Carbon Footprint PROJECT OVERVIEWName of Project: / Carbon Footprint Lab / Duration (hrs): / 2 weeks
CTE Course: / Ag Foundations / Grade Level: / 9th
Academic Course: / Earth, Space Science / School: / Atlantic
Teachers: / Stacey Bell and Trevor Williams
Project Idea:
Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem / The project will ask students to calculate the carbon footprint of the school. Students will then come up with a campaign for the student body to reduce the carbon footprint.
In Earth Space Science - Students will discuss what the carbon footprint is and they can have an influence on theirs.
Ag Foundations - Students will discuss and observe how key components in the ag industry have adapted and changed due to reducing their own carbon footprint (including the carbon cycle).
Driving Question:
The question that both engages student attention and focuses their efforts / How can we have a direct impact on our carbon footprint?
Content and Skill Standards:
Those taught and assessed in the project / CTE Performance Standards
Ag Foundations – 07.01, 07.06
Earth Space -
Common Core/College and Career Readiness Standards
Common Core Standards – Language Arts and/or Mathematics
21st Century Skills:
Those taught and
assessed in the project
For descriptions follow web links / Learning & Innovation Skills / Info. Media, & Tech. Skills / Life &Career Skills
Creativity & Innovation / Information Literacy / Flexibility/Adaptability / Productivity/Accountability
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving / Media Literacy / Initiative/Self Direction / Leadership/Responsibility
Communication/Collaboration / ICT Literacy / Social/Cross-Cultural
Culminating Products & Performances:
Elaborate on products
Discuss publication and presentation of projects / Products:
Creativity & Innovation Rubric / The product of the project will be some sort of presentation or campaign directed to the entire student body on ways they can reduce the schools carbon footprint.
Presentation Rubric / Group: Groups have a choice on what form of presentation they give. The presentation of the campaign idea can be given in front of the class but also must somehow be broadcast to the school so that they all can work towards reducing the carbon footprint. / Presentation Audience
Individual: As part of a group, work towards understanding the importance of carbon footprints and how to reduce them in various ways.
Entry Event/Project Launch:
Introduction/background information to set the stage / Work packet on what a carbon footprint is and how to calculate your own.
In-Depth Inquiry/
Need to Know
Discuss how the project engages students;
Develop student guidelines for each phase of project
Student Project Guidelines
Project Management Log/Group
Project Work Log/Individual
Creativity/Innovation Rubric / The project will engaged students by showing how their travel and everyday life forms their very own carbon footprint on the environment and has an even greater affect when in large communities like school. Students will begin to brain storm on what would be the most effective methods of reducing carbon footprints in mays that would not be too extreme.
1. Introduction and Team Planning: Environmental – Carbon footprints. Ag Foundations – AG producers working to reduce carbon cycles.
2. Initial Research Phase - Gathering Information: How to reduce carbon footprint
3. Creation and Development of Initial Artifacts, Product(s), and/or Prototype(s):
4. Second Research Phase - Additional Information & Revision: Creating a campaign for student body to reduce carbon footprint on environment.
5. Final Presentation Development: Students created campaign and implementation strategies.
6. Publication of Product or Artifacts: Once campaigns are finished, final research will be conducted to determine the impact projects had.
Discuss collaboration among colleagues in teaching the project
Discuss collaborative instructional strategies utilized by students
Collaboration Rubric / Teachers: Will discuss delivery methods as well as inform the faculty and staff of the campaign being organized by the students.
Students: Students will be working with classmates and the student body on informing everyone on how to reduce the carbon footprint of the school in various.
Voice & Choice:
Describe how students play a role in project design and implementation / Students may present their findings in their choice of a written report, poster, PowerPoint, video, or comic strip. But then must implement their campaign. Or possibly the best campaign strategy will be voted on and then implemented by all students.
Instructional Technology:
Select and discuss the technology-based instructional options embedded in the project
Public Audience:
Describe how business partners contribute to project learning. / Business can be included by students offering to experiment on their soil and recommending to that business as what should be done to their soils OR businesses/individuals could supply the students with the necessary materials or chemicals to enrich the soil of the project.