Joseph Luzzi, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist
Ethnology is a branch of anthropology that studiesthe distinguishing characteristics and origins of cultural and racial groups. The etymology of the term “ethnology” can be traced to the Greek root, “ethnos”; which means culture, people, or race. Ethnography* is a related, sub-discipline that compares and contrasts selected cultures. Ethnocentrism is a term that describes a belief that one’s own culture and mores are central and superior to others. This can lead to prejudice which is an unfavorable opinion, feeling, or stereotype formed beforehand without knowledge or reason; directed against a cultural, national, religious, or racial group. Taken to an extreme xenophobia is an irrational hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers. A student of ethnology created the following outline to study Islamic culture and marriage.
I. Islamic Culture
A. Importance of Dressing Properly
1. Women must wear loose garments and a “hijab” in-public.
2. Women are allowed to wear gold but may not put on perfume when attending a mosque to pray.
3. Men may not wear gold or silk at any time.
B. Socializing Children
1. Children are taught at a young age to understand the meaning of life and how to support a family.
2. Daughters must learn self-respect and keep their virginity until married.
3. Sons must obey rules set by their fathers and learn to be hard-working men.
II. Islamic Marriages
A. Polygamy
1. Polygamy is legal and husbands usually have more than two wives.
2. First wives give permission to subsequent wives.
3. Husbands must treat all their wives and children equally and provide financial stability.
B. Wife abuse
1. Wife abuse is common and acceptable.
2. A woman must never, for any reason, be abused in her face.
3. Family members who know of wife-abuse must not report it to anyone; it is not allowed to leak outside the household.
C. Divorce
1. Divorce is considered to be a “hated act of God” and should never happen.
2. Arbiters should give good advice in resolving arguments and disputes.
3. If husbands separate from their wives they must continue to support their families.
*The principle technique of ethnographic research is participant-observation. The ethnographer provides written descriptions based on intensive involvement with people in their natural environment. This type of qualitative research includes informal interviews, direct observation, participation in the life of the group, collective discussions and focus groups, analyses of personal documents (diaries), and life histories (autobiographies). The ethnographer, as “participant-observer” is challenged to strike the right “balance” between subjectivity and objectivity. The ethnographer must “go native” to understand and appreciate the subject’s point-of-view; without losing insights gained from using distant and detached cultural frames of reference.