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T-TEN Instructor Community Announcement
Training and Instructional Development Event
Columbia-Greene Community College
4400 NY-HWY-23
Hudson, New York 12534
August 2-4, 2016
The Overall T-TEN Instructor Meeting Strategy
Training Objectives
· To provide practical instructional methods with curriculum development skills training that directly results in production of effective T-TEN program curricula, aligned with the occupational requirements required to be a Toyota or Lexus technician.
· To provide practical instructional methods with product development skills training that directly results in the development of effective Recruiting methods
Community Objectives
· In this event, the T-TEN Instructor Community members are participating in development activities outside of Toyota-organized meetings. These activities are primarily centered on developing curricula and processes that will improve outcomes for our T-TEN Students in individual schools and nationwide.
· T-TEN Instructors helping T-TEN Instructors produce T-TEN program assets that deliver excellent instruction at our respective T-TEN schools is our core objective.
· Strengthen our Community by joining T-TEN Instructors together through open communication and sharing of ideas.
T-TEN Instructor Community Development
In the summer of 2009, a few T-TEN schools started working together to create curriculum. It was quickly determined that training was needed to create the instructional assets that instill valuable skills in our students. With the approach adjusted and lessons learned, the word spread throughout the T-TEN schools. Our focus grew from a few individual schools working together into helping the entire T-TEN Instructor Community affect the lives of all T-TEN students.
Fast forward to today where instruction is being provided by Facilitators that are T-TEN Instructors from schools across the nation. These events are planned and executed by Instructor Community members. Our focus is on nationwide program development of the entire T-TEN Instructor Community.
T-TEN Instructor Community Course List
The T-TEN instructional development for this event is focused on creation of useable work products in the form of curricula, program assets, and developing tools to improve the Instructor’s effectiveness. Course assignments for attendees will be made according to instructors’ needs determined by the T-TEN Field Managers. Contact your Field Manager to discuss which course you would benefit most from.
These core courses have been developed by the community over the past five years and serve as the foundation of T-TEN program development. Instructors currently involved in development should have attended all these offerings with the exception of "Development Lab". The Development Lab is being opened for those programs at a critical stage of the development process. This narrowly focused activity should only be attended by programs preparing for validation or entree in 2016.
For last year's event, several new courses were developed based on feedback received from the T-TEN Instructor Community. These courses are targeted to address challenges faced by T-TEN instructors daily, and will offer skills and strategies that insure more successful programs. Additionally, insight into higher-level program and community initiatives are also offered.
All course assignments will be made in conjunction with the T-TEN Field Managers.
T-TEN instructional development is outlined in the following courses:
Advanced Diagnostic Labsheet Development (3 days)
a. Instructional strategies for teaching diagnostics
b. Lab instructional strategies for teaching diagnostics
c. Developing effective labsheet assessments
d. Advanced diagnostic labsheets delivery strategies
e. Prerequisites: Competency-Based Instruction, Principles and Application
f. Facilitator: Kevin Roner
Competency-Based Instruction, Principles and Application (3 days)
a. Competency-based instructional delivery principles
b. Criterion Referenced Instruction and its contribution to competency-based methods
c. Writing learning outcomes and course objectives
d. Developing assessments and using them to drive the instructional process
e. Developing labsheet learning outcomes, objectives and instructional strategy
f. Complete development of two electrical labsheets that are ready for student validation. The labsheets will focus on voltage drop diagnosis−one labsheet without multiplex and one with multiplex
g. Prerequisites: Microsoft Office Training
h. Facilitator: Russ Casella and Randy Fox
Course-Level Instructional Planning (3 days)
a. Making content choices−aligning content with the occupational skill requirements
b. Writing student leaning outcomes and final skill performances
c. Using learning outcomes to drive content delivery and assessment
d. The T-TEN instructional unit strategy
e. Writing and correlating course-level and labsheet-level objectives
f. Developing daily instructional plans
g. Complete development of the instructional plan for one complete community college T-TEN course using the T-TEN instructional planning process
h. Prerequisites: Competency-Based Instruction, Principles and Application
i. Facilitator: Todd Hesseltine
Delivering Effective Competency Based Instruction (2 Days)
a. Instructional strategies for effective classroom management
b. Effective lecture development
c. Lab rotational strategies
d. Labsheet delivery and assessment strategies
e. Using prerequisites to build summit skills
f. Managing your fault inventory
g. Managing your vehicle and support logistics
h. Prerequisites: Field Manager assignment
i. Development Team: Joe Myers, Kevin Roner, Tonia Haney, and Jeff Cromwell
j. Facilitators: Joe Myers and Kevin Booth
Microsoft Office Training (2 days)
a. Microsoft WORD (day 1)
b. Microsoft EXCEL (day 2)
c. Microsoft POWERPOINT (day 3)
d. More details to follow
e. Development Team: Tonia Haney and Russ Casella
f. Facilitators: Tonia Haney
Recruitment (3 days)
a. Developing and implementing a recruiting strategy
b. Developing an effective screening strategy that delivers occupationally appropriate students
c. How to link students with occupational outcomes through effective recruiting
d. Target audience: those with the primary responsibility of recruiting T-TEN students
e. Prerequisites: Field Manager assignment
f. Facilitators: Ken Bergmann and Scott Sanford
Option 1 for Day 3 – Managing Effective T-TEN Internships
a. The role of workplace learning in the instructional process
b. Task instruction and task practice, achieving alignment
c. The role of the mentor
d. The function of assessment and the different levels of assessment
e. Conducting a visit, when to visit, setting the appointment
f. Reporting online through CANVAS / ANGEL / BLACKBOARD
g. Grading process
h. Getting a true picture from the Mentor and the Student.
i. “Nothing that you tell me at this visit is going to impact the student’s grade.”
j. Prerequisites: Field Manager assignment
k. Development Team: Jason Crone, Joe Myers, and Scott Sandford
l. Facilitators: Joe Myers and Jason Crone
Option 2 for Day 3 – NATEF ETL Training
a. NATEF standards review
b. The NATEF assessment process
c. Assembling a team and each team member’s role
d. How to handle the grey areas
e. The final report
f. How to get help from NATEF while on-site
g. Prerequisites: Field Manager assignment
h. Facilitator(s): NATEF Assigned (Dr. Darrell Parks in 2015)
Option 3 for Day 3 – Rules and Rights Committee Training
a. Standards review with a focus on the critical elements
b. The artifact review process
c. Standard or suggested
d. Writing effective comments
e. Correlating instructional planning with the actual curriculum artifact
f. Prerequisites: Field Manager assignment
g. Facilitators: Brian Brownfield and Jonathon Pope
University of Toyota – High Tech Update (3 days)
a. Planning Committee is in development – content to be announced
Marquee Course for 2016:
For last year's event, several new courses were developed based on feedback received from the T-TEN Instructor Community. This is an ongoing practice as our community members are trained through all of our courses year after year. If you have an idea for the Community to take into consideration, contact your T-TEN Field/Area Manager or your T-TEN Regional Coordinator and talk with them about your ideas. You may be asked to be part of the production team that develops your idea into a course for your community members.
T-TEN Instructor Community Business
The T-TEN Instructor Community Business will consist of a report from the Rules and Rights Committee, Review Teams, and Governing Board. These reporting meetings will be distributed throughout the event to enable work groups to retain momentum. This is a huge part of the collaborative model that has proven successful for our Community.
Special guests:
· Trish Serratore – TBA
· Tom Richardson – TBA
· Project Lead the Way – TBA
Be prepared to work hard, network with your fellow T-TEN Instructors, share ideas, and develop your T-TEN programs into the best automotive training program in your areas.
Event Expenses
This is the fifth national event planned and executed by the TTEN Instructor Community and there will be a registration fee for all participants (excluding facilitators) to cover operational costs. As with previous events, all travel costs are the responsibility of the attending schools. This professional development activity and travel expenses will need to be funded by each of your schools. Additionally, this is a mandatory event for all T-TEN schools.
· The T-TEN Instructor Community will charge a fee per attendee to cover event expenses. That fee shall be $100.00 per participant (excluding facilitators).
o Website: TBA
· Hotel recommendations are listed on page 8 of this document.
· Food, beverages, and snacks:
o Breakfast may be provided at your hotel or you are on your own
o Snacks, beverages, and lunch will be provided on campus
o Lunches will be provided on campus and catered locally
o Dinners will be on your own with the exception of Thursday, August 4, 2016. This is T-TEN Field/Area Manager Night and they will take you do dinner:
§ Northeast: Joe Myers
§ Northwest and North Central: Kevin Booth
§ Southeast: Russ Casella
§ Southwest: Scott Sandford
o TMS T-TEN is contributing funding towards the overall expenses of the event
o Any fee money that exceeds the expenses of this event shall be held by the Community and applied to the next national event with the attendance fees adjusted accordingly
Event Schedule
Monday, August 1, 2016
Anytime: Travel to Albany, New York
05:00 - 10:00 pm: Opening night mixer at the Albany Marriott courtesy of T-TEN Instructor Community
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
08:00 - 08:30 am: Event introductions and plans – Brian Brownfield
08:30 - 10:00 am: Course Work
· Advanced Diagnostic Labsheet Development
· Competency-Based Instruction, Principles, and Application
· Course-Level Instructional Planning
· Recruitment
· Delivering Effective Competency Based Instruction
· Microsoft Office Training
10:00 - 10:15 am: Break
10:15 - 12:00 pm: Course Work
12:00 - 01:00 pm: Lunch
01:00 - 01:30 pm: Guest speakers – To be announced
01:30 - 03:00 pm: Course Work
03:00 - 03:15 pm: Break
03:15 - 05:00 pm: Course Work
05:00 - 06:30 pm: Governing Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
08:00 - 10:00 am: TMS Topics with Rick Lester
· Toyota and Lexus certification; SSE’s and certification; Project lead the way; New marketing materials; New web site profiles
10:00 - 10:15 am: Break (Planning Committee Meeting)
10:15 - 12:00 pm: Course Work
12:00 - 01:00 pm: Lunch (provided by the Community)
01:00 - 01:30 pm: Governing Board reporting meeting – Brian Brownfield
01:30 - 03:00 pm: Course Work
03:00 - 03:15 pm: Break
03:15 - 05:00 pm: Course Work
05:00 - 06:30 pm: Rules and Rights Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 4, 2016
08:00 - 09:00 am: Updates to the Community: Rules and Rights Committee, Review Team 1, Review Team 2 – All members of both committees – Brian Brownfield and Kevin Roner
09:00 - 10:00 am: Course Work
10:00 - 10:15 am: Break
10:15 - 12:00 pm: Course Work
12:00 - 01:00 pm: Lunch (provided by the Community)
01:00 - 01:30 pm: Recertification Team Report – Jeremy Bramall, Joe Myers, and Mike Godson
01:30 - 03:00 pm: Course Work
03:00 - 03:15 pm: Break
03:15 - 04:30 pm: Course Work
04:00 - 04:45 pm: Shop clean-up
04:45 - 05:30 pm: Event wrap-up
05:30 - Evening: T-TEN Field Manager Night
· Dinner with your Field Manager (Russ Casella, Joe Myers, Scott Sandford, or Kevin Booth)
· Sponsored by Toyota Motor Sales
· Please schedule your travel home for Friday, August 5, 2016 so that you can attend this part of the event.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Anytime: Travel home
Travel Arrangements
Host School / Local AirportColumbia-Greene Community College
4400 NY-23
Hudson, New York 12534 / Albany International Airport
Classes start at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning. Therefore, Monday travel is required. As with past events, all travel costs are the responsibility of the individual schools. Thursday, August 4, 2016 will be a full day of instruction and the T-TEN Field Managers are buying dinner afterwards. Therefore, please plan on departing Albany on Friday, August 5, 2016 at the earliest. If you must depart on Thursday, avoid scheduling your departure before 8:00 p.m. Albany, NY time so you can fully participate in all group development and networking activities.
The nearest airport is Albany International Airport, located on Albany Shaker Road, Albany, New York. It is 45 miles from the school.
Toll Roads:
There are tolls to pay for commuting.
Recommended Hotels:
The primary hotels were identified by the team at Columbia-Greene due to their location and proximity to dining options and the school. The primary hotels are located within 0.7 miles of each other making socializing easy for the Community members.
Reserve your hotel room early to ensure that you get a room. Please consider these options your first choice, as the Community has committed to this number of rooms.
1. The Albany Marriott has agreed to block out 75 rooms and give us a reduced rate of $149.00 plus taxes. See the details for the hotel on the attached document: “Columbia-Greene Community College 08 01 16.pdf”
a. Albany Marriott
b. 189 Wolf Road
c. Albany, New York 12205-1100
d. Telephone: (518) 458-8444
e. http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/group-corporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=National%20T-TEN%20Instructor%20Training%5Ealbny%60NITNITA%60149.00%60USD%60false%605%608/1/16%608/5/16%607/11/16&app=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes
f. This is the site of the opening night mixer.
2. The Hampton Inn has agreed to block out 50 rooms at a rate of $159.00 plus taxes. Details will follow at a later date.