Preschool Lesson

Circle Time:

Preschool Lesson

For Who is the Holy Spirit?

Jesus told His friends that when He went up to Heaven, God would send

another person to help them. This person is the Holy Spirit. He helps us when we are sad and helps us remember to do right. He also prays for us and helps us learn more about God.

Do you know what? We cannot see the Holy Spirit! He is with us but we

can’t see Him. It is like the wind. We cannot see the wind, but we know it is there. (Ask the kids to make a wind sound).

We can’t see the Holy Spirit, but He helps and wants us to do our best for God. He helps us have love and joy for others. He helps us be kind and gentle to others too. Let’s thank God that He loves us so much that He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us and care for us.

Introduction to story: Say to the students- Jesus saw his disciples many times. The first time was on the road to Emmaus, and later suddenly, Jesus appeared in a locked room with them when they were afraid of the Roman rulers and chief priests. All believed but Thomas who finally believed that it was Jesus when he touched His wounds on His hands and feet. During the next few weeks, Jesus’ disciples and friends saw Him often.

Make a book :

This is the story about the last time that the disciples saw Jesus.
Read your story “Holy Spirit” or “The Holy Spirit Comes” by Jill Kemp
Cover and Booklet –Printed and ready to fold to make a book.
Then ask the questions below:
1. Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit.
2. What will the Holy Spirit do for the disciples? He will give them the power to speak bravely about Jesus and all that he has taught them.
3. What happened to Jesus after he told the disciples about the Holy Spirit? He was taken up to heaven.
4. Jesus has gone to be with God, but one day will Jesus come back? Yes.
5. Should you be sorry for the bad things you have done? Yes.
6. Did Jesus die for us? Yes.
7. Will God always help you and be with you? Yes.
Songs :
Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit.
John Burland The Holy Spirit on God Loves me- dance the twist

Crafts: Holy Spirit Craft (make a dove from a paper plate)
Fruits of the Spirit: take home page

The message is simple: The fruit of the spirit are gifts from God. For the older children, we expand on this message and say: We are given the fruits as we grow in the Spirit. Only by knowing the Spirit will we be able to act as we should and be able to know what the Spirit asks of us.