Crisis Communication Plan


Response to Kidnapping

Created April 30, 2010

Developed By: Kelsi Hairfield

Table of Contents

Introductions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p.3

Acknowledgments...... …………………………………………………………...... p. 4

New Employee Training Dates………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………..p. 5

Purpose and Objective ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p. 6

Key Publics ……………………………………………………………………...... p. 7

Procedure for Notifying Publics …………………………………………………………………………………………………….p. 8

Crisis Communication Team ……………………………………………...... p. 9

Emergency Personal and Local Officials…………………………………………………….…………………………………. p. 11

Key Media Contact List……………………….………...... p. 12

Crisis Communication Center……………………………………………………………….….…………………………………… p. 13

Equipment and Supplies………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….. p. 14

Key Messages……………………………………...... p. 15

Trick Questions and Responses……………………………………………………...... p. 16

Sample Press Briefing………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………. p. 17

Prodromes …………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………… p. 19

Websites and Related Links …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p. 20

Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p. 21


Dear employees,

I would like to first thank you for all of your hard work and devotion to helping Whole Foods Market provide safe and organic food to customers around the world. Our company has much to be proud of, but we would not be where we are today without the long hours that you the employees have put into this business. Having said this, the safety and trust of our customers is extremely important to Whole Foods Market. We must take as many precautions as possible to ensure the well being of our customers. This crisis plan was created in the case of a kidnapping from any one of our stores. The plan has been well developed by our public relations team and looked over by professionals dealing with abductions. During this type of crisis it is imperative that you know what your role in dealing with the crisis is. I ask you to take this plan very seriously and be prepared to enact the plan at any moment that it may be called for. The future success of our company hinges on the ability we possess to carry out this plan quickly and thoroughly. Once again I thank you for all of your efforts to keep Whole Foods Market the number one provider of natural and organic produce.

Keep up the great work!


John P. Mackey

Co-founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market


To Employees of Whole Foods Market,

I want to thank you for your cooperation in the preparation for a crisis should it occur here at Whole Foods Market. Our hopes would be that this plan never be used, but in the event that it must be enacted, I cannot stress how important it is that you know your part in this crisis plan. This sheet proves that you have read Whole Food Market’s crisis plan, know your individual role during the crisis, and plan to attend our training session for new employees. Attached is a form with designated crisis plan training sessions for new employees. Please pick one (1) to attend. Once you complete the training session, a certificate will be signed proving that you have attended and understand Whole Foods Market’s crisis plan.

Thank you again for your cooperation,


John P. Mackey

Co-founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market

By signing this sheet I am acknowledging that I have read Whole Food Market’s entire crisis plan and know how to enact my personal role should a crisis occur.


Name (print) Date



New Employee Training Dates

Designated training sessions for new employees are listed below. Please pick one (1) session that fits your schedule. Once completed you will receive a certificate proving that you have attended and understand Whole Foods Market’s crisis plan. Sessions are planed out four months in advance and new dates are added when appropriate. Your attendance to a session must be completed within one month of hiring.

May 1, 2010


May 15, 2010


June 1, 2010


June 15, 2010


July 1, 2010


July 15, 2010


August 1, 2010


August 15, 2010


Purpose and Objectives


  • Be prepared to successfully handle a crisis that may develop quickly and unexpectedly.
  • Communicate all possible information early and often to stakeholders, customers, and media.
  • Show preparedness for crisis by quick and efficient response.
  • Make any apologies or condolences necessary.


  • To take whatever steps necessary to provide a safe trusted environment to our employees, stakeholders, and customers.
  • To efficiently carry out our crisis plan.
  • To maintain an understanding of the crisis with the ability to evaluate and create further measures for prevention in the future.

Key Publics

  • Whole Food Market Board Members
  • Whole Food Market Employees
  • Whole Food Market Stakeholders
  • Whole Food Market Customers
  • Media
  • Family members of employees
  • Public Officials
  • Legal Representatives
  • Community Leaders
  • Distributers
  • Investors
  • Suppliers
  • Competitors

Procedure for Notifying Publics

During the time of a crisis it is important to notify publics as soon as possible. Internal and external publics should also be informed of how the crisis affects them personally. Make sure a designated spokesperson communicates with each public early and often with updates on the crisis.

Internal Publics

  • Whole Food Market Board Members
  • Whole Food Market Employees
  • Whole Food Market Stakeholders
  • Family members of employees

During a crisis situation it is important that internal publics are notified first. Depending on the severity of the crisis, the publics notified may vary. Critical personnel may be notified first, quickly followed by the other publics in listed order. Above all internal publics must be notified before external publics in order to maintain control over the crisis. All internal publics must be kept updated on the crisis via email alerts or through the use of personal contact passed down in the chain of command.

External Publics

  • Whole Food Market Customers
  • Media
  • Family members of employees
  • Public Officials
  • Legal Representatives
  • Community Leaders
  • Distributers
  • Investors
  • Suppliers
  • Competitors

It is equally important to alert external publics to the crisis, but because of the size it can be difficult. Depending on the crisis there are different ways to alert external publics. In the case of a kidnapping from Whole Foods Market, we will release a press release and depending if the situation is ongoing, news coverage that works with our spokespeople. Our website will also be kept updated on any crisis at hand, along with any information we can release.

Crisis Communication Team

In the case of a crisis, it is essential that the appropriate personnel be notified. A list has been constructed below of the necessary contacts. The team is comprised of the Board of Directors, Corporate Officers, and our Public Relations Team. Notification made to Corporate Officers should be made first. They will then notify their appropriate member compromising the Board of Directors. The Public Relations team will then be alerted of the crisis so that they can immediately become available for any assistant needed. Employees and any other key publics necessary will be alerted as needed.

Work Phone / Cell Phone / E-Mail
Corporate Officers
Dr. John B. Elstrott
Chairman / 804-555-3425 / 804-555-7859 /

John P. Mackey


/ 804-555-8385 / 804-555-8574 /

Gabrielle E. Greene

Director / 804-555-6435 / 804-438-3453 /
Hass Hassan
Executive VP of Marketing / 804-555-9358 / 804-555-3053 /
Stephanie Kugelman
Executive VP of Operations / 804-555-0943 / 804-555-9458 /
Jonathan A. Seiffer
Executive VP and CFO / 804-555-7354 / 804-555-3953 /
Morris J. Siegel
Senior VP of Marketing / 804-555-9358 / 804-555-0845 /
Jonathan D. Sokoloff
Senior VP of HR / 804-555-4854 / 804-555-3863 /
Dr. Ralph Z. Sorenson
Senior VP of Global COMM / 804-555-1953 / 804-555-6639 /
William A. Tindell
Senior VP of Revenue / 804-555-2193 / 804-555-5039 /
Board of Directors
Kathrine Penix / 804-555-8329 / 804-555-3852 /
Christian A. Brickman / 804-555-3924 / 804-295-9342 /
Kurt Laurich / 804-555-9204 / 804-555-8520 /
Darren Kloss / 804-555-3849 / 804-555-0943 /
Jamie Vise / 804-555-7834 / 804-555-2840 /
Public Relations
Laura Slater
Director / 804-555-2943 / 804-555-3843 /
Dan Jones / 804-555-0958 / 804-555-4534 /
Charles Black / 804-555-0839 / 804-555-3422 /
Amy Lindon / 804-555-3943 / 804-555-2058 /


The contacts located below should be contacted in the case of an emergency. When dealing with a kidnapping Whole Foods Market will need to work with authorities in order to effectively handle this type of crisis. These numbers directly contact needed personnel. Please remember if EMS, fire assistance or police is required immediately please dial emergency 911.

  • Richmond Police Department

Second Precinct Commanding Officer
900 E. Broad St.

Richmond, VA 23219

Contact Number: (804)555-8473


CJW Medical Centers

Chippenham Hospital
7101 Jahnke Road
Richmond, VA 23225
Contact number: (804) 555-3911


  • Johnston-Willis Hospital
    1401 Johnston-Willis Drive
    Richmond, VA 23235
    Contact Number: (804) 555-2000


  • Amber Alert

Office of Justice Programs

810 7th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20531

Contact Number (804)804-674-2023


Key Media Contact List

It is important that key publics are made aware of any crisis affecting Whole Foods Market. These media should be made aware of any press briefing or press releases made. By contacting these media they have the resources to contact key publics.

John Martin

Richmond Times Dispatch

Contact number: 804-555-9583


Carrie Buckley

WRIC Richmond

Contact number: 804-555-4383


Larry Pierce


Contact number: 804-555-7342


Shannon Wright


Contact number: 804-555-2473


Leslie Rolling


Contact number: 804-555-8243


Crisis Communication Center

During a crisis having to deal with a kidnapping from one of our stores, the crisis communication center will be located at our headquarters in Austin, Texas. Below is listed the address for this location. In the event that it is not possible to meet at headquarters, alternate locations have been listed. Upson the change of location there will be notification.

Whole Foods Market World Headquarters

550 Bowie Street
Austin, TX 78703-4644

Contact numbers:
512-555-5566 voicemail
512-555-7000 fax

Whole Foods Market California

140 Westridge Drive
Watsonville, CA 95076

Contact numbers:
831-555-9055 fax

Whole Foods Market Colorado

12799 Claude Court
Bldg. B, Dock 4
Thornton, CO 80241

Contact number:

Equipment and Supplies

In the case of a crisis,all needed equipment and supplies will be available at our main headquarters in Austin, Texas. If the situation should arise that our crisis communication control center is moved to one of our alternate locations, below is a list of materials that will be needed upon meeting.

Materials on site:

  • Copy of the crisis communication plan
  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Printers
  • Fax Machine
  • Projector
  • Internet Access
  • Telephones/Satellite Phones
  • Dry Erase Board
  • Tables and Chairs
  • Microphone and Amp
  • Writing Utensils
  • Generator
  • Water Bottles
  • First-Aid Kit

Materials brought by crisis team:

  • Identification
  • Prior incidents having to do with Whole Foods Market
  • Laptops
  • Cell Phones
  • Press Kits
  • Copy of Crisis Plan
  • Separate contact list

Key Messages

During a crisis it is critical that key messages are both known, and used. Communication with the public must be made early and often. It is important to relay information dealing with the crisis at hand, but be prepared to defend evidence surrounding the case. Also, understand that you can reply to a question without answering it. Be as open and honest as possible in order to maintain the trust of the public. If you are unsure of the answer to a question, find out as soon as possible and at that point respond.

During a press briefing, it is important that the spokesperson relies heavily upon the key messages formed by Whole Foods Market. In the time of a crisis dealing with a kidnapping they are as followed:

Mortification: Whole Foods Market would like to apologize to those affected by this crisis. Please know that our hearts and prayers go out to you, and we are willing to help you work through this incident in any way we can.

Compensation: Our sympathies go out to the family that has been directly affected, and we will be offering to pay for any type of family counseling that may be necessary to help move past this ordeal.

Bolster: Whole Foods is the leading provider of natural and organic products. We have high standards and our goal is to sell the highest quality products we possibly can. We are devoted to satisfying our customers and take every opportunity to help the community and environment. We are very concerned with promoting the health of our stakeholders and provide healthy eating education.

Corrective Action: As stated before, we are committed to our customers and want to make sure that each person walking into our stores feels safe. Having said this, we will be adding additional surveillance to each Whole Foods store. Along with this we have decided that there will be an added position that monitors the live security feed at all hours of store operation. Although this will require the extra allotment of funds, we are prepared to take the necessary steps to ensure the comfort and safety of both customers and employees.

Trick Questions and Responses

When publicly speaking about the crisis at hand, reporters dig for questions to ask that can create a better story. This usually involves a response from the spokesperson that either shows that the company was unprepared, or that blame is being pushed onto someone else. During this time is imperative that the spokesperson sticks to the key messages provided for them. Never lie about a question you are unsure of. In this case respectfully let them know that you are unsure at the moment, but will get the information as soon as possible to answer the question. Always remember when dealing with the public, tell the truth, tell it early, and tell it often.

  • Do you feel Whole Foods Market, or the child’s Mother is to blame for the kidnapping?
  • It is not our responsibility to put blame on anyone. All we can say is that we do everything possible to keep our customers safe.
  • Considering it will require a substantial increase in funds for more security cameras and an additional security position, how will you all fund this?
  • Although this is true, we have the funds set aside for this type of crisis, and no matter what we are willing to do whatever ensures the safety of our customers.
  • We have a source telling us that the kidnapper was a former Whole Foods Market employee; do you have any comments on this?
  • I do not have the information to answer that question at this moment, but I will find out and release that information our next press briefing.

Sample Press Briefing

This is a mock press briefing which can be used as an outline for any press release that may be needed in the future.

Good evening to our customers, employees, stakeholders, and people of the press. I would like to thank you for making it out to this conference on such short notice. My name is Kelsi Hairfield and I am the leading president of Whole Foods Market. Earlier this afternoon we had a potentially devastating event occur within our Whole Foods store located in Richmond, VA. We first would like to say that our hearts and prayers go out to the family that was affected by this crime. It is a traumatic experience to go through and we are deeply apologetic.

Today, at 1:25 pm a local resident and her two daughters, ages three and seven, entered our Richmond, VA Whole Foods Market store. Approximately twenty minutes later at 1:45 pm a frantic mother approached one of our floor managers on duty. She had looked through the entire store and could not find her youngest daughter, age three. Following training our manager quickly used the store loud system to ask anyone noticing a young girl by herself to bring her to customer service. In the mean time employees were placed at all four entrances and exits of the store with a description of the young girl. A supervisor was left with the girl’s mother and the store manager quickly went to review security tapes. Within minutes, a man, later identified as Peter Johnson, was noticed carrying a young girl that seemed to fit the missing girl’s description, out of the store at 1:38 pm. The authorities were quickly called and given a description of both the girl and kidnapper. Security cameras located in the parking lot were able to record the type and color of the car Johnson was driving at the time of the kidnapping. Within fifteen minutes of the kidnapping authorities had located and apprehended both Johnson and the young girl. Although confused and upset, the girl was unharmed and Johnson was quickly handcuffed and taken to the nearest correctional center where he will remain until further notice.

Thankfully by quickly enacting our crisis plan, and by working with local authorities, this incident was quickly managed. Our sympathies go out to the family that has been directly affected, and we will be offering to pay for any type of family counseling that may be necessary to help move past this ordeal.

We would also like to thank the local authorities who worked with us to quickly apprehend the kidnapper.

Whole Foods is the leading provider of natural and organic products. We have high standards and our goal is to sell the highest quality products we possibly can. We define quality by evaluating the ingredients, freshness, safety, taste, nutritional value and appearance of all of the products we carry. Along with this we are devoted to satisfying our customers and take every opportunity to help the community and environment. We are very concerned with promoting the health of our stakeholders and provide healthy eating education.

Although we have never had a kidnapping at any of our braches before, we realize Kidnapping is a very real threat, and thus, there is the need for a plan if this type of event did occur. Because of this need, Whole Foods has previously worked with leading authorities on this type of event and set up a plan of action that is distributed to every Whole Foods branch around the world. Each employee is required to go through training to guarantee their preparedness for this type of crisis. Although there was quick apprehension of the kidnapper due to the quick action of both our employees and authorities, we at Whole Foods are not satisfied. As stated before, we are committed to our customers and want to make sure that each person walking into our stores feels safe. Having said this, we will be adding additional surveillance to each Whole Foods store. Along with this we have decided that there will be an added position that monitors the live security feed at all hours of store operation. Although this will require the extra allotment of funds, we are prepared to take the necessary steps to ensure the comfort and safety of both customers and employees.