Developing a Staff Training and Development Procedure
The daily experience of children in early years settings and the overall quality of provision depends on all practitioners having appropriate qualifications, training, skills and knowledge and a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities – Statutory Framework for the Early years Foundation Stage – 2017:21, point 3.20
The procedure should include:
How the setting will provide induction training for new staff to help them understand how the provision operates and their individual roles within it. Induction training must include information about emergency evacuation, safeguarding children (including child protection), equality of opportunity and health and safety
How staff are supported by providers in improving their qualification levels. In particular, those staff with no qualifications should be supported in obtaining a relevant qualification to at least a minimum full and relevant level 2 (as defined by the Teaching Agency).
How a discussion regarding training and development takes place within the staff supervision and appraisals
Who holds the responsibility to ensure that all staff, volunteers and students recognise the importance of regular relevant training to themselves personally and for the good practice of the setting.
How staff training and development needs are agreed between management and the member of staff.
The settings procedure for regular supervision and appraisals (Refer to appraisal and supervision procedure), where training needs will be discussed.
How training will be accessed, i.e. through the local authority and other sources
How staff who hold additional responsibilities within the setting are expected to access training which is relevant to their role
The procedure to follow to ensure that all staff are informed off training attended by colleagues. How will the training be disseminated to all staff members, i.e. Team meetings, staff training days etc.
What incentives are given to staff to encourage them to attend external training courses?
The procedure to ensure that parents are aware of staffs responsibilities and the training they have completed to ensure they are competent to hold these responsibilities.
How training is discussed with staff once they have been employed by the setting, e.g. Staff induction process.
Where records of all training accessed are stored and who holds the responsibility to ensure this happens on a regular basis. This could be in the form of a training matrix
How the setting ensures that ratios are maintained at all times when staff members are accessing training during the settings operating hours.
The procedure the setting follows should staff members fail to attend booked training.
The procedure the setting follow where an internal position becomes vacant (refer to recruitment policy)
The process that is followed to monitor how learning from training is implemented into everyday practice and who holds the overall responsibility for ensuring this happens. What procedure is followed when learning is not evident
The procedure should be reviewed:
At least annually.
The procedure needs to be signed by the registered person, include reviewed dates and the next review due date.
If any changes are made to the procedure when reviewed the staff and/or parents need to be informed.
Links to other policies & procedures:
Staffing and Employment
Supervision and Appraisal
Recording of Information
Parents as Partners
This information is provided for guidance only. It is your responsibility to ensure that all statutory legal guidance is adhered to. Consideration needs to be given to any changes in legislation subsequent to the production of this information.
S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 18/04/17