City of Springfield, MA

CDBG-DR Substantial Amendment

Jurisdiction(s): Springfield, MA
Jurisdiction Web Address: / Contact Person: Tina Quagliato
Director, Office of Disaster Recovery
Address: 36 Court Street, Room 405
Springfield, MA 01103
Telephone: (413) 750-2114

As a result of several presidentially declared disasters in 2011 (DR-1994, DR-4028, DR-4051) the City of Springfield was allocated $21,896,000 in CDBG-DR funds under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (P.L. 113-2) and subject to guidance provided by HUD on March 5, 2013 (FR-5696-N-01). In accordance with that guidance, this is an amendment to the City of Springfield’s Partial Action Plan A, which was approved by HUD on December 11, 2013.

This Substantial Amendment makes two changes to Springfield’s CDBG-DR Action Plan A.

Change #1: Additional Activity

The following activity will be added with funds from the pre-existing Business Loan Program:

Historic Preservation Grant Program

The City will establish a Historic Preservation Grant Program, which will provide $200,000 to fund exterior improvements to historic properties which remain damaged as a result of the disaster. Funds for this new activity are made available through a reduction of funding for the existing Business Loan Program. The Business Loan Program was made available to the public in December, 2014 and no applications have been approved to date, therefore the City is reallocating some of the funds of this program to the new activity. There will remain $300,000 in funding in Partial Action Plan A for any potential applicants/beneficiaries that may apply in the future.

In the immediate aftermath of the tornado, due to public safety concerns, the City of Springfield demolished the rear drill shed at the historic Howard Street Armory, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was occupied at the time of disaster by the South End Community Center. FEMA and the Massachusetts Historic Commission determined that the emergency demolition of the drill shed had an adverse effect because it resulted in the loss of a portion of a historic property that still retained historic integrity and significance after the tornado. The City and FEMA have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, that will allow an Alternate Project to direct FEMA program funds for repair and replacement of the Howard Street Armory to reestablish the functions of the South End Community Center and Senior Center at new locations. The MOA stipulates that one of the treatment measures required to resolve the adverse effect of the emergency demolition is that the City is required to develop the Historic Preservation Grant Program.

The MOA was developed in consultation with FEMA, MEMA, City of Springfield, Massachusetts Historic Commission, Springfield Historic Commission, Springfield Preservation Trust, Preservation Massachusetts, Develop Springfield, South End Citizens’ Council and the South End Community Center.

Allocation for Activity: $200,000

Eligible Applicants: Property owners whose property is located within a CDBG eligible area and in a National Register District and/or Local Historic District and that continues to sustain damage from the June 1, 2011 tornado.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Property must still have unrepaired damage from the tornado
  • Property must be located within the disaster impacted area
  • Property must be located within a National Register District or a Local Historic District
  • Property must be located within a CDBG eligible area
  • Program funds will be limited to exterior repairs

Criteria Selection: Applications will be reviewed by the Preservation Grant Program Review Committee and will be scored according to appropriateness, need and historic and neighborhood significance.

Geographic Area: Districts 1, 2 and 3

Eligibility: 24 C.F.R. § 570.202(d)

National Objective: Elimination of Slum and Blight

Outcome: Repair of 2 properties

State Date: June 15, 2015 End Date: December 10, 2015

Schedule: The City’s Office of Planning and Economic Development and Office of Disaster Recovery and Compliance will release a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) in summer 2015. The Springfield Historic Commission has already created an initial list of properties that are still damaged by the tornado and ranked them by architectural priority. The City anticipates awards of funding between July-August 2015 and anticipates funds being spent no later than December 10, 2015.

Expected Leverage: Historic Tax Credit equity, New Markets Tax Credit equity, MA Housing Development Incentive Program and permanent debt.

Change #2: Revised Completion Date for Existing Activities

The amendment will also be extending the anticipated completion date of several existing programs in Partial Action Plan A from October 31, 2015 to December 10, 2015. The existing activities in Partial Action Plan A that will be affected by this extension of this date are:

1) Acquisition and Development of Homeownership

2) Removal of Blight

3) Housing Repair

4) Replacement of Multi-Family Housing

5) Workforce Training

6) Business Recovery Loan Program

7) Redevelopment

8) Roadways and Sidewalks

9) Parks

Requirements Related to Both Change #1 and Change #2

LMI National Objective: The changes is this amendment to Partial Action Plan A will still ensure that at least 50% of grant funds will still be dedicated to activities that meet with Low/Mod Income national objective.

Administrative, Planning and Management Costs: The changes in this amendment to Partial Action Plan A will not increase administrative costs by more than five percent (5%) of the total grant amount. Overall planning, management and administrative costs will remain less than twenty percent (20%) of the total grant amount.

Citizen Participation: The amendment was published in accordance with the Partial Action Plan A and the Citizen Participation Plan and met the following requirements:

  • Publication in Spanish and English on the City’s website.
  • A comment period for the required seven days from June 6, 2015 – June 13, 2015.
  • Submission of comments were allowed as follows:
  • Electronically on the City’s CDBG-DR website at
  • Written comments mailed to the Office of Disaster Recovery & Compliance, 36 Court Street, Springfield, MA 01103
  • Via email to
  • By telephone contacting 311, the City of Springfield’s main source of government information and non-emergency services or the Office of Disaster Recovery & Compliance at (413) 750-2114.
  • City has reviewed all comments received and have incorporated them into the revised Partial Action Plan A.
  • Publication of the Final Substantial Amendment in English and Spanish on the City’s website.

Budget Summary - CDBG-DR Proposed Changes to Partial Action Plan A

Changes to the CDBG-DR budget are highlighted in red

Category / Activity / Partial Action Plan A / Future Action Plan(s) / Total CDBG DR funds / Partial Action Plan A Perform-ance Number / Perform-ance Metric / Districts
Housing / Acquisition and Development for Homeownership / $1,450,000 / 7 / Units (Homes) / 1, 2
Removal of Blight / $600,000 / 12 / Units (Houses) / 1, 2, 3
Housing Repair / $300,000 / 10 / Units (Homes) / 1, 2, 3
Replacement of Multi-Family Housing / $500,000 / 13 / Units (Housing Units) / 1, 2
Historic Preservation / $200,000 / 2 / Units (Homes) / 1,2,3
HOUSING TOTAL / $3,050,000 / $3,050,000 / $6,100,000
Economy / Workforce Training / $250,000 / 100 / People / 1, 2, 3
Business Recovery Loan Program / $300,000 / 10 / Businesses / 1, 2, 3
Urban Renewal / $500,000 / n/a / 2
ECONOMY TOTAL / $1,050,000 / $750,000 / $1,700,000
Infrastructure / Streets and Sidewalks / $5,070,000 / 46,500 ft.
9,500 ft. / Roadway
Sidewalks / 1, 2
Parks / $536,000 / 1 / Park / 3
Schools / $3,700,000 / 2 / School Buildings / 1, 2
INFRASTRUCTURE TOTAL / $9,306,000 / $3,600,000 / $12,906,000
Admin. / Administration / $500,000 / n/a / n/a / n/a
ADMINISTRATION TOTAL / $500,000 / $590,000 / $1,090,000
CDBG-DR TOTAL / $13,906,000 / $7,990,000 / $21,896,000