Rev. H. Taki
This book is a compilation of the series of “100 Questions about Gedatsu” which were originally published in the Gedatsu Companion from October 1999 to September 2004. I tried to illustrate the entire picture of Gedatsu Kongo’s thoughts and practice by answering various possible questions. I believe this will cover all the basics about Gedatsu.
This book contains only my personal understanding of Gedatsu and not authorized by anyone else. It is what I have grasped through my 30-year Gedatsu study and practice, and is what I have faith in. This is my understanding of Gedatsu at present. I hope this book will help you in your understanding of Gedatsu.
Reverend Hisakazu Taki
LA Gedatsu Church
March 2006
100 Questions
1. What is Tenjinchigi?
2. What is Gochi Nyorai?
3. What is Gedatsu Kongo?
4. What does shiho-hairei and shi-hakushu mean?
5. What is the difference between hairei and raihai?
6. What does the mirror on the altar mean?
7. Why do we offer water, rice and salt on the altar?
8. Why do we offer sake on the altar?
9. There are many kinds of paper ofuda enshrined at home. What is the significance of these ofuda?
10. What is the significance of Roku Jizo-son ofuda?
11. What is the significance of Mihashira-Ogami ofuda?
12. What is the significance of the ofuda of Muen-inin-banrei, or the unrested spirits of wasted entities?
13. What is the significance of Amegoshiki-Dai-Tenku-Ogami and Shiho-barai?
14. What is the significance of the ofuda of Ichiyo-Raifuku and Risshun-Daikichi?
15. What does the Kuyo mean?
16. What is the significance of the Amacha Kuyo?
17. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaques?
18. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaque entitled Ancestral souls of and families?
19. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaque entitled Unrested souls connected to family and ancestors?
20. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaque entitled Unrested souls connected to family and ancestors concerning monetary and sexual offenses, negative thoughts and unnatural deaths?
21. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaque entitled Unrested spirits of wasted entities connected to family and ancestorws?
22. What is the significance of the Kuyo plaque entitled Spirits of all living things connected to family and ancestors?
23. Why should we perform the Amacha Kuyo?
24. What is the significance of the Kuyo stupa?
25. What is the significance of the Kuyo of spreading Amacha on the ground or the sea?
26. What is the significance of prayer?
27. What should we say when we pray to God and deities?
28. What is the significance of the Supplication?
29. What is the significance of the Appreciation and Requital?
30. What should we say when we pray to Gochi Nyorai?
31. What should we say when we pray to Gedatsu Kongo?
32. What is the significance of reciting the words of repentance?
33. Why do we recite the words of repentance before chanting the Hannya-shingyo?
34. Could you explain the teaching of the Hannya-shingyo?
35. Why did Gedatsu Kongo urge us to recite the Hannya-shingyo?
36. What is the significance of chanting Namu-Gedatsu-Kongo?
37. What is the significance of the “Declaration of Creed” in the prayer book?
38. What is the significance of the “Universal Truth” in the prayer book?
39. What is the significance of the “Great Gedatsu Path” in the prayer book?
40. What does Gedatsu mean?
41. What is the Universal Law?
42. What does it mean to serve with sincere appreciation and obligation?
43. What does it mean to realize that all realities of life is the doctrine?
44. What does it mean to promote the happiness of the people?
45. What does it mean to promote the traditions of the people?
46. What does it mean to cultivate true universal friendship?
47. What is the significance of the “Five Articles of Faith” in the prayer book?
48. Please explain the first article: “Our faith is reverence toward God and ancestors.”
49. Please explain the second article: “Our highest ideal is Gedatsu Kongo.”
50. Please explain the third article: “Our assertion of Truth is the unity of the visible and invisible worlds.”
51. Please explain the fourth article: “Our attitude and objective is to confirm by personal experience.”
52. Please explain the fifth article: “Our aspiration is the mutual existence and prosperity of the people and peace throughout the world.”
53. What is the Holy Hiho?
54. What is the significance of the Hiho meditation?
55. How should we perform the Hiho meditation?
56. What is the Holy Goho?
57. What is the purpose of the Goho Shugyo study?
58. How should we perform the Goho Shugyo?
59. What should we do when we have any spiritual movement in our Goho Shugyo?
60. With what attitude should we receive the messages from the spirits while performing the Goho Shugyo?
61. What should we learn from the negative Karma of our ancestors and ourselves, which we find in the Goho Shugyo practice?
62. Why should we enshrine God in our home?
63. What should we say when we pray to God?
64. Does religion deny human desires?
65. What is the Manbu Kuyo?
66. What beliefs should we have when we apply for the Manbu Kuyo?
67. What kind of Manbu Kuyo is most appropriate to apply for?
68. Where does God exist?
69. How can we believe in the existence of God?
70. Why is religion necessary for man?
71. Will man become unfortunate without religion?
72. When you join Gedatsu, will you become happy?
73. Will Gedatsu study cure every illness?
74. What will happen after we die?
75. When we pray, will God help us?
76. Why is it important to self-reflect?
77. What is the meaning of self-renunciation?
78. What is the meaning of self-understanding?
79. Why is the repentance necessary for us?
80. Why do we have to apologize to God for our prayer for the attainment of our selfish desires?
81. Is it wrong for us to pray to God for the attainment of our desires?
82. What is the meaning of Gedatsu Kongo’s teaching, “Unconditional Appreciation”?
83. What did Gedatsu Kongo mean by the practice of humility?
84. What did Gedatsu Kongo mean by the practice of poverty?
85. What did Gedatsu Kongo mean by the practiced of death?
86. What is the significance of the Sun-Spirit Monument?
87. What is the significance of the All Souls Monument?
88. What is the significance of the Monument Encomium?
89. What are the six major events of Gedatsu Church?
90. What is the significance of the Spring and Fall festivals?
91. What is the significance of the Kanshakai service?
92. Why are both Tenjinchigi and Gochi Nyorai enshrined in the altar of Gedatsu Church?
93. Why does Gedatsu respect Ujigami and our family Buddhist temples?
94. Why is Gedatsu called non-sectarian?
95. What is the significance of Gedatsu as home-based religious study?
96. What is the objective of our Gedatsu study?
97. I have felt more restricted and more uncomfortable after I joined Gedatsu. Why is that?
98. What is the benefit of the Gedatsu study?
99. How can I explain Gedatsu to my friends?
100. How can I explain Gedatsu in a word?
Gedatsu is not difficult to study. The basic structure of the teaching is very simple. If you clearly grasp its basics, you will be able to understand Gedatsu and practice it in your daily life properly. You will be able to attain peace and happiness.
Let us now study the basics of Gedatsu. I will answer your questions as simply as possible. Most important in Gedatsu study is to clearly understand the meaning of each lesson, object of worship, practice, etc. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask the reverends. You should not leave questions unanswered. When you clearly understand the meaning and practice it, your understanding of Gedatsu will be more profound. Let’s begin!
Question 1: What is Tenjinchigi?
Answer: Tenjinchigi, which literally means God of Heaven and Earth or God of the Universe, is the main object of worship in Gedatsu Church. This represents the Universal Life Force, which permeates throughout the universe and allows all beings to exist. Tenjinchigi is enshrined at the center of the altar.
Gedatsu Kongo explains Tenjinchigi as, “The law that controls the entire universe, the principle of universal development and its driving force and mercy. These are all the manifestation of the divine will of Tenjinchigi.” Life power which creates and nurtures all living things such as humans, animals, and plants, and which controls the movements of celestial bodies, four seasonal changes, all natural phenomena, etc., is enshrined as Tenjinchigi or God of the Universe.
Think about what makes your heart beat, blood to circulate, foods to digest, ability to think, your limbs to move, etc. Who makes these functions possible? Who makes dogs bark and birds sing? Who makes trees grow and flowers bloom? All of these are the function of Tenjinchigi. Tenjinchigi is the very source of everything. Tenjinchigi cannot be seen, but permeates throughout the universe, working all the time. In other words, Tenjinchigi is everything to us. Therefore, it is quite natural for us to worship Tenjinchigi and express appreciation.
Question 2: What is Gochi Nyorai?
Answer: There is one universe and its activities are carried on regularly without interruption. A Creative Principle operates within the activity of the Universal Life Force. Tantric Buddhism categorizes this Creative Principle into five aspects of the Universal Life. This is called Gochi Nyorai, which literally means the Universal Buddha of Five Wisdoms.
These five aspects are Dainichi Nyorai, Ashuku Nyorai, Hosho Nyorai, Amida Nyorai, and Shaka Nyorai. Each aspect manifests a particular phase of the Universal Life Force. These five aspects are not separated from each other. They are one.
The meaning of these five Nyorais is as follows.
Dainichi Nyorai represents the wisdom of knowing the essence of all existence.
Ashuku Nyorai represents the wisdom which reflects everything as it is, like a clear mirror.
Hosho Nyorai represents the wisdom of observing the ultimate sameness of everything.
Amida Nyorai represents the wisdom of understanding the distinctive features of all phenomena.
Shaka Nyorai represents the wisdom of accomplishing what has to be done to benefit sentient beings.
This explanation may be difficult to understand. It is enough for you to understand that Gochi Nyorai represents the Life Force which permeates throughout the universe and makes all things exist and function. Therefore, Gochi Nyorai and Tenjinchigi cannot be separated. They are one in essence. Tenjinchigi represents the Universal Life Force focusing on substance, and Gochi Nyorai is the embodiment of its activities.
Tenjinchigi is enshrined in Shinto style. But, Gochi Nyorai is enshrined in Buddhist manner. This is an expression of Gedatsu Kongo’s view on religion. He emphasized Gedatsu is not biased to any particular religious tradition. We should respect the essence of all religions, which should be the same.
Question 3: What is Gedatsu Kongo?
Answer: Gedatsu Kongo is the founder of Gedatsu Church. His soul is enshrined at the right side of the altar.
Gedatsu Kongo was born in Saitama prefecture, Japan in 1881. After his career as a lay person, he received a revelation from God at the age of 48. He established Gedatsu Church in 1929. He devoted himself to saving people until his passing in 1948. His soul is still watching and guiding us from the spiritual realm. We should appreciate his daily guidance and protection, and practice Gedatsu for the happiness of all people and ourselves. Please read his biography.
Question 4: What does shiho-hairei and shi-hakushu mean?
Answer: This is Shinto rite when you worship God. Shiho means four directions, which implies the whole universe. Tenjinchigi or God of the Universe is everywhere. Therefore, we pay respect to God who resides in all directions by clapping hands four times. Hand clapping is also Shinto rite. When we are happy or praise someone, we clap hands. Similarly we clap hands to express our joy and appreciation to praise God.
Question 5: What is the difference between hairei and raihai?
Answer: This is Japanese mannerism to pay respect. It may be difficult for Americans to distinguish between these two. The meaning of these two is exactly the same. They both mean to bow or pay respect. When you pay respect to Shinto gods and deities, you say hairei and clap hands four times. But, when you worship Buddhist deities and other objects, you say raihai and do not clap hands. In Gedatsu Church, we pay respect to Tenjinchigi by saying shiho-hairei and clap hands four times, because Tenjinchigi is enshrined in a Shinto way. But, we say raihai and do not clap hands when we worship Gochi Nyorai and Gedatsu Kongo, because they are enshrined in a Buddhist manner.
Outside of LA Church building, Ujigami or local guardian deity is enshrined in a Shinto manner. Therefore, we pay respect to Ujigami by saying shiho-hairei and clap hands four times. But, Bato-Kannon Deity and Jizo Deity are enshrined in a Buddhist way. So, we say raihai and do not clap hands at these sites.
In the area of Sacramento Church, there are many objects to worship. The manners of worship at each site are as follows.
Shiho-hairei and Shi-hakushu (four hand claps): Tenjinchigi, Amehachidai-Ryuojin (Suireijin, Benzaiten Deity)
Raihai and no hand clap: Fudo Deity, Bato-Kannon Deity, Roku-Jizo Deity, Gedatsu Memorial Tower, All Souls Monument
You may be confused. But, please appreciate this as Gedatsu Church protocol.
Question 6: What does the mirror on the altar mean?
Answer: A mirror reflects everything as it is. Similarly God loves us all impartially with boundless compassion. When you pay respect to God, you see yourself in the mirror. This means, whenever you face the altar, you reflect on yourself, and recognize your innermost divine nature within yourself.