"It is not so much what is
poured into the student,
but what is planted
that really counts."-Unknown
I take this quote into consideration as I reflect on how far I have come this semester. As
supported by the Behavioral Model of teaching, I began this course without knowing
anything about teaching in a classroom, or what it takes to be an effective teacher. My current
inspiration, Dr. Smirnova, was the light of the candle, and each of us had to decide whether or
not we wanted to follow her down the path she was leading. Although I was scared and did not
know what to expect from this course, I followed Dr. Smirnova and allowed her to teach me all
of the great wonders of teaching.
Although I have always felt confident in pursuing a degree in teaching, I entered this
course not really knowing the teacher that I wanted to be, and could be. I had already
acknowledged that I was enthusiastic and motivated to teach, but was not quite sure of what I
was capable of, until now. At the start of the semester, I thought to myself that this course was
either going to make me or break me, as far as
whether or not I was good enough to be considered
“teacher material.”It was after we were each
assigned to create a ‘T-Shirt’based on who we
were as an individual, did I realize how different we each were, but also how
similar. Each of my classmates had come from different backgrounds yet we each held a
commonality-in that we wanted to become educators. I realized from that
moment on that we were all on the same team, and that we were all in for
the game of our lives.
At the beginning of the course, I was much more of a self-reliant
individual, and was used to only counting on myself in order to succeed.
As the semester has come to an end, I look at myself and realize that I
have become a team player, and have learned that social skills and
working cooperatively with others in an important attribute to continue
using throughout life. However, in working cooperatively with others
and relying on classmates to assist you in reaching a goal has given me
a plentiful of surprises. One of these surprises in working with others
has taught me that not only am I being taught, but that I am a teacher
myself! Those who tend to grasp the material quicker than others tend
to lend a helping hand to those who haven’t, by either explaining to
them what they do not understand or by setting an example. I have set
an example numerous times, in that I have taken the role of teacher and
helped my classmates succeed, by either spending time with them in the library, interacting
through email or by further explaining to them the material repetitively. As a result, my greatest
surprise was that I myself was mastering the material as I was teaching it to others. In actuality,
when I thought I had fully learned the material presented to me in class to the best of my
potential, I had not mastered it until I myself taught it to somebody else.
"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb
Throughout the semester, I have been told that it takes hard-work, dedication,
creativity and organization to be a teacher. I have read from the course topics that “guiding and
directing thelearning process such that those who are
learnersacquire new knowledge, skills, or attitudes”
defines teaching. However, I have learned that with
teaching, you are always faced with new challenges,
and are constantly developing and acquiring new
knowledge. As a teacher, I have learned that you must be always be open-minded, well-rounded,
educated and tech-savvy, in relation to the tools and resources that are available for the
classroom. I have been given the opportunity to use several different tools in the classroom this
semester that I had never before used, such as Smart-board and PBWiki, which are helpful in
multiple different ways, whether it’s creating a WebQuest or a treasure hunt, providing examples
on a given topic, or when delivering notes during lecture. I was given the chance to use the
Smartboard during my fieldwork, to teach a Direct Instruction lesson on the American
Revolution. Students were interested and excited to learn about the topic because the Smartboard
allows for several different features. Students were very excited to come to the board and to
participate in filling in the blanks. They grew anxious to choose a word and to physically drag it
across the board to its correct blank.
Aside from my fieldwork and the different tools and resources that I’ve been introduced
to throughout the course, my teacher and classmates have had the greatest impression on me.
Both have inspired me to continue on my journey towards becoming a teacher, and both have
given me the courage and tools that I need to do so. Each of my classmates have given me
insight on both the teacher that I want to be, and the one that I never want to become. My teacher
has given me the inspiration and the motivation to want to learn more and to make a difference in
the world. She has shown me through her own actions what implements a great teacher, as well
as what it takes to be great. One must first believe in themselves before they can turn others into
believers-so I thank her for the support and strength in helping me believe.
“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”-John Ruskin
This quote expresses the lasting impression that I will have of my teacher, Dr. Smirnova, in that
her love for teaching others and dedication in helping me succeed has helped me become who I
am today. I will share all that she has shared with me, with all that I teach!
Looking back on all that I’ve done in this course over the semester has made me think of
what I am capable of doing in the future. I have learned that I am able to speak in front of an
audience, and that I capable of gaining their attention. Making lesson plans has made me realize
that creating effective lesson plans isn’t always easy, and that it’s going to take a lot of practice
before they will be at their best. Looking at how different my classmates and I are in reference to
our learning styles has made me think about how I will accommodate for each of my students
learning needs, once I am a teacher. In creating lesson plans I have sought out different methods
and strategies that I can use to assist students with different learning styles. While many students
learn by hearing as others do by seeing, I can lecture while I show visuals and photos. Several
students do not enjoy written tests, so I can accommodate for this by seeking other assessment
tools. While checking for students’prior knowledge, their understanding, and for how well they
have learned the given topic, I can use a variety of diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment tools to accommodate each learning style. Assessments may include interviews,
group presentations, and portfolios, instead of essays and multiple choice questions.
All learning begins with the simple phrase,
"I don't know".-unknown
In the elementary school setting, using methods and strategies from the ‘Social
Interactive Model’were most effective in my teaching. During my SIM lesson using the
jigsaw method, students were ready to learn and excited to show me what they were capable of
achieving. Allowing students to work in groups was most effective because they were able to
work together to show me, a teacher they had never met before, what they were capable of
producing. At the start of the lesson, students looked puzzled, as they weren’t very familiar with
the different types of pollution their world is faced with. By the end of my jigsaw lesson,
students had completed a graphic organizer, and were able to recite back to me why working as a
team is so important. I felt jigsaw was engaging not only for my students, but for myself as well.
Students began the lesson without confidence and any type of understanding of the subject, yet
by the end of the lesson, students had learned something new.
As a teacher, I feel like I have grown not only intellectually, but emotionally and
mentally. I am now more aware of what it means to be a teacher, and I am equipped with several
of the tools that will help me to be a successful one. I am confident in knowing that I will make a
wonderful teacher, because I know what I am capable of. Emotionally, I know this is the career
choice for me because knowing that I can make a difference really touches my heart. Even the
smallest actions can help make a difference in someone’s life, and that’s what I plan on doing. I
want to teach children not only the knowledge that they need to stimulate their intellectual
growth, but I want to help them help themselves. I have noticed as the semester has progressed
that I enjoy helping others. I am satisfied in knowing that my extra time and effort has helped my
classmates to understand certain concepts a little better, knowing they will apply that new
knowledge in their futures. I appreciate the fact that I am looked up to, in that students rely on
me to be prepared and ready to learn and express my creativity. Classmates of mine have told me
that they look forward to coming to class, to hear what I might have to share. Although I accept
the compliment, my real accomplishment would be for those particular classmates of mine to
start believing in themselves, as each of them are someone unique, and special, and have many
things to offer as a teacher and as an educator.
After reflecting on this semester and how I have grown as a person, I am reminded of the
many things that I want to improve on. I want to challenge myself more, and not be afraid to
express my own creativity, using my own ideas. I want to start keeping a journal of both my
educational and personal growth, as this course has taught me the true importance of self
reflection. For future reference, I also want to take advantage of the different tools and resources
that are available for me to use. The tools and resources that I was introduced to this semester
has not only left me anxious to show others, but has taught me that there are ways other than just
lecture, to present material to a classroom full of eager to learn students. I look forward to my
future years to see how well I can improve, knowing that I have the experience from this class to
take with me, as a guide, and as a motivational tool.
Lastly, from this class, I have experienced several ups and downs but in the end, have
learned to keep at it and to stay focused. This course involved a lot of time and effort, as the
work load was very extensive. However, I feel the workload was necessary in that each
assignment or reflection we were given has helped me, in one way or another. I have learned to
voice my opinion and to see the good in each and every classmate of mine. The three plus’s and
a wish evaluations were very helpful, and I suggest teachers use this technique in all classes they
teach. It allowed me to become familiar with my classmates in a personal way, in that I could
express how I felt about their finished work. Constructive criticism is effective in that it isn’t a
put down, but instead, a way of explaining how something could be better the next time they do
it. I appreciate all of the constructive criticism that I have received, as well as the compliments
that students have given me. Alone, this course has really allowed me to shine. I feel that I was
truly able to be myself and that I was given a wonderful class experience that placed me in a
room with other students who had the same interests as I. I have become very close with several
of my classmates and wouldn’t trade our relationships for anything in the world. I am inspired
and ready for the next chapter of my life, and at the college, knowing, that I am well prepared.
As mentioned earlier, I began this course as an empty vessel, waiting to be filled with
knowledge. Looking at myself now, in December of 2009 at the conclusion of this course, it
brings me great joy to see my picture, standing at the front of the classroom giving my
administrative speech to my classmates. This picture is a symbol of my accomplishments
throughout the semester, which is something I will cherish forever. This picture can also be used
as inspiration, in teaching others that anything is possible, as long as you put your mind to it and
your heart is in it. Thank you Dr. Smirnova for a wonderful learning experience-I will take all of
the knowledge and advice that you have given me and make it my own. You are an inspiration
and have taught me how to believe in myself, which I feel, has made not only myself successful,
but you as well.
A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.-unknown