King Charles C of E (VC) Primary School
Western Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4EP
01326 313607
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Claire Fortey
Head of School: Mr Lee Moscato
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have all had a super start to the new school year; it has been lovely visiting classes and seeing everyone enjoying being back with their friends and focussed on their learning.
Developing our outdoors – stage 1
No doubt you have all noticed the fantastic changes that have appeared at the end of our school field – we now have a new play area defined by a wooden stockade and our own Cornish stone semi circle, along with a “Hansel and Gretel” shed which will house all the play bits and pieces the children will use in these areas, all of which was achieved by a dedicated and hard working group of parents in just 3 days last week. I would like to extend a huge thank you to all those parents involved – they have done a wonderful job and we are so grateful for their time, energy and enthusiasm. Once the flooring has been laid the play area will be complete and we will be able to open the space to the children and stage 1 of our Outdoor development project is complete. Well done everyone !!
Similarly I would like to extend another huge thank you to the parents who have helped to complete our library with new shelving, book displays and comfy seating. It really is looking lovely and the children are thrilled to be able to read and share books in such a lovely environment.
We are so fortunate to have such supportive parents – thank you to everyone !!
Best wishes,
Claire Fortey
Executive Headteacher
Looking forward to the week ahead (week beginning Mon 18th September) …
Nursery / We are looking forward to reading and exploring one of our favourite stories, "The Gruffalo".
Reception / We will be listening to the story of ‘Goldilocks’ and we will be doing lots of measuring.
Year 1 / We will be investigating the best material to make a home for the three little pigs.
Year 2 / We are super excited about watching our caterpillars transform into butterflies
Year 3 / We are looking forward to creating our ‘Stone Age’ cave paintings
Year 4 / We are looking forward to visiting Pendennis Castle!
Year 5 / We are looking forward to learning all about the planets in our solar system.
Year 6 / We are looking forward to more Times Tables Rock Stars! Remember to log on at home and practise!