System Change Targets / Specific Activities for 2014/15 / Agenda Items
Discussion questions:In what ways is your Target Group strategizing on how and when to work on specific Activities?
What are upcoming opportunities we need to leverage in working towards the Activities?
Who else might we need to connect with in working towards the Activities?
IV. Increase and improve connection, communication, and coordination between health and education systems. / A. Evaluate and strengthen the 211 referral protocol and capacity to provide information on resources. / A. Action Items: 11/12/14 - Jessica Baker, Dorothy
Cooks, Barbara Ball-McClure, Stephanie
Hirchert-Walton, Effie Alofoje-Carr, Fran
  1. Dorothy will explore suggested “script” for 211 (on the web)to make information more useful and specific for families seeking a well-child physical and needed immunizations for school.
  2. Barbara will contact Docs at MSU regarding knowledge of 211 and State system.
/ A. Progress on 11/12/14 Action Items:
  1. Dorothy looked at the 211 website and found that info on health was mostly about insurance. She also had someone call 211 and ask for info on well-child/immunizations but they were directed to call the Health Department or OYC.
  2. Barbara was unable to contact the docs as their staff meeting was cancelled.
/ Who?
Capitol Area United Way (CAUW), GSC Workgroups,
Infant Mortality Coalition, PWC
A. Action Items: 12/10/14 – Effie Alofoje-Carr, Fran
Jozefowicz, Barbara Ball-McClure, Kristen
Hubbell, Dorothy Cooks, Jessica Baker
  1. Kristen contact 211 and ask who they would
direct parents to that have questions regarding
well-child physicals (for GSRP & preschool) and
immunizations. See if it is possible for a 211
representative to present to our group. / A. Progress on 12/10/14 Action Items:
211 is here today at the Jan GSC meeting.
1. Kristen made contact with 211.
With regard to immunizations and physicals, 211 directs parents to the Health Department. Some of this information (the clinic locations and services offered) are not up to date. Kristen also requested where 211 refers parents/families for home visiting services. Those numbers are low.
  1. Action Items: 1/14/15 – Jessica Baker, Dorothy Cooks, Effie Alofoje-Carr, Barbara Ball-McClure, Kristen Hubbel, Fran Jozefowicz, Nicole Greiter
1. Barbara will contact Docs at MSU regarding
knowledge of 211 and State system. /
  1. Progress on 1/14/15 Action Items:
  1. Action Items: 2/11/15 – List Target Group Members

B. Promote opportunities for health and education providers to network regularly to share screening information- ASQ-SE, MCHAT. / B. Action Items: 11/12/14
  1. Fran to bring MCAT info to next meeting.
/ B. Progress on 11/12/14 Action Items:
1. Fran will report on MCAT for January
meeting. / CANEY, LLG,
Social Emotional Workgroup, CRC, Willow Tree, LCC, HV Hub
B. Action Items: 12/10/14
1. Fran will report on MCAT for January meeting / B. Progress on 12/10/14 Action Items:
  1. Action Items: 1/14/15 - None

B. Action Items: 2/11/15
C. Target community resource outreach to law enforcement, DHS, doctors who serve high needs families and coordinate outreach efforts amongst education sector – preschool, home visiting, child care, Great Start to Quality. / C. Action Items: 11/12/14 - None / HV Hub, LLG,
IISD, Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing (BCAL), GPGS, Willow Tree, Department of Human Services (DHS)
C. Action Items: 12/10/14 - None
  1. Action Items: 1/14/15
1. Barbara Ball-McClure is (within her job capacity)
working with Sparrow, McLaren, ICHD, MSU and
also trying to setup some sort of clinic services in
high risks neighborhoods or in the schools.
(Bring the services to the families.) In addition,
the goal is also to educate families about
immunizations. This component is key to
increasing our vaccination rates.
  1. Nicole Greiter is planning and implementing the
“baby fair.” Specifically helping vendors connect to each other in addition to the community. For example, local police departments who are referred by CPS should be equipped with resources. (just an IDEA) / C. Progress on 1/14/15 Action Items:
C.Action Items: 2/11/15

11/12/14 NOTES:

  • Suggestion to have an automatic release connected to physical so parent and schools can easily get
  • Are parents informed of screenings to ID SE issues? (including autism) Need to identify what families can advocate for themselves.
  • Identify specifics of which practitioners use the screeners currently. ID who may have lists of Ingham Co providers who are not pediatricians.

12/10/14 NOTES:


1/14/15 NOTES:

  • Targeting law enforcement and DHS agencies for community outreach should be a specific goal. But, how to approach them and then making sure to follow up on that is the problem.
  • 2/11/15 NOTES: