Present:Councillors: Barnshaw, Edwards, Gallagher, Mrs Hopkins, Williams
Clerk: Mrs Smith
1. Election of Chairman.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that Cllr Mrs Hopkins is the Chairman of the Committee.
All agreed. Carried.
2. Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr MrsBarnshaw.
3. Declaration of Interest for any agenda item.
4. Review the accounts for Financial Year End 31 Mar 2017.
There had been some concerns about why there had been £40,419 in reserve at the end of the Financial Year, on reviewing the accounts it was obvious this was not down to one major figure but lots of little ones.
The Income was up as follows:
Village Hall £ 7,996
Redwood Drive £ 2,252
Community Hub £ 1,265
Burial Ground£ 3,725
Income figures are very difficult to predict and when budgeting you should always air on the side of caution.
A dog warden had been budgeted for and then a decision was made not to have one, this was a saving of £5,176.
The rest was made up from lots of small savings throughout the budget and the Council always budgets for a £10,000 reserve for any unforeseen costs.
5. Debtors. Look at any outstanding debt.
There was only 3 names on the debtors list.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that the outstanding debt for debtor A should be claimed through the small claims court.
It was agreed that letters should be sent to the other debtors regarding their outstanding debt.
6. Actual over budget for Financial Year 2017/2018. Look at the expenditure to date and the budget for the year.
There was not a lot to discuss as it is only early on in the Financial Year.
7. Building Improvements. Look at the costs against the loan and reserves.
There is around £138,000 to spend on the building improvements, with the reserves and loan received.
The expenditure will be;
Community Hub Windows£15,555
LED Lighting all 3 buildings£ 9,586
Village Hall Roofawaiting quotes
Solar Panelsawaiting quotes
Heatingawaiting quotes
8. Date of meetings throughout the year.
It was agreed that the meeting would be 4th Sep, 27th Nov and 5th Mar 18.