


Students will learn classroom management and organizational skills by completing the following on a daily basis:

  1. Please come in quietly at the beginning of class and sit in your assigned seat with your supplies and planner on your desk.. Pick up your interactive notebook while you are logging on to your computer. Notebooks/bookbags belong under your chair. Please keep the rows free of bookbags.
  2. After the first day of class-log on to your computer immediately. Place appropriate name tent on your computer monitor. Remain in your seat unless directed by the teacher to work with other students, or in teams,or you are the appointed Row Leader or Lab Assistant (you may sharpen pencils, throw away trash or get kleenex without permission--only if teacher is not giving instructions).
  3. Read the board for your class assignments and objectives for the day. You will probably be directed to my web page for your daily assignment.
  4. When students work with a partner or in small groups, they are expected to contribute to the learning outcome. There is no free ride. If a student is unable to contribute productively, an alternate partner or group may be assigned.
  5. Work only in the computer software programs used by the class for instructional purposes. Working in unauthorized programs is distracting, against school policy and may result in a referral.
  6. Make sure you are always in your own computer file. Logging on to any other student’s account will result in a referral and 0 grade on that assignment. Please do not copy your work to the server for others to use. This will result in an immediate referral.
  7. Students are expected to honor their peers by not disrupting their physical space (keep hands to oneself). In addition, negative comments (ie. whining) should be kept to oneself in order to preserve the positive atmosphere of the classroom. All negative comments will affect daily class grade.
  8. Internet programs are used for instruction. Surfing on Internet sites without authorization is against school policy and may result in a referral.
  9. You will need to bring your planner on a daily basis to record any homework, tests, or teacher notes to parents, and to show you are authorized to use the Internet when we work on research projects.
  10. Flash drives are used only with teacher permission.
  11. Do place yellow name tag on computer if you have a question. Wait until called upon to talk. Place the appropriate name tag on computer if you have a technical issue with the computer.
  12. Keeping your textbook, computer, mouse or mouse pad free of marks keeps the room attractive.
  13. Refrain from eating candy/food, or drinking from open containers (school policy).Chewing gum will negatively affect your daily class grade.
  14. Please keep your interactive notebook in class. If you take it home, you might not bring it back!!!

15. Please respect yourself, your peers and me at all times—it keeps the atmosphere positive!



You will need one standard sized, composition book (80 pages). Youwill need a pen to record daily work and/or notes, and a pencil to take some objective tests.

Students are responsible for using their planners to note when quizzes and tests are scheduled. The planners will indicate permission for internet access as well. These planners should be brought to class on a daily basis.

Business and Computer Science Classes

Mrs. Regina Davis (Tina), ()

Room 203, 8th Grade Wing


Generally, homework assignments should reinforce the assignment taught in the class that day. At the most, there may be no more than 3 homework assignments during the semester. In the event of absences, it is the responsiblity of your child to obtain work missed in class (handouts in room and some are on my web page.

Classwork assignments may take more than one class period to be completed. Students may redo work with only a 10 point penalty. Students must turn in work when requested. It will be graded and given back. If a student desires at that time to bring up a grade on an assignment, it must be completed by the next class period; otherwise, there will be a 10 point penalty. Classroom management and citizenship grades address work habits of students and will indicate if work habits need to be addressed. Feel free to e-mail me at any time with any concerns regarding your child’s success in the class. You will receive a quicker response with e-mail.

If a student is absent, or leaves early, class workmissed must be completed within 2 class periods without penalty. He/she will be responsible for arranging time to make up any testing with the teacher ( during lunch or after school by appt.). PLEASE CHECK MY WEB PAGE AT THE SCHOOL SITE FOR ASSIGNMENTS.

GRADING GUIDELINES for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Classes

50% - Tests/Projects

40% - Daily Classwork

10% - (homework-if assigned)


A uniform grading policy has been developed to handle discipline issues. Behavioral disturbances will be handled in the following manner:

1st infraction- Warning/Conference between the Teacher and the Student

2nd infraction - Alternative Consequence/Parent Contact/Possible Team time-out

3rd infraction - Parent/Guardian phone call/before or after school detention after school in computer lab

4th infraction - Office Referral to Administrator

(Major behavioral disturbances may result in immediate referral to an administrator at the discretion of the teacher.)

Parent/Guardian Statement

The objectives for this class are attached. Every student will learn many things in this business and computer science class. Things they learn will enhance their overall education experience now and in the years to come. A structured environment is provided in order for students to concentrate on enhancing 21st century skills necessary to compete in a global economy. One of our goals at SEMS is to provide every student with a safe and well maintained environment. Our mission is that every student will graduate high school and become successful citizens. Together we can help your child accomplish this worthwhile goal. Students should be able to keep up with the pace of the class even with absences due to doctor appts., sporting events, etc. Much of the work in class can be completed at home (with or without a computer). Many of the assignments we work on in class will be posted on my website.

Please feel free to discuss any assignment or your child's progress at any time by calling the school office or e-mailing me at the address listed above. Responses are quicker with e-mail. Thank-you for the opportunity to teach your child.

Mrs. Tina Davis, Business and Computer Science Connections Teacher

I have read and understand the Policies for Business and Computer Science class.


Parent/Guardian signatureStudent signature

Class Period:______Grade Level:______


Class Expectations&Procedures.2013-2014