Burlescombe Parish Council March 2017Minutes
Minutes of
Held in the Community Hall, Burlescombe on Monday 6th March 2017 at 7pm
3.1 / Present:Councillors: Les Neville (Chairman), Karen Collard, David Sprague, Cliff Taylor, Kevin Stower & Judy Downing
County Councillor Ray Radford
Leslie Findlay – Parish Clerk/RFO / ACTION
Apologies:District Councillors Christine Collis & Heather Bainbridge
John and Christine Hammond will be attending the meeting in Phoenix House regarding the exhibition about the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Consultation and will inform Councillors of their comments.
The Old Railway Line had been walked by several Parishioners and they were remarking what an excellent job had been achieved. The Chairman thanked Cllr Taylor for all his efforts and also thanked Grahame Hawkins for all the work that he had done over the years.
3.2 / Declaration of Interests:
No declarations made
3.3 / Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record and unanimously approved by the Councillors.
3.4.5 / Chairman’s Report
Grand Western Canal
Exotic half-term visitor at Fossend… a Muscovy duck. There are some feral birds living wild in Devon, so it may be one of those.
‘Tilting Weir’ now being installed at last. Cllr Neville will be attending the GWCJAC meeting on 7th March.
PROW Nothing to report
There will be an update on Maidendown at the next meeting.
Cllr Neville had asked Dr Barry Stapely if he was interested in assisting with the renovation of the phone box in Westleigh. Although he was not able to carry out the renovations Dr Stapely did replace the broken windows so the box is now weatherproof. (Clerk to send a thank you note). Christine Hammond had raised the issue of the Box in Open Forum and suggested it could be used for books and plants. Cllr Collard had spoken to the Youth Group Leader who was going to ask the group if they have any suggestions for its use. In the meantime, Christine agreed to ask around to see if anyone (or a group) are willing to refurbish it and decide how it can be utilised in the village. Clerk will also advertise it in the Parish News. The Council have agreed to fund the cost of the materials for the refurbishment.
Chairman asked Councillors to remember to respond to emails from the Clerk to assist her with the parish work.
The requirement for a list of emergency numbers to be published on the Notice Boards was discussed, as the current list was out of date. It was agreed that with the internet and mobile phones this requirement was not necessary and would not be replaced. / ALL
3.5 / Police Report:
No report received.
3.6.4 / Planning:
New Applications considered:
17/00269/HOUSE Erection of a single storey extension to form a sun lounge and single storey storage building at Spirings Church Cottages, Burlescombe. No Objections
17/00288/MFUL Erection of replacement storage and livestock sheds at Home Farm, Bradfield, Willand (Neighbouring parish). No Objections
DCC Decisions:
SBX/DCC/3894/2016 Recycling and soil screening/storage facility at Ayshford, Sampford Peverell – Refused
There will be a planning meeting on Wednesday 15th March in the URC Hall, Westleigh at 7pm to discuss the new planning application regarding the affordable housing in Burlescombe.
Chairman informed Councillors about the briefing he and the Clerk had attended, given by Sir Tim Smit on his vision for Junction 27.
3.7.3 / Councillor Sprague’s Report
The road through Burlescombe by the railway bridge has been resurfaced and a pothole close to the Community Hall has been repaired, both good jobs. However potholes close by and the damaged road surface close to the A38 Culmstock still remain to be repaired, this is very disappointing as all the equipment was on site. Cllr Radford assured the Council Willy Pike was aware of this and it would be repaired soon.
Fly tipping continues to be a problem in Beer Lane with a heap of carpet dumped in a gateway close to the A38 (dual carriageway).(Reported to MDDC by Clerk 7/3/17). Cllr Downing was thanked for keeping the litter at bay above Burlescombe Church.
The annual highways questionnaire has been completed and returned and our displeasure noted.
Community Hall
Private parking in the lower area causes a problem to hall patrons and ways to alleviate are to be investigated. Parking in the higher side is for private use by good will from the hall management committee.
St Mary's Church No Report
3.8.2 / Councillor Taylor’s Report
Old Railway Line
Great progress has been made on the ORL project, the scalping's have been laid around the bench and picnic tables both of which are now in place.
The Tar platform is cleared in front and looks very tidy.
We have laid the scalping's around the new gates and part of the lane to help with drainage, as well as the entrance into the sports field.
The level around the picnic tables have been brought up and it is now much safer for the public to enjoy the view to the canal.
Many thanks to the Chairman Les Neville, Cllr David Sprague and Graham Hawkins as jointly on Saturday they all got stuck in with a bit of manual labour but we must have shifted at least ten tonnes of Scalping’s but of course without the help of David's Manatou digger we would still all be there and in need of a chiropractor each!
The project is virtually complete apart from a sign to be fixed to the gate into the wildlife area (will be attached shortly) and the signage from the quarry.
A combination lock has been purchased so we can keep the gate secured to the wildlife area.
Coppicing work has been carried out by Ben Coker, this has enabled the bank to be cleared along the garages, the fencing and adjoining properties.
Wildlife encouraging banks have been laid along with environmental woodpiles, this will enable a safe haven hopefully for varied wildlife to inhabit, and the clearing will also enable plant growth over the next season and will prevent any damage of undergrowth to any adjoining property.
Ben Coker has also cut back overhanging branches from the footpath and has suggested that native trees could be planted in the newly coppiced area. Councillors agreed this was a good suggestion and should be investigated further.
Many thanks to Ben for the work carried out and his knowledge on the environmental aspects of the wildlife area.
The Clerk had received a map from AI showing the plan of the land purchased and it was agreed that the Water Tower was not on the plan, on contacting Mr Penny it became clear that AI were not seeming to take responsibility and suggested it could belong to the land owner the other side of the Tower. Cllr Taylor will speak to them and ascertain if they know who owns this land and report back to the Council.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Taylor for all the tremendous work that he has done to complete this project and it will be hoped to have an official opening in the late Spring. Chairman to liaise with Mr Penny over the information board and official opening.
Cllr Downing requested that funding should be made available to purchase more snowdrop bulbs for the ORL. Councillors agreed this was an excellent idea and asked Cllr Downing to report back to the Council with costings.
Park Wood-Nothing to report. / CT
3.9 / Councillor Downing’s Report
There were no Quarry Liaison meetings last month and the next one is Monday 13th March and then 24th April. The Quarry appears to be working at full capacity as the lorry traffic has increased and continuing at times through the night.
3.10 / Councillor Stower’s Report
Cllr Stower and the Clerk have been in contact with Mike Watts (Parks and Open Spaces Officer MDDC) regarding the mats in the play areas. Mr Watts confirmed that he checks the play areas monthly and the mats do not need replacing. Cllr Stower has asked to have a meeting with Mr Watts in order that he may better understand the safety requirements for the play areas. / KS
3.10.9 / Clerk’s Report
The following expenditure was approved by all Councillors:
Cheque No/BACS / Cost £ / Payable to / Remarks
BACS / 1050.00 / BCTREES / Coppicing ORL
700 / 17.50 / Westleigh URC Hall / rent
701 / 12.00 / Community Hall / rent
BACS / 12.62 / Cllr Taylor / Purchase of padlock for ORL
BACS / 276.00 / Vision ICT / Hosting website & emails
BACS / 145.00 / Mr G Hawkins / Concrete base for picnic bench
BACS / 278.07 / Mrs LJ Findlay / Clerk annual expenses
Insuring the telephone box. Clerk confirmed that the box is covered for public liability under the core cover at no extra cost. It was decided that it was not necessary to get it covered under all risks as it would not be replaced if damaged.
It was unanimously agreed that the contract for the maintenance of the Old Railway Line should be awarded to Mr Grahame Hawkins as discussed in the previous minutes but not to include the maintenance of the Water Tower.
3.11.2 / Correspondence
Sampford Peverell play area. A letter requesting a donation from the BPC to help fund a new play area in Sampford Peverell had been received. Councillors discussed this and decided that it was inappropriate to spend money raised by the precept on a project outside of the Parish. Clerk to inform Kate Chantler.
Moor Otters and the Otter Trail. Letter received from Dartmoor National Park requesting funding to sponsor an Otter sculpture. Councillors voted against any sponsorship. / LF
3.12.4 / Matters brought forward for information or future agenda:
Clerk noted the Notice Board in Westleigh was in need of repair. It was agreed the Clerk should contact Mr Howard Pope.
There are three Councillor vacancies, if anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor they should contact the Chairman or Clerk, they would be most welcome.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 1845hrs prior to the next Council Meeting. Councillors were reminded to submit their annual reports by the end of March.
Cllr Sprague informed Councillors that there was a very successful Defibrillator training evening held in the Community Hall and a further evening has been arranged for Tuesday 4th April. The Hall Committee will fund the insurance for the defibrillator until June and then request a grant from BPC for the annual insurance.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.33pm
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd April following the Annual Parish Meeting in the URC Hall, Westleigh at 7pm. / LF
Les Neville
Burlescombe Parish Council