MinutesPage 1

Board of TrusteesOctober 9, 2006


2323 North Broadway, Room #107

Santa Ana, California92706

Monday, October 9, 2006



The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Mr. Alfredo Amezcua. Other members present were Dr. David Chapel, Mr. Erik Santacruz, Mr. Larry Labrado, and Ms. Woolery. Mr. Hanna and Mr. Yarbrough arrived as noted. Mr. Conley was absent.

Administrators present during the regular meeting were Mr. John Didion, Dr. Eddie Hernandez, Jr., Dr. Erlinda Martinez, Mr. Juan Vázquez, and Mr. Peter Hardash.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Erlinda Martinez.


There were no public presentations.


It was moved by Mr. Labrado, seconded by Dr. Chapel, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of September 25, 2006.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Ms. Woolery, and carried unanimously to approve the recommended action on the following items as listed on the Consent Calendar, with the exception of item 5.3, pulled by Mr. Hanna:

Apprenticeship Lease Agreement: Phil’s Barber Shop

The board approved this contract with Phil’s Barber Shop for 2006-08 as presented.

Master Cost Agreement: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

The board approved this contract with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for 2006-07 as presented.

Ratification of Change Order #1: Bid #1011/CollegeAvenueBuilding Demolition

The board ratified Change Order #1to U.S. Demolition for the demolition of buildings along College Avenue in Santa Ana as presented.

Clinical Affiliation Agreement – PresbyterianIntercommunityHospital in Whittier

The board approved this contract with PresbyterianIntercommunityHospital in Whittier, California.

Clinical Affiliation Agreement – GlendaleAdventistMedicalCenter

The board approved this contract with GlendaleAdventistMedicalCenter in Glendale, California.

Clinical Affiliation Agreement – Hallmark Rehabilitation GP, LLC

The board approved this agreement with Hallmark Rehabilitation GP, LLC (in Foothill Ranch) and AnaheimTerraceCareCenter, LLC (in Anaheim).

Clinical Affiliation Agreement – RobertH.BallardRehabilitationHospital

The board approved this agreement with RobertH.BallardRehabilitationHospital in San Bernardino, California.

Payment of Bills

The board approved the payment of bills as submitted.

Change Order #4 for Bid #1002/Physical Education Seismic Replacement and Locker Room Replacement

The board approved change order #4 to DJM construction for the construction of the physical education seismic replacement and locker room replacement as presented.

Architect Contract: Request for Additional Services – SAC Track Facility

The board approved an increase in the contract with DSE Architecture for design revisions #1 and #2 in the amount of $25,612, as presented.

Ratification of Change Order #2 for Bid 1007 – Sheriff’s TrainingAcademy

The board approved ratification of change order #2 (Bernards Brothers, Inc.) for the construction of the Sheriff’s TrainingAcademy as presented.

Bid #1024 – Printing & Mail Preparation of Class Schedules – Spring 2007 – Santa AnaCollege and SantiagoCanyonCollege

The board approved awards of Bid #1024 to VQS Enterprises for the printing and mail preparation of combined class schedules (spring 2007).

ValVerdeUnifiedSchool District (Bid #04/05-0001) – Weight Equipment – District-wide

The board approved use of the ValVerdeUnifiedSchool District’s Bid #04/05-0001 and extensions for the purchase of miscellaneous exercise and weight room equipment as needed to LA Gym Equipment as presented.

Budget Approval

The board approved the submitted budgets and authorized the chancellor or his designee to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district:

-Child Care Facility Renovation and Repair (CEC) for $46,685

-Title V, Developing Hispanic-Service Institution Cooperative Arrangement Program – Year

Four (SAC) for $633,135

Subcontract Agreements – CaliforniaStateUniversityFullerton Foundation and North Orange County Community College District (on behalf of FullertonCollege) (Year Four)

The board approved these two subcontract agreements.


Mr. Amezcua asked Dr. Chapel to recognize Ms. Nikkie Alch (SCC student) for her accomplishments at SantiagoCanyonCollege since 2003. Highlighting her soccer career at SCC, Dr. Chapel spoke about Nikkie’s ability to stay focused and work hard toward her goals. Nikkie received the “Most Improved Player” award last year and will be transferring to San FranciscoStateUniversity in Spring 2007. Nikkie credits her parents, her coach, and her best friend for their support.

Ms. Alch thanked the board for the award, indicating at one point she was unhappy about the direction her life was taking. She credits her coach for always believing in her and her parents, all of whom helped her realize it was up to her to realize her goals.

Mr. Amezcua recognized Adriana Espino, a SantiagoHigh School graduate who overcame deep personal obstacles during her goal to attend college. She sought advice from the Santa Ana College Outreach office while still in high school. Ms. Espino works part-time to pay for college and living expenses and maintains a 3.4 GPA. She values education as the key to her future success. Her goal is to transfer to a state university and earn a graduate degree in Nursing.

Ms. Espino thanked the board and SAC employee Martha who she indicated was always there for her to help in any way she could.


Dr. Eddie Hernandez (Chancellor)

Dr. Hernandez mentioned Board Secretary Vicki Stevens’ absence from the board meeting and that he had received written notice of her intent to retire from the district. Dr. Hernandez indicated that he and many have appreciated the work that Ms. Stevens has provided on behalf of students, the board, and himself.

Dr. Hernandez indicated there are about 29 days until the election on November 7, and there has been much activity related to Measure O on behalf of staff. He indicated that signs and flyers will become visible in the community very soon.

Dr. Hernandez thanked the board for its support of Measure O.

Dr. Hernandez mentioned the Santa Ana City Council meeting on October 16 where the city will consider the abandonment of College Avenue.

Dr. Hernandez pointed out item 6.3 on the board’s agenda indicating it is an information item related to research on enrollment and reasons students provide on why they enroll at Santa Ana and/or SantiagoCanyonColleges. He requested the board take a look at the information contained in the report.

Dr. Hernandez indicated the report was created when the college presidents asked questions which were not answered with the weekly enrollment report. The presidents were interested in information that might help the colleges continue to maintain increased student enrollment.

Dr. Hernandez thanked Julie Slark and her research staff for putting together the information quickly.

Dr. Hernandez announced the Chancellor’s Ball taking place Friday, October 13, indicating the event has more sponsors and more attendees than ever before. He indicated attendees will be well over 500.

Dr. Hernandez attended the Orange County Legislative Task Force meeting last week with Trustee Chapel.

Mr. Juan Vázquez (President – SantiagoCanyonCollege)

Mr. Vázquez and President Martinez (SAC) attended the recent regional Hispanic Service Institutions (HSI) meeting where there was discussion regarding Title 5 and programs targeted for institutions with Hispanic students.

Mr. Vázquez thanked Trustees Chapel and Amezcua for attending the recent CoastKeepers fund-raiser. CoastKeepers is the organization that placed a bid for the demonstration garden at SCC on the east end of the campus which he hopes to invite board members to tour in the near future.

Mr. Vázquez thanked Trustees Hanna and Amezcua for attending the Anaheim Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast.

Mr. Vázquez thanked board members for attending the SCC Library dedication ceremony. He thanked Laurie Weidner (District Director of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations) and her staff for their work toward a very successful event.

Ann Marie Librescu of the Public Affairs and Governmental Relations staff will be receiving a national PR award. More will be shared with the board at a later date.

The Lady Hawks soccer team has had an outstanding year and leads the division.

Dr. Erlinda Martinez (President – Santa AnaCollege)

Dr. Martinez announced the college marquee has been installed. She indicated she had never seen so much enthusiasm around the installation of a marquee before. The college held a contest to identify the first message that would be displayed and held a small celebration upon its “unveiling.” Mr. Steve Bautista was the employee who won the contest.

Dr. Martinez spoke about an event held on campus on Saturday, October 7 which drew thousands from the community. Workshops for parents were offered in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Dr. Martinez provided board members with items that were distributed during the day. In addition to the workshops, a leadership opportunity was offered to members of the Santa Ana Youth Commission and the student body officers from the local high schools. This workshop was held in the morning where fitness and healthy living were discussed. During the luncheon for the student leaders, Congresswoman Sanchez and Supervisor Correa attended to listen and provide their thoughts.

An award was provided to Alberta Christy, out-going Santa Ana City Councilwoman, who suggested about three years ago that this event be moved to Santa AnaCollege.

Dr. Martinez provided the board with an invitation to the annual Homecoming game. Invitations have been extended to key members of the community with previous or current relationships with the college inviting them back to SAC for this important game. The homecoming game will be against SaddlebackCollege.

Mr. Ernesto Alsonso (Student President – Santa AnaCollege)

Mr. Alonso reported that the International Student Festival takes place on November 8 with more than 30 countries represented. Students will dress in their traditional clothing and many international foods will be sold to attendees.

Mr. Alonso announced a homecoming pep rally to take place two days prior to the homecoming game. College departments will be invited to display and discuss what they offer for students.

During this event, volunteers will be providing information about Measure O.

Mr. Alonso provided information on the Leave a Legacy Program.

Ms. Meg Rothi (Student President – SantiagoCanyonCollege)

Ms. Rothi announced continuation of training workshops for ASB members on Monday, October 16 and two conferences for ASB members through California Community College Student Affairs Association. SCC will send five advisors and two members to the conferences.

In addition, Ms. Rothi indicated she and one other ASB member will attend the California Student Senate General Assembly on November 4 and 5.

An Ice Cream with the President event will be held providing free ice cream to students.

SCC’s Fall Fest will take place October 31 through November 3. There will be a pumpkin carving contest and other activities.

Ms. Rothi indicated Latino Heritage Month was celebrated on campus on October 4 which raised $157 for Casa de Sera in South America.

Ms. Rothi informed the board about an ASB team-building event held at CSULB where ten ASB members attended.

SCC ASB members assisted with the recent student affairs information fair where 125 students were served lunch. Many questions were answered, and 116 students indicated they would like to see the program again.

Mr. Erik Santacruz (Student Trustee)

Mr. Santacruz attended the SCC student services fair, indicating it was very beneficial, but was sorry he could not attend the Youth Expo event.

Mr. Santacruz attended his first executive committee meeting at SCC today which he felt was beneficial as he was able to meet the SCC student leaders. Mr. Santacruz is looking forward to working more closely with student leadership at SCC.

Mr. Santacruz is working closely with both colleges in support of Measure O.

Mr. Santacruz is looking forward to attending the ACCT conference in Orlando. He will travel tomorrow through the end of the week.

Future projects for Mr. Santacruz include researching e-mail accounts for students.

Dr. Jeff McMillan (Academic Senate President – Santa AnaCollege)

Dr. McMillan indicated he had nothing necessary to be brought forward for board attention.

Ms. Rosi Enriquez (Academic Senate President – SantiagoCanyonCollege)

Ms. Enriquez reported that the SCC Academic Senate passed a resolution in support of Measure O and a copy has been provided to the chancellor and his cabinet.

Ms. Enriquez reported the senate also supports the work being done on the distance education task force proposal that was submitted to the chancellor’s cabinet.

On September 29 the senate held its planning session. Ms. Enriquez reported a successful, well-attended event with about 100 faculty, staff, and administrators in attendance. During this planning session, the group reviewed the board’s 11 goals. Attached to each goal was SCC’s goals and objectives pertinent to each board goal. There was lively discussion, and the college will be moving toward implementing the goals.

Mr. Amezcua, on behalf of the board and district, thanked everyone for everything they’ve done on behalf of Measure O.


It was agreed to adjourn to closed session at 5:02 p.m.


The board reconvened at 5:55 p.m.

Mr. Amezcua announced that the board discussed the following topics in closed session: employees as listed on the Human Resources dockets; property at 1530 West 17th St.; and potential litigation.


There were no public presentations.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Labrado, and carried unanimously to approve the academic personnel docket with the attached addendum.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Labrado, and carried unanimously to approve the classified personnel docket with the attached addendum.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, and seconded by Dr. Chapel to approve the architect contract with the request for additional reimbursable expenses for the Santa AnaCollegeDigitalMediaCenter.

Mr. Hanna indicated he would vote to approve, but he had questions regarding the item. He had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Bob Partridge, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Planning and Facilities who informed Mr. Hanna that this request was due to project delays. Mr. Hanna feels it’s important that the public understand why these changes were made.

Mr. Yarbrough thanked Mr. Hanna for his questions. Mr. Yarbrough believes it was the right decision to move the media/TV center to the DMC, and he supports this item.

Mr. Amezcua remembered a similar discussion, with the wisdom of the Interim President at the time and current president at this time, concluding with the decision to move the media/TV center, realizing the presence it would have in the city. He feels the center has an impact even greater than imagined.

Mr. Amezcua agreed with Mr. Hanna that it is the board’s policy that whenever there is a significant change order, the board must review the necessity and justification for the change.

Dr. Hernandez indicated that the administration recommends approval.

The motion was carried unanimously to approve the request for the architect to receive additional reimbursable expenses for the DigitalMediaCenter.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough and seconded by Mr. Labrado to approve the service renewal for Oracle Software update license and support.

Mr. Yabrough asked why the item was being brought to the board at such a late date, indicating the current license expires on October 10.

Mr. Hardash explained that the renewal notice was not received by the district until the latter part of September. It was reviewed by district technical/IT folks, then was forwarded to purchasing for processing.

Mr. Hardash pointed out that the renewal is for a partial year, through June 30, 2007. The annual cost will be more in the $300,000 range.

Mr. Yarbrough asked if it was a renewal of what the district currently uses. Mr. Hardash indicated it was.

Mr. Yarbrough asked that in the future, the board would like to see items with more time for evaluation, but is fine with the administration’s recommendation.

The motion was carried unanimously for the service renewal for Oracle software update license and support.


Mr. Amezcua asked Dr. Hernandez to discuss the information item he described during his report earlier in the meeting.

Dr. Hernandez indicated the information contained in the report has been shared at the colleges in cabinet and president council meetings. The colleges will use the information as part of their planning processes.

Dr. Hernandez indicated it is the intent to provide this type report on a semester basis for comparison.

Dr. Hernandez pointed out some of the more interesting information. It proves that proximity is the most important information considered when a student attends a college. The second priority is program. At Santa AnaCollege, many students outside the district attend because of criminal justice and fire programs. At SantiagoCanyonCollege, students will attend for the apprenticeship program.

Mr. Amezcua indicated he was pleased this item was on the agenda and yielded to Mr. Yarbrough for comments.

Mr. Yarbrough was pleased with the information presented, especially the 17% increase in enrollment, considering many colleges are facing problems with enrollment.

Mr. Yarbrough reminded Mr. Didion about a conversation after the previous board meeting about the funding formulas being presented to the Governor. He remembered Mr. Didion’s comment that those formulas could impact our colleges. He asked if Mr. Didion remembered that conversation.

Mr. Didion indicated that so many of the allocations are based on the college district’s share of FTES in the state. He added that when our district grows, especially while others decrease, our share of the pie increases.

Mr. Hardash indicated there is a fixed amount of dollars which is shared proportionately, based on a per-FTES basis. Those districts that are growing qualify for more growth dollars.