Key Stage 3

Year 8

Project – Future Avenue





End of Year Target Level:

End of Key Stage Target Level:

Current Working Level:


Assessment / Evidence Required / Level
Google Sketchup / Evidence Presentation
Homework – House Sketch design
Homework 3D Warehouse
Storyboard Design
Website Design / Website Design Worksheet
Website / Evidence of Website document

Assessment 1 – Google Sketchup

Level 1

Basic images are created in Sketchup with little texture or features.

Movie made has a limited sense of audience and purpose with only a limited amount of animation shown.

Level 2

Images created in Sketchup that resemble the basic structure of what they are meant to represent.

Showcase movie has some sense of audience and purpose.

Draft design work done with some sense of audience and purpose and some annotations.

Level 3

Images created in Sketchup that have used multiple elements that adds more realism to the models such as textures and components from the 3D Warehouse. Evidence presented with good annotations describing some of the tools and techniques used

Showcase movie has some good sense of audience and purpose and uses multiple forms of media communication

Draft design work done with a good sense of audience and purpose and some good annotations.

Level 4

Images created in Sketchup have use multiple elements effectively producing models that have a very good sense of audience and purpose. Models look very close to their actual counterparts with could use of textures and components. Attempts have been made to produce their own components.

Showcase movie has very good sense of audience and purpose and really shows off the quality of the work undertaken.

Draft and design work done in good amount of detail with clear detailed annotations.

Level 5

Google Sketchup work is of excellent quality showing some elements of a professional standard. Multiple tools and techniques used, including some advanced ones and evidenced well.

Assessment 2 – Website Design

Level 1

Student has made a basic design of their website giving some indication of what the final site might look like.

Student has made some comment on how their website might be successful

Level 2

Student has made a good design of their website showing the use of a number of different types of information – such as text and images.

Student has come up with a selection of good criteria that would make their website successful.

Level 3

Student has created a good design for their website that shows many different types of information – such as text and images and also some reasoning behind design decisions

Student has evaluated other websites with some good points that are relevant.

Student has listed a good feasible set of criteria that will certainly highlight a successful website

Student has obtained some good feedback and made some sensible comments on possible changes they have made.

Student has identified how their website will meet their intended audience.

Level 4

Student has created a very detailed plan which includes many annotations and mentions of reasons behind design decisions, including how certain features meet the audience and purpose of website.

Student has made some astute observations on other websites – highlighting some definite good and bad points.

The criteria chosen for showing a successful website is comprehensive and feasible.

The Student has obtained some detailed feedback and made some good detailed comments on improvements that they have made.

Level 5

Student has created a professional looking design that demonstrates a lot of features and shows accuracy and consistency throughout.

Student has made some excellent observations on other websites – highlighting some definite good and bad points.

Detailed criteria have been chosen for evaluating the success of the website that is measurable and relevant.

Clear evidence from the design that student has taken note of discussions beforehand on how websites should be created and incorporated them into their designs

Assessment 3 – Website

Level 1

Student has created a website that contains some text and images.

Student has created a Website that shows some similarity to the design.

Student has created a website that has some thought of structure of layout.

Level 2

Student has created a working website that has some text and images which shows some suitability to purpose and audience.

Student has incorporated a colour scheme or house style that demonstrates some sense of audience and purpose.

Student has produced a website that has a structure in its layout.

Student has produced a website that is similar to the design.

Level 3

Student has created a working website that contains a range of forms of communication that has a good sense of audience of purpose.

Student has created a website that provides a good interactive experience with the use of rollovers.

Student has incorporated a colour scheme or house style that demonstrates a good sense of audience and purpose.

Student has produced a website that shows a good structure in its layout.

Website follows the design closely.

Level 4

Student has created a working website that contains a range of forms of communication that has a excellent sense of audience and purpose.

Student has created a website that provides an excellent interactive experience with use of some advance features of Dreamweaver

Student has incorporated a colour scheme or house style that demonstrates an excellent sense of audience and purpose

Student has produced a website that shows an excellent structure in its layout,.

Student has made some good detailed annotations on their evidence document highlighting particularly which features they have incorporated that meets their audience and explained some of their design decisions behind some of the features they have used.

Level 5

Student has produced a professional looking website that has a real astute sense of audience and purpose.

Student has annotated their evidence document with a great deal of detail really showing their thinking behind their ideas and shown fully how most aspects of their website has met their audience.