Course: Practical Epidemiology – EP103 – 2011/12 – FA3

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/ Addressed in FA? /
Yes / Some-what / No /
Data entry / - / - / -
Details of the data entry screen prepared (layout) given / - / - / -
Variable names
Variable types
Epi-Info definition (e.g. ##, <A>)
Information given on how data were entered (e.g. Range limits? Missing values? How dates entered? How dealt with missing information for dates? Double data entry?)
Data cleaning and editing / - / - / -
Details given on how coding errors were identified (e.g. frequency tables, scatter range, etc.)
Types of errors and corrections that needed to be made: / - / - / -
Day missing for date of birth (How dealt with it? E.g. input 1st day of the month or mid-month)
Height in wrong format
Sex coded as male (assume it is a male as height much higher)
Weight and height missing
Weight and height switched
Date of birth and date of completion switched
Tables / - / - / -
Table(s) include a clear title
Clear layout with headings and sub-headings
Include(s) all the information required (table(s) can be understood without having to read the text)
Descriptive statistics for continuous variables / - / - / -
Results stratified by ethnicity
BMI calculated correctly
Summary statistics for BMI
Summary statistics for weight and height
Age calculated correctly
Summary statistics for age
Statistical comparison of BMI (weight, height, age) by ethnic group (e.g. t-test OR confidence interval for the difference)
Descriptive statistics for energy deficiency (BMI<18.5 and BMI³18.5) / - / - / -
Results stratified by ethnicity
Number of individuals in each group
Proportions calculated
Odds ratio or risk ratio calculated
Chi-squared test performed with p-value OR confidence interval
Abstract / - / - / -
Less than 250 words
Structured format
Background described
Includes the study objective
Methods described
Sufficient results described
Short conclusion included
Includes a comment about the limitations of the study (small sample size, potential confounding, etc).