Appendix 1: Questions posted to participants of the survey.
Figure 1
· In this country, how serious a problem is each of these health issues? (Extremely serious, Very serious, Moderately serious, Only a little serious, Not a problem at all)
Figure 2
· Which statement comes closest to your view of obesity, even if neither is exactly right? (Obesity is a lifestyle choice resulting from a persons’ eating and exercise habits; Obesity is a disease resulting from many different genetic, environmental, and social factors)
Figure 3
· In the next five years, do you think there will be more obese Americans than there are today, fewer obese Americans than there are today, or will the number of obese Americans stay the same? (More obese Americans, Fewer obese Americans, The number of obese Americans will stay the same)
· Do you think something should be done to prevent obesity in this country in next five years, or does nothing need to be done? (Yes, something should be done; No, nothing needs to be done)
· Do you think our health care system can prevent more people from becoming obese in the next five years, or is it up to individuals themselves? (Yes, the health care system can prevent more people from becoming obese; No, it is up to individuals themselves)
Figure 4
· Do you consider yourself now to be underweight, overweight, or about right? (Underweight, Overweight, About right)
· Do you consider yourself now to be obese, or not? (Obese, Not obese)
Figure 5
· Even if you’ve never used it, please rate how safe you think each method is for significant, long-term weight loss? (Very safe, Safe, Neither safe nor unsafe, Unsafe, Very unsafe)
o Losing weight with the help of your doctor through diet or exercise
o One-on-one dietary counseling with a dietician
o Weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery
o Prescription medication such as Saxenda, Qsymia, or Contrave
Figure 6
· Have you ever considered having weight loss surgery, or haven’t you ever considered it? (Yes, I have considered it; No, I haven't considered it)