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Minutes of Parents’ Forum 23rd September 2014


Mr Leah

Mrs Tomlinson

Mr Woodcock

Mrs Leeming

Changes in school since last meeting:

·  The introduction of ClassDojo has met with universal praise from parents who have returned comment slips and is agreed to be a great way to find out about your child’s school life.

·  Last term’s sports day (which included team games as well as opportunities for individuals to display their talents) was considered a success and we plan to use this format for 2015 with additional space for parents to stand and provide a drinks stall.

·  The new, earlier opening times were agreed to be a good idea although not being able to have a discreet ‘chat’ with a teacher at the beginning of the day for the KS2 parents was discussed. It was agreed that Mr Leah would put information in the next newsletter reaffirming that whoever is on the door writes all messages down and takes them to relevant teachers at 8.55 even if they may appear trivial.

Parents brought their own items to the agenda:

·  Mrs Tomlinson is happy to organise the school’s book exchange. It was agreed to be held on a Tuesday after school (at the same time as Family Learning sessions) and that Mrs Tomlinson would send some words to be added to the newsletter and put on a small flyer to remind parents. It was suggested that school councillors or team captains could remind children during school time. A trolley is to be provided by the school for the books and they will be stored when not in use.

·  The amount of homework that children are given was discussed. Mr Leah told parents that this is in accordance with our school policy but that it is due to be reviewed with staff soon. The idea of homework being optional and more open-ended was discussed and Mr Leah agreed to put this to staff. Nevertheless it was agreed that homework in upper KS2 was useful in helping children prepare for secondary school.

·  Mrs Tomlinson was keen to know why this year’s carol service was to be held at Rossall Chapel when we have a great community school here at Baines. Issues such as the chapel’s distance from Baines, difficulty with parking and problems seeing the performance from the pews were raised. Mr Leah agreed to put these points to the head and staff but stated that this year’s carol concert would be held at Rossall.


* Delete as appropriateHeadteacher: Mrs A G Finney,B.Ed.Hons.,N.P.Q.H