Storm Water Services Creek Coordination
Quarterly Meeting Summary
August 26, 2016
Charlotte Water Facility
1:30 to 3:30 PM
Present:James Scanlon, Chuck Bliss, David Woodie, David Kroening, Julie Teel, Christa Rogers, Brian Sikes, Chris Matthews, Karen Weston,Joyce Figueroa, Gwen Cook, Crystal Taylor- Goode Charles Snow, Bert Lynn, Will Rice, Josh DeMaury, Isaac Hinson, Erin Turner, Corky Botkin
Recorder:Myrette Stephen
The Creek Coordination Quarterly Meeting started with the welcome and introduction of staff members from the City of Charlotte, Charlotte Water, County Storm Water, AFM and Park and Recreation.
Following the introduction David Kroening gave abriefupdate from the last Creek Coordination Meeting, which involved sharing project planning information between county agencies by centralizing data via GIS site maps.
1.Project Planning /Construction/Design Phase
Charlotte Water
- Charlotte Water discussed the status of 38Sewer Replacement and Creek Basinprojectsthat have along the creek each project falls under the following status futures projects, existing projects, and the Design and easement acquisition stage with (2) projects on hold.
- Mecklenburg County Park & Rec discussed the status of all their active, existing and planned greenway projects.
- Charlotte Storm Water Services discussed the, planning and stream restoration for their active water quality stream improvement projects.
- Mecklenburg County Storm Water Service discussed the active projects in the construction, planning and easement acquisition phasesfor all the active projects,
2.Discussions / Updates / Presentations – All
- Creek Coordination Project Site Maps Presentation- James Scanlon
James presented a GIS interactive application that shows how each agency can share data about their projects in certain areas of interestthat can be accessible access to all agencies. The group will continue to explore the type of information that needs to be shared and the type of security that maybe needed on the GIS Web Map. (Watershed, floodplains, Greenways, existing conservation easements).
- Threatened and Endangered Species Area Mapping- Christa Rogers
Christa with Park and Rec Natural Resources discussed the National Heritage database, which will provide us with the most recent information on active and historic area regarding threatened and endangered species ranking on a federal and state level.
3.Closing Comments: N/A
- Proposed Agenda Item(s) for Next Quarterly Meeting TBA.
- NextCreek Coordination Quarterly Meeting TBA