Please refer to the application guidance for the role you are
applying for before completing this form.
What role are you applying for?What location is this role based at?
How did you find out about volunteering with Dogs Trust?
Friend/family / I sponsor a Dogs Trust dog
Member of Dogs Trust staff / I am a Dogs Trust member/ I have a Canine Care card
A Dogs Trust volunteer / Dogs Trust email
Dogs Trust website / Via a poster/leaflet in one of our shops or rehoming centres
Facebook/Twitter or other social media / Volunteer Centre
Title / First Name
Known as name / Surname
Email address
Home address
Post code
Telephone (day)
Telephone (evening)
Date of birth / We only use this information to confirm that you are over the age of 16
Do you have a current full UK driving licence? / Yes / No
Do you have the use of a car? / Yes / No
/ Frequency
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM
(it is important that you tell us about any health issues, including mental health, significant illness, or any disability where we might need to make special arrangements – please be aware that due to the physical nature of some of our roles and the accessibility of some of our locations we may find it difficult to accommodate individual needs)
Do you have any additional support needs that we should be aware of?
Do you have unspent criminal convictions registered against you? / No / Yes
If Yes, this may not prevent you volunteering, but please provide details of any conviction in a sealed envelope addressed to the HR Manager at Dogs Trust Head Office, 17 Wakley Street, London EC1V 7RQ.
Do you hold any other voluntary roles with different organisations?
Have you volunteered with Dogs Trust at this or another location previously? / Yes / No
– for volunteer uniform, if required for your role (please refer to the application guidance for sizing) N.B. Uniform is not provided for volunteers based at our charity shops.
Please provide as much information as possible as this section will be used to assess your suitability for the role you are applying for. Feel free to use an additional A4 sheet if you require more space.
Please tell us about why you would like to volunteer with Dogs Trust?
Please tell us about your skills and experience relevant to this role
Are there any aspects of the role where you feel you would need a bit more support or training?
–Please provide the details for two referees and ensure you have their permission for Dogs Trust to contact them. Referees should include a previous employer, college/school tutor, previous volunteer manager, someone who holds a position of responsibility in the community, or if none of these apply a long standing friend. We cannot accept family members or people you live with as referees.
Title / Title
First Name / First Name
Last Name / Last Name
Address / Address
Postcode / Postcode
Occupation / Occupation
Telephone / Telephone
Email / Email
How they know you / How they know you
- please supply the details of someone we can contact in case of emergency
Title / First Name
Last Name
Relationship to you
(ONLY if you are under 18 years old)
Title / First Name
Last Name
Relationship to you
I confirm that I have read the role description and guidance for the role that my son/daughter is applying for and I give consent for them to volunteer with Dogs Trust if their application is successful. I confirm that I am happy to be contacted in the event that any problems arise during the course of their volunteering.
I understand that it is recommended that I have an up-to-date Tetanus Vaccination before I volunteer with Dogs Trust in a rehoming centre.
I understand that Dogs Trust will use my information for administration and management purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
I understand that if I am successful in my application my information may be disclosed to Dogs Trust employees, their agents or Emergency Services personnel if necessary.
I confirm that I understand that I will be asked to attend an interview for this role and if I am successful, an induction.
I confirm that I have completed this volunteer application with wholly accurate information at the time of submission and understand the process for recruiting and selecting volunteers for Dogs Trust.
Signed / Date
When submitting this form electronically please type your name in place of a written signature, we will ask you to sign a printed copy if you are successful.