The QuakerShaker

Every Week:

January, 2015

Newsletter of the Yellow Springs Meeting of the Society of Friends


SUNDAY 8:30 am Early Meeting for Worship

10:00 am First Day School

10:40 am Group hymn singing “for joy”

11:00 am Meeting for Worship (childcare available, beginning at 11:15)

Noon Social time and snacks/potluck

THURSDAY: 2:00 pm Worship Sharing Group, Rockford

SATURDAY: 12-1 pm Peace Vigil, corner of Limestone and Xenia Ave.

Christmas Eve program will be at 7:30PM on December 24.

MEETING FOR BUSINESS First Day, January 4, preceded by a potluck

POTLUCKS: First and Third Sundays, but the “snacks” have been pretty generous on the other weeks!

QUAKER LUNCH at the Emporium December 7rd, at 1pm: Come enjoy Quaker fellowship the first Wednesday of each month.

FIRST DAY SCHOOL Heather Snediker-Morscheck has prepared the schedule for the younger children's program. An (F&P) after a title means Faith and Play. (GP) is Godly Play.
Jan. 4 - Lori as guest teacher
Jan. 11 - Living the Ways of the Spirit (F&P)
Jan. 18 - Prayer and Friends Meeting for Worship (F&P)
Jan. 25 - George Fox's Big Discovery (F&P)

ADULT MEETING FOR LEARNING 10:00 - 10:35 Our January Adult Meeting for Learning will offer reflection on the issues raised by “Black Lives Matter.”

January 4 Reflection on questions from W.E.B. DuBois.."How does integrity face oppression? What does honesty do in the face of deception? What does decency do in the face of insult? How does virtue meet brute force?"

January 11 Al Schluter will share “I grew up in Ferguson MO.”

January 18 How could Yellow Springs Friends Meeting build bridges in our village?

January 25 Singing for Joy

Introduction to Quaker Faith & Practice January 11 , 1-3pm, will be our last session in the series. The topic is Quaker History. Why was George Fox no fun on a date? Who is Margret Fell? Why did Boston hang Mary Dryer? What ever happened to the Hicksites? Join us for the answer to these and other fascinating questions. 1:00-3:00 p.m. in the Meeting room.

Quiet Processes, sent by Veronica I pin my hopes to quiet processes and small circles, in which vital and transforming events take place.Rufus Jones

Battery Recyling Bucket Veronica Frost asks that you bring your piles of old batteries to Meeting and fill up the recycle bucket. She’ll take it to the right facility.


EQAT protests: Several members of our Meeting participated in a protest at two Springfield banks against PNC Bank’s investment in mountain top removal. In addition , our member Lincoln Alpert writes about his EQAT protest: “On a cool, rainy morning Saturday in early December, five Quaker activists - Andy Von Salis, Regina McIlvain, George Lakey, Diane Keefe, and myself - gathered at two PNC bank branch offices in New York City. We went to protest PNC’s continued investment in mountaintop removal coal mining, as part of an ongoing campaign by Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT).


PNC has tangled with EQAT many times before, and the two branch offices we visited that Saturday opted to cut their losses rather than risk a showdown. The first closed once we announced ourselves at the door, and the second just on anticipation of our arrival. Undaunted, we performed our testimonials about the evils of mountaintop removal and our calls for PNC to do better.

During our post-action debriefing session, we were approached by a woman who works as the Director of Public Engagement at World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and noticed my EQAT t-shirt. We explained about EQAT and our purpose in New York, and she seemed interested; who knows what will come of that. Another PNC action is tentatively scheduled for early February in Philadelphia, we hope many will participate.”

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Yellow Springs Friends met at Rockford on Eleventh Month 2, 2014

In attendance were: Carl Hyde, acting clerk, Ellen Duell, Dan Beverly, Chris Ravndal, Susan Hyde, Bruce Heckman, Peg Champney, Tim Morand, Sarah Hyde, Claire Winold, Carol Simmons, Janeal Ravndal, Deb Kociszewski, recording clerk

The meeting opened in waiting worship, as Friends considered the eleventh query from the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice. Do you live in the life and power which takes away the occasion for all wars? Do you, on Christian principles, refuse to participate in or cooperate with all military effort? Do you work actively for peace and the removal of the causes of wars? Do you endeavor to cultivate good will, mutual understanding and equal opportunities for all races, creeds and nations? Have you examined your life style and possessions to make sure that the seeds of war are not found within them?

1. Minutes of the Tenth Month 2014 Meeting for Business.

The minutes of the Tenth Month, 2014 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business were accepted as read.

2. Membership and Pastoral Care

Chris Ravndal reported that Tim Morand has requested membership in Yellow Springs Friends Meeting, He has met with a clearness committee, which recommends very enthusiastically that Tim be welcomed as a member of Yellow Springs Friends Meeting. Final approval of the recommendation will be on the December, 2014 business meeting agenda.

3. Ministry and Advancement

Tim Morand reported for Ministry and Advancement. His report included a review of the meeting retreat, plans for the adult learning program, an overview of the Introduction to Quakerism sessions, and a reminder of the upcoming Simple Supper. The meeting contact list for social concerns is not yet ready. The full report is appended to these minutes.

4. Joint Quarterly Meeting

A report was read from Veronica Frost about the Joint Quarterly Meeting. The full report is appended to these minutes. Carol Simmons noted that the low attendance numbers dominated conversation during the weekend. She expressed a wish that more energy was devoted to those who were there. Diann Herzog had a number of Irish sweaters in her car, and offered them for purchase to help offset the deficit that resulted from the low attendance number. After the sale, the deficit was reduced to around $ 200.00. Friends will discuss the yearly Joint Quarter future at the February 2015 Miami Quarterly Meeting at Eastern Hills monthly meeting.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Peg Champney reported that the fundraising letter has been mailed to Friends, and noted that working with Monte Cox was a good experience.

6. Care for Those With Mental Health Issues

Sarah Hyde expressed concern about the care of those with mental health issues and a wish to form a committee to look at this situation and recommend action. Friends agreed to forward this issue to Membership and Pastoral Care.

The meeting closed in silent worship.

The next Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business will be held on Twelfth Month 7, 2014 at Rockford.

Report for Ministry and Advancement Committee

Annual Retreat: The annual retreat on October 26 was a good day with a fun intergenerational morning, music and a full house for the cook-out. Children went into the Glen for the afternoon and approximately 25 Friends shared personal journeys in the afternoon.

For Adult Learning: In November we will look at the global crisis of climate change and “how we move toward a place of integrity and right relationship with ourselves, the Religious Society of Friends, and within our global community.” (EQAT Mission). We will focus on what we can do in our homes and our community.

The Introduction to Quakerism sessions led by Bruce Heckman have attracted between 15-20 people. The third session will be held on November 9 with a focus on the Peace Testimony.

We will be holding our third Simple Supper on November 8 at the home of Tony Novello. These opportunities to build fellowship in the Meeting are going well.

Joint Quarterly Meeting 10/14

Joint Quarterly met October 11-12, 2014 at Happy Hollow Camp in southern Indiana. Attendance was around 35, which was around half of what it has been in previous years. A great time was had by all, however.

The two Quarters met together on Sixth Day afternoon. Whitewater Quarterly had two items of business that were anticipated to be quick and weren’t. The second item of business involved a Friend’s concern about the purposes of Quarterly meetings and those are being met or could be met in a different fashion. As you might expect, this led to considerable discussion by all Friends present with no resolution but an interest in continuing the discussion. However, this meant that Miami Quarterly did not have time to address its concern about next year’s Joint Quarterly.

So Miami Quarterly met over breakfast on First Day. There was a lot of concern about the low attendance and a decision was made to table the idea of changing locations next year. Veronica notified those two camps. The idea of a survey had surfaced the previous day and it was decided to follow through and send out a survey about Joint Quarterly meetings. The Ad Hoc committee about financing has not yet met and they hope to meet and create some suggestions about financing for future events. We did notify Happy Hollow that we were uncertain about a Joint Quarterly for 2015, even at their location, but asked Bernie to tentatively hold the date while taking care of themselves if needed.

So everyone will be receiving a survey in the next few weeks and a decision about a Joint Quarterly in 2015 will be made at the Second Month meeting at Eastern Hills in Cincinnati.

An announcement was made about the next Quarterly meeting. Eastern Hills will be providing a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo for children, middle youth and teens at no cost for the youth program.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.