6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (World Day of Prayer for the Sick) * * Parish of Ardfert * *11 February 2018


Fr Liam: 087 2401246 ; e-mail:

Safeguarding Children in the Diocese of Kerry: contact 087 6362780

ANNIVERSARIES: Mary Ann O’Sullivan, Carrahane; John B Collins, Tralee Road; John Philip O’Flaherty, Banna West.

MONTH’S MIND: Paddy Scanlan, Banna; Sean McKenna, Cheshire, UK & formerly Donaghmore, Co Tyrone

Masses for week commencing Sunday 11 February

Sun 11.00 am Mary Ann O’Sullivan, Carrahane; John B Collins,

Tralee Road; Paddy Scanlan, Banna (Month’s Mind)

Tues 9.30 am People of the Parish

Tues 10 am – 2 pm Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration

Weds 8.00 pm Ash Wednesday – Mass & distribution of ashes

Thurs 9.30 am

Fri 8.00 pm Sean McKenna, Cheshire, UK & formerly Donaghmore,

Co Tyrone (Month’s Mind)

Sun 11.00 am James & Leish Fitzgerald, Tralee Rd; John Francis

O’Mahony, St Brendan’s Tce; Thomas & Delia Long,

Fortwilliam; Jim, Chris & Nora Scanlon, Ardrahan;

Bridget Murphy, Banna Rd & dec’d family members


Sunday 11.00: E Long, M O’Sullivan & C M Egan Mary Carroll

Eucharistic Ministers. We need more parishioners to serve as Eucharistic Ministers in Ardfert church. Please consider if this ministry is for you. If you are interested, please see Fr Liam or Kathleen Murray.


v  Last Sunday’s offertory collection: €1100; Capital Envelope Collection: €458. Go Raibh Maith Agaibh.

Ash Wednesday (14 February) is a day of fast and abstinence. Ashes will be left in both churches during the day. See above for Mass times.

This year, in preparation for the World Meeting of Families, we are asked to celebrate St Valentines Day, also on 14 February. Please take home a St Valentine’s Day card with prayer on the back and a book of St Valentine’s Day gift tokens – offering alternative gifts!

v  New members are needed to join the Parish Pastoral Council. Please see Fr Liam or Kathleen Murray if you are interested.

"Fundraiser in Aid of the Head and Neck Oncology Dept, South Infirmary Hospital, Cork on Sat 17 Feb in The Abbey Tavern, Ardfert at 9.00pm. Tickets for Fundraising draws €5 - fantastic prizes. All welcome.


ANNIVERSARIES: Noreen Delaney, Lerrig; Martin Griffin, Lerrig.

Masses for week commencing Sunday 11 February

Sat 7.00 pm Noreen Delaney, Lerrig; Martin Griffin Lerrig

Mon 10 am – 3 pm Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration

Weds 9.00 am Ash Wednesday – School Mass in church

Sat 7.00 pm Michael Lynch, Ballymacquin (Month’s Mind);

Josie Regan, Baltovin


Saturday vigil: Olga Horan & Mary Monahan Anne Lawlor


All bookings for Masses, Baptisms, Weddings and other events should be made through the Parish Office. Opening times: Tuesdays: 9.30 – 2.00; Thursdays: 9.30 – 1.30; Fridays: 9.30 – 1.30. Telephone No: 7134131.

Sunday 11 February is the World Day of Prayer for the Sick and Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our prayers are asked for those who are sick – may they experience the saving and healing power of Christ.

Join with people all over Ireland in the Lenten Crusade for Life.Why not offer up your prayer and fasting during Lent for the Protection of the Unborn?Perhaps you may like to say the rosary each day, do some form of fasting or have Mass offered for the protection of Life.

ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE: /7134276. Ministry in the Church by Bishop (Emeritus) Bill Murphy, Gathering for All Parish Readers, Eucharistic Ministers & Parish personnel in the Kerry Diocese, Thurs. 22nd Feb. 7.00pm-9.30pm; The Amoris programme: A parish conversation in preparation for the World Meeting of Families which helps participants to reflect on and share their experience of family life in the light of Pope Francis’ vision in the ‘Gospel of Family’ A joy for all the world. Ardfert Retreat Centre will host 4 sessions during Lent, on Wednesdays 21 & 28 Feb & 7 & 14 March 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome.

Diocese of Kerry – Lenten Programme of Talks. Booklets are in both churches. Please take one if you are interested in attending.

Parish Finance Council. The next meeting will be held at 8.30 pm on Wednesday 14 February in Cúil Mhuire Pastoral Centre.

v  Registration for WMOF2018 3-day Congress is now open online. More details on www.worldmeeting2018.ie or www.dioceseofkerry.ie.

We welcome to our Masses this weekend the children of Ardfert and Kilmoyley schools who are preparing for their First Holy Communion.