Town of Putney

127 Main Street, PO Box 233

Putney, VT 05346


Putney Selectboard Minutes

Monday, March 1, 2004

The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 7:00 PM, Monday, March 1, 2004.

Selectboard Members Present: David B. Hannum, Jr., Regina A. Rockefeller, John K. Nopper

Others Present: Tom Goddard, Larry Hyde, Mary Jones, Anita Coomes, Malcolm S. Jones

1.  Approve Selectboard Minutes of February 23, 2004

Regina Rockefeller made the motion and John Nopper seconded to accept the minutes of February 23, 2004 as written. The vote in favor was unanimous and the motion carried.

2.  Review plans for Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 2, 2004

The Selectboard decided to split the articles to present at Town Meeting. Dave Hannum will do Articles 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Regina Rockefeller will do Articles 4, 7, 10 and 13. John Nopper will do Articles 8, 11 and 14.

Larry Hyde advised that the Central Gym was all set up with chairs, no stage, sound system, roping area for voters, dining area. The school lunch people are going to serve a varied lunch for sale.

Regina Rockefeller wanted input on the Wardon Road. Anita Coomes stated that the whole sum borrowed was $75, 000 and the five year balance due has to be renewed. The Article should be read and then amended to reflect the continuance of the original loan not to exceed $45,000 for this year. The residents on Wardon Road are paying for this loan.

John Nopper asked about the reading of the Auditor’s Report. It was decided to announce that an outside auditor firm, which is hired for three years, did the report and on page three of the Town Report is an explanation. Also announce that there are copies available on the back table at the meeting and if questions to come to the next Selectboard meeting on March 8.

Anita Coomes said that Article 9 needs to be amended in the amount to $335 by the Selectboard. (Regarding Windham Reads, which was done by petition). It was not added to the Tiers, as voters have not approved it yet.

Malcolm S. Jones referred to page 28 of the Council on Aging report where it was stated that the Town gave them $290 but we really gave them $2781. After discussion, the Selectboard felt that the report was an interpretation measure of their reporting style along with the Federal government monies.

Regina Rockefeller wondered about the way to make the dollars even with others in giving to the Council on Aging. Anita Coomes advised that they did not send in a report in 2002 and only got $877. Now they are complying with our requests. The Selectboard approved the second Tier amount.

Dave Hannum verified that in Article 10 referring to page 19 the dollar amount to be asking for in $1,279,035 and Anita Coomes advised, yes.

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Larry Hyde noted that there are some corrections that got lost in translation and does not affect the bottom line in the Town Report that will be announced at Town Meeting. These are school budget corrections.

Larry Hyde also advised on some corrections on Capital Budget page. The $12,000 Rescue Utility Vehicle was not warned. Anita Coomes said that Article 8 will authorize the new dump truck and should include utility truck. The money is there but is not amended. Regina Rockefeller asked about a cap of $75,000 that is at the Selectboard discretion to spend in certain ways. Larry Hyde said that the leaf vacuum needs to be added to the warning as well.

Malcolm S. Jones wanted to know what that was for and was explained to him that it was used to clean out the ditches at least twice a year without using equipment that takes the valuable along with the leaves. The vacuum would pay for itself in one year of labor alone.

Anita Coomes advised to amend the article to “authorize”. Larry Hyde stated on page 13 the pump and pipe replacement should have been an expense and not a capital item. Selectboard will modify Article 6 to increase maintenance budget by $4500.

Regina Rockefeller advised that in Article 8 to move and amend at Town Meeting to include $12,000 for a Rescue Utility Truck and $16,000 for a leaf vacuum and that it is only a housekeeping issue and does not affect the bottom line. It is just for clarification purposes.

Anita Coomes advised that $5,000 of sewer budget goes into the Capital Reserve and is to be spent 2004-2005 with the $7500 there now.

Larry Hyde advised that very soon our salted sand piles will have to be covered per the State of Vermont as required by the Federal government and the cost will be several hundred thousand dollars.

3.  Town Manager Report

The Rescue truck was in an accident and is in Albany to find out the total damage and to see if repairs are more than the cash value. VLCT will pay rental use for an E1 vehicle but we would have to register and insure. VLCT is working with Progressive and VLCT has hired a third party to assist in determining repair costs. Our men have filed claims and Regina Rockefeller said we could discuss once all information together.

John Nopper said that it would be a cost to the town if we have to replace the vehicle for a comparable one if needed.

Larry Hyde wanted to go on record stating that the fire crew “did stellar work at the Miller fire”.

Tom Goddard advised if an accident happens again we will then be relying on outside towns and personal vehicles.

Malcolm S. Jones asked why the Mutual Aid increased $8,000. Tom Goddard said that Mutual Aid lost the dispatching persons by counties and police, so the towns have to make up the loss of income.

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Larry Hyde said that the bid openings for the water system are scheduled for April 1 with Mark Youngstrom who said that there is probably $100,000 grant available from Rural Development.

Plastic pipe is being used in place of ductile iron pine in other towns with favorable results.

The boring at the salt shed went well and Southern Vermont Engineering is the only contact in this area not to exceed $3,000. John Nopper moved and Regina Rockefeller seconded to accept the bid. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Larry Hyde advised that there was a memo from the Listers regarding Act 68. Mary Jones explained the formula and what is a close estimate of the tax rate for 2004 should be.

Larry Hyde said that the Putney Town Offices will be closed the week of March 15 and the meeting on March 22 will be attended by officials from the Grammar School, Putney School and Landmark College.

The new firehouse plans are available for the Firehouse Committee to look at. Tim Severance delivered them today and his work was done gratis. The Selectboard can see tonight the plans but are not public as yet until the committee looks at them. John Nopper wanted to say that everyone on this committee is doing a superb job.

Dave Hannum asked where the SCBA tanks would be filled? Are they out of the area or piped through a hole in a wall between the two rooms? Tom Goddard explained the proposed location on the plan.

4.  Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town Expenses


5.  Review Monthly Budget Reports


6.  Coming Events: Town Party 3/6/04 and Selectboard Meeting 3/8/04

Regina Rockefeller wants to use votives and not the long candles as too tipsy. We need 25 tables. Larry Hyde said the Town Party notice would be in the Brattleboro Reformer in Tuesday’s paper.

Kerianne Harlow is doing the flowers and Mary Jones is checking on a cash box and change for that night and to check if Judy Hannum is doing the check in. The Selectboard and other volunteers will meet at 1PM Saturday to clean and set up.

7.  Other Business

Malcolm S. Jones asked about the $8,000 increase in health insurance for the Library in the Town Report on page 24. Larry Hyde explained that the Library employees are considered town employees and the health insurance is paid for by the town as follows: 100% for the employee and 50% for the spouse.

Malcolm S. Jones wondered about the spending of $11,000 on Hi-Lo Biddy Bridge. Dave Hannum advised that the town has a grant of $150,000 and we pay 20% or $30,000.

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Malcolm S. Jones also thought that the cost of a sidewalk tractor was very high at $80,000. Dave Hannum explained it plows what the trucks have thrown when plowing which leaves huge chunks of icy snow and need a heavy-duty tractor.

Regina Rockefeller advised that on page 24 the Library received revenue from Freedom Fund and should be put to operating expense.

Malcolm S. Jones asked about the new garage roof and he was advised that it was all done and made the building much warmer and less wood and oil was needed to heat it with because of the insulating type roof put on.

Malcolm S. Jones questioned the WSWMD fee going up $26 and were all towns going up.

John Nopper referred to page 19 and advised all towns going up. Dave Hannum explained that two new towns joined the WSWMD. These towns paid an entry fee of $50,000 and were divvied out to other current using towns. Next year the fee may go up if no new towns join.

John Nopper spoke regarding the Windham County Sheriff Department contract in June for the safety of the public. Sheriff Prue said keep the dollar amount the same but increased service. Larry Hyde said they have not kept up the service, as there has been no response several times when requested due to constraints with overtime at the Sheriff’s Department.

Regina Rockefeller made a motion and John Nopper seconded to adjourn the Selectboard meeting. The vote in favor was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

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