita se llevará a cabomientrascomienzasuhijopreescolar. El propósito de estavisitaes para quefamilias y maestros para conocer y compartirinformación. La segundavisitallevará a caboenalgúnmomentohacia el final del año escolar.
Niños de asistencia se benefician de asistenciadiaria. Si suniño no estaráen la escuela, por favor informe al personal llamando al 441-0743 Ext - 127. Si no hay respuesta, por favor deje un mensaje.
Horas 3 & 4 años de edadasisten a la escuela el lunes a sesión de la mañanajuevescomienza a las 8:00 y termina a las 23:00 sesióncomienza a las 12:00 y terminaen 15:00 los estudiantes no estápermitidaen el aula antes de 7:50 o 11:50. Esresponsabilidad de los padres para informar a los cuidadores y lasguarderías de nuestrohorario de clases, viajes y vacaciones.
Llegada padre/cuidadordebeacompañar a cadaniñoen la escuela. Estacionamiento temporal en el frente de la escuelaeslimitada. Estacionamientoo se detieneenmedio de la callemientrasquedejar a los estudiantesen la mañana o esperandoporellosen la tarde no espermitido. El Departamento de policía de Southgate emitiráunacitaciónsi se haceesto, debido al hecho de que los vehículos de emergencia no tendríanacceso.
Despido los estudiantesdebenserrecogidos de la maestraen la rampa de doblepuerta. El aparcamientoeslimitado y debeser temporal enestemomento. Si suhijotienecualquiercambioensumedio de transporte o persona recogidapor favor háganoslo saber porescrito, correoelectrónico o correo de voz para asegurarse de tenemosesa persona apareceen el formulario de emergencia. Además, esa persona tendráqueproporcionar la identificación antes de quesuhijoserálanzado.
Tarde recogidacuandollegatarde a recoger a suhijo, por favor notifique a la oficina tan pronto como sea posible o dejar un mensajellamando a 441-0743 Ext-127. A sullegada, por favor informe a la oficina; suhijoestaráesperando.
Aug.12 Readyfest 5:30-7:00
Aug. 14 Primer díapara los estudiantes de primaria
TBAPreschool Opening Day
Sept. 1 No Escuela– Labor Day
Oct. 15-17 No Escuela
Nov.3 – 4 No Escuela
Nov. 26–28 No Escuela – Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 22- Jan.2 No Escuela- Winter Break
Jan. 5 Students RETURN To School
Jan. 19 No Escuela- Martin Luther King Jr.
Feb. 16 No Escuela - President’s Day
March 27-April 3 No Escuela - Spring Break
April 6 Students RETURN To School
TBA Últimodía para preescolares: ninguna
May 19 No Escuela /Elections
May 20 Last Day for Students
May 21,22,26-29:June 1-3 Make Up Days
Mis Padres Manual