Meeting Minutes: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 9pm
Vanier College Council MeetingMinutes / Friday, August 14th, 2015
@ 9pm
1.0 Commence meeting @ 9:20pm
Motioned by Dan, seconded by Alex. [6-0-0]
2.0 Standing Items:
2.01 Accept Agenda of August 14, 2015:
Motioned by Dan, seconded by Alex. [6-0-0]
3.0 Reports:
3.01 Master’s OfficeStanley Tweyman
●Nothing to report
3.02 PresidentDaniel Cabalse
- Attended CPA
- Attended YODA
- Received condoms for condom training for Vanier
- Wrote cheques
- Sign cheques
- Organized cross council and led admin/speaker/secretary session
- Worked with masters office on York orientation day
- Worked on music for York pride committee for YORK orientation day
- Attended Rogers cup with CPA to represent students
- Updated YU start online chats
- Met with YU start regarding the extension of OLC
- Did dietary restrictions for Vanier bosses for OTL
3.03 Vice-President FinanceAlexander Stor
- Attended cross council
- Wrote and signed cheques
3.04 Vice-President Social/Cultural Nadia Greco
- Signed contracts
- Went to council dinner
- Went to cross council
- Bought frosh supplies
- Went to look into decor
- Frosh
3.05Vice-President Communications Jason Lomboy
- Posted on Facebook (answered questions)
- Promoted for frosh week
- Updated website.
- Emailed big kahuna for updates
- Cleaned/organized/revitalized the Vandoo/Comms office
- Attended cross-council
3.06 Director of Finance YosephWondwossen
- Help with Video for frosh
- Look for buses
- Collect invoice
- Attend meeting
- Cross council
3.07 Director of Social/Cultural Victoria Post
- Worked on Montreal finding clubs
- Recruited a player for athletics
- Went to cross council
3.08 Director of CommunicationsMan Van
- Start filming Frosh infomercial
- Started Vlogging for frosh
- Cleaned and changed the Vandoo
- Attended Cross Council
3.09 Director of Campaigns/AdvocacyAnnalissa Crisostomo
- Made event calendar for the year
- Did e-chug online test
3.10 Director of AdministrationKendra Stewart
- Attended meeting
- Took meeting minutes
- Checked emails
- Edited and sent out meeting minutes
- Checked mail
- Collected council reports
- Did E-chug
- Attended cross council
- Bought supplies for the office
- Found prices for new additions for the lounge
- Organized council files
3.11 Residence Representative
3.12 Commuter Representative
3.13 First-Year Representative
3.14 First-Year Representative
3.15 YFS Representative
3.16 Vanier Residence Don(s)
4.0 Old Business:
4.01 Finances
- Winter and Mac owes us a couple hundred dollars each
- Still in the middle of the audit
- Waiting on the levy
- We need to pay $400 busses for the company for lucky strike
- Need to give the publishing company their cheque
- For orientation week we usually give money for the agendas; this year Daniel posed that we give $3000 to the masters office to help them pay for it
- Last year the agendas cost $1500
- Motion to give no more than $3000 to the masters office for frosh week; coming out of our donations budget, motioned by Dan seconded Nadia [6-0-0]
4.02 Social
- Logan called Jet and Ivy and he is the only one that got back to us
- We could also get a booth
- When we order the busses tell them/request multiple busses for shuttling
- Ask if they are themed
- Nadia has been emailing bus companies for prices
- Nadia is going to see where the other colleges are going
- Planning Septembers events next Thursday
4.03 Communications
- Promote frosh week more
- Peter is doing an infomercial, hype up video, vlogging, “cribs”
- Challenge videos between council members
- Fun pictures for the bulletin board
5.0 New Business:
5.01 Frosh
- Work on the downtown trip; extend the due date for that until the next meeting, Logan, Yoseph and Dan are heading that up
- Boss lists are going to be done next meeting
- Logan is going to go this week to learn ASL signs for the ASL training during the Vanier Boss training
- Masters office wants to do a dress rehearsal for their orientation on the 20th; we said to have them do it on our training day since all the bosses will be there
- Set a day to do the kits and the mail outs; Monday, August 17 @ 12pm
- Jay and Peter got an email saying that the Jersey’s will be shipped on September 4th
- The emails from the company that is making the jerseys need to be presented to SCLD so they can pester the company to get them on time; the emails need to be presented by Monday
- Nadia is going to work on the busses for Wasaga on Monday; Vanessa from New College is going to give us a couple contacts
- We sold around 90 frosh kits
- “the egg”
- Buy rolls of table cloths to use as blindfold
- We all need to finish E-Chug; link can be found in the boss group
5.02 Space Refurbishing
- Lounge:
- Tv off the wall on Monday
- The design in the lounge is changing
- Hoping that the lounge will be done by this week
- Baron and Kendra going to ikea this week to get supplies for the lounge
- Office:
- Regulate all our game systems and board games; Kendra is going to organize that and buy new items
- Nadia buying board games; $200
- Office supplies; send ideas to Dan; the masters office gets 50% off supplies from staples
- Ethernet cable
- Athletics:
- Kendra contact Lorraine about athletics
- Lorraine contacted Josh about paint
- Lorraine has a budget of about $500 for athletics; leftover from lounge
6.0 Motions/Resolutions/Additions:
Motion to give no more than $3000 to the masters office for frosh week; coming out of our donations budget, motioned by Dan seconded Nadia [6-0-0]
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 20th, 2015 @ 6:30pm
Motion to Adjourn @ 10:21pm
Motioned by Alex, seconded by Dan. [6-0-0]
Kendra Stewart
Alex Stor
Man Van
Logan Post
Daniel Cabalse
Nadia Greco
Baron Belalov
SuneelMinstry (sat in)