Committee Meeting

July 16, 2014

The Committee Meeting of the Lafourche Basin Levee District met at the official domicile of the Board in Vacherie, Louisiana and was called to order by Vice -President Michael McKinney at 6:00 p.m.

The following Commissioners were in attendance: Wayne Waguespack, Joseph Dantin, John Boughton, Marlin Rogers, Whitney Jasmin Jr., James Jasmin, Vice-President, Michael McKinney, Randy Trosclair, Executive Director, Leonce Carmouche and Russell Loupe were present. President Robert LeBlanc , Attorney Larry Buquoi and Clinton Rouyea, External Accountant were absent.

There were no audience comments on agenda items.

The Safety Committee report was present by Commissioner Boughton. He said since the last report was given, there were no lost time accidents. The last safety meeting was held July 15, 2014. Three films from the National Safety Council were shown and discussed. They were as follows: Summer Safety, Flagging Traffic Saety, and Eye Safety. He said the next safety meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2014 at 6:00 a.m.

The Equipment Committee report was presented by Commissioner Leonce Carmouche. He reported that all of the districts equipment is fully operational and that they are on their respective job sites.

Commissioner Leonce Carmouche asked Randy to present his report on the present permit fees and how they compare to other Levee boards. After a lengthy discussion it was requested that Randy prepare a new proposal on permit fees, bonds and certificates of liability insurance amounts for the next Committee meeting scheduled for August 20, 2014.

Commissioner Joseph Dantin discussed the order of meetings of the Lafourche Basin Levee District. Commissioner James Jasmin asked him what was wrong in the way the meetings were held now, and Commissioner Dantion replied that he just wanted the Board to think about changing the order and have a discussion about it. There were no other questions.

Since there were no other Committee matters to discuss, it was moved by, Commissioner Rodgers to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Boughton.

Meeting adjourned

Executive Director