Academic Assessment Unit
Course Portfolio
ENglish language institute
COURSE NAME: -ELCA 101------
COURSE NUMBER: -z1 / z2------
SEMESTER/YEAR: Spring 2009------
DATE: 3/2/2009------
Academic Assessment Unit
Academic Assessment Unit
Course Description, Spring 2009
Amal kadi
Course Name: General English
Course number: ELCA 101 (Z1/Z2)
Instructor's e-mail:
Office Hours: S.M.W (12-13).
Office No. Bld.12. Villa 2, Room.(7)
Course Time: S.M.W(11-11:50), (13-13:50), (14-14:50) S.T(11-12:20), (13-14:20).
Providing students with essential grammatical structures of the English language,
Using English in real life situations.
Text Book:
Interaction access / Middle East Gold Edition.
Listening and speaking
Assigned units: 1-2-3-4-5- From each book.
Home Work: Every assignment should be submitted in the following form:
It should be written on an (A4) size paper and absolutely nothing else. (the color doesn't matter).
Computerized works are preferred.
The work should be clean and presentable.
Student's name, computer No. and section should be written clearly at the top right side of the paper.
Work should be double spaced, font 14, margins 2cm from all sides. The right and left margins aligned
Bonus marks are given for the best, on time-submitted work
*Home assignments other than the mentioned above are absolutely not acceptable.
Marks out of 100:
Home work & participation 10
Quiz 1 25
Quiz 2 25
Final 40 (All Material)
Total marks 100 marks
***Absolutely no make up for any exam, if a quiz is missed, the student must give a valid medical report ( or other valid excuse).
General Instructions: Students are expected to:
Take full responsibility for their work, progress, and whatever is mentioned in class.
Pre-read the assigned unit before coming to class, answer the homework, participate in class study for exams, and cooperate in group work.
Attend classes on a regular basis since consistence attendance is an important factor in gaining an understanding of the material. 6 times absence forbids the students from attending finals (according to university policy) unless and acceptable medical report is presented.
Come to class on time. A late will be written in the attendance record of any student who comes to class more than 10 minutes late (three times late will be considered one absence).
Make up all missed up class work by completing the work the teacher has assign
Course Syllabus
Interactions access
Listening & Speaking
Janet Podnecky
Middle East Edition
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Instructor and course information
Instructor’s name:
Amal Hussein Kadi
Villa 2, room 6
Office hours: SSMTW from 1-2
Amal Kadi
Objective / To continue what I started in 1984, by completing my higher studies in Teaching English as a second LanguageExperience / 1998–2007 King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, KSA
English Instructor - English Language Center
1994–1998 King Abdul Aaziz University Medina, KSA
English Instructor
1984–1994 King Saud University Riyadh, KSA
§ Translator - Dean’s office
§ P.R. officer
§ Responsible of Admission and Registration of the dean’s office.
Secretary of the University Council of the Girl’s department
Education / 1971–1984 King Saudi University Riyadh, KSA
B.A. English Language - College of Education
Diploma in English Language Methodology - College of Education
Madina Munwara branch, king AbdulAziz University
Interests / Reading, gardening, computers, traveling, cooking.
Tips / Languages Arabic – English (Reading & Writing).
Extracurricular attended many courses in computer programs (word processors -Activities axel - power point)
Attended courses in teaching English as a second language.
NLP COURSE certificate 2003.
Reward: King Saud University trophy ,1994.
King AbdulAziz University, Madina. A trophy of the honor Student,1997.
A welcome Letter to the students of ELCA 102, 2008/2009
I would like first to congratulate you all for being a member of this honored community as a student of king Abdulaziz University.
The second thing as an English Language student you are welcome to join our team, and we will work hard together in order to achieve our target goals.
Everybody knows the importance of the English language,it is becoming the most widely heard spoken, written and read in the whole world. English, spoken and written, is becoming a requisite skill for personal advancement and international mobility. Anyone wishing to be in touch with the latest knowledge must learn English.
That is why? the subject of this course is to help you learn more, and understand more in order to master the English language, in its all forms of skills: Listening/speaking/reading/ writing/ and grammar, as far as you can reach. It is for sure a difficult task, and it requires a great deal of effort.
Students should take full responsibility for their work, progress, and whatever is mentioned in class.
As a student you are required to attend your classes on a regular terms, do your assignments, participate in class; by answering and asking questions, share in the group work, attend quizzes and labs.
Finally, we all as one team, you as a student and I as your instructor will try to do our best to accomplish our job. Wish you all the best of Luck.
Course name and numbers:
ELCA 101 z1/z2
New Plan
Listening/Speaking/ Grammar
Meeting Times:
Section: z1 (SMW from 11-14:50) place: 1005
Section: z2 (S.T. from 11 -14:20)
Place: 1006
Course Description
Course Description & Objectives
Interactions 1: Listening & Speaking:
Course Chapters: (6-10)
This course takes the students from the Low Intermediate to Intermediate levels of this series. The 5 chapters present conversations and focus on the rhythm and intonation of natural language through stress and reduction activities. This course lays solid foundations for the higher level. It aims to provide learners with both extensive and intensive practice in the effective listening & speaking practice. It helps the students with use of the actual classroom situation for the specific listening and speaking skills related to the content of the course books. Some of the important features of these chapters are listening for main ideas, listening for specific information, identifying stressed words and reductions, getting meaning from the context. Materials and tasks based on academic content and experiences give learning real purpose. Students explore real world issues, discuss social issues and study content-based materials.
Learning Resources
Text Book:
Interaction access/Middle East Gold Edition.
Assigned unites: 1-2-3-4-5-
Course requirements and Grading:
Marks out of 100:
1. Homework & participation 10
2. Quiz 1 25 (L/S-ch. 6/7)5 marks
3. Quiz 2 25 (L/S-ch. 8/9) 5 marks
4. Final Exam 40 All material
Total 100 marks
Absolutely no make up for any exam, if a quiz is missed, the student must give a valid medical report (or other valid excuse).
Instructor Reflections on the course:
The course provides students with essential grammatical structures of the English Language.
It also encourages students to use English in real life situation.
- Students will discuss and consider what they already know about dreams and sleep. Students will be able to make links between what they previously knew and the new language and concepts they are learning.
- Have the students suggest more expressions of agreement and disagreement they know or they have heard.
- As the students practice and share their ideas and politely agree and disagreement, they should gain fluency and confidence.
- Focusing on subtle differences in pronunciation between the tens and the teens, which are the pairs of numbers that end in (-teen) and (-ty), such as (fifteen and fifty).
- Encourage students to use online dictionary to find the meanings of the sleep-related words. Discuss the results of their searches. Ask them to read aloud their definitions.
- Students should speak about their own individual experiences to practice and discuss dreams.
- Schedule a time for each students to share their dreams with the groups.
- Help students gain fluency and confidence as they share their ideas and politely agree and disagree with their partners.
- Student should feel more confident expressing their opinions and points of view.
Methods, sequences, procedures planned to achieve the lesson's objectives
-Ask questions about sleep and dreams that require students to answer using their own language to describe their own dreams.
- Students will hear conversations between people agreeing and disagreeing.
- Write a list of useful of words about sleep and dreams on the boar.
- Let the students share their opinion about the amount of sleep.
Instructional aids to be used (i.e. listening tapes/Cds/data show, etc.)
- Each listening and speaking class includes listening tapes.
Instructor Information
? Name of the instructor
? Office location
? Office hours, Contact number(s), E-mail address
? Instructor’s profile (optional)
? A welcome letter to the student (optional)
Course Information
? Course name and number
? Course meeting times, places
? Course website address
? Course prerequisites and requirements
? Description of the course (what, why, philosophy)
? Describe instructor’s teaching methodology that will be used in covering the material of the course.
Course Objectives
? A statement of what the student will know and be able to do as the result of learning
? A statement on how they will be expected to demonstrate their learning
Learning Resources
? A list of all of the materials needed for the course and where to obtain them (i.e., text books, reading material, lab guide, and websites)
? If the course involves a computer, list usage and software needed
? If lab work is involved, list lab location, hours, safety precautions and other instructions for use. (not applicable)
Course Requirements and Grading
? Student assessment: A clear rationale and policy on grading
? Expectations from students: Attitudes, involvement, behaviors, skills, and ethics
? Student responsibilities to the course
? Expectations for each assignment and project
? Important rules of academic conduct
? Lab plan and assignments, if it applies. (not applicable)
Detailed Course Schedule
? Detailed contents of topics and activities planned for each class or lab session during the term.
? Assignments for each topic.
? Assignments and Exam due dates.
(The following pages include templates of tables for course schedule and practical sessions)
Course Schedule Model(meeting two times a week)
Week # / Date / Topic / Reading Assignment / What is Due? /
1 / Feb 3 / Introduction to the course / Chapter 1 / Buy Book
Aug. 29
2 / Sept. 3 / Homework assignment #1
Sept. 5
3 / Sept. 10
4 / …
Group Project Presentations / Project - Due Presentations
Quiz 1
Group Project Presentations / Project - Final Design Presentations
Final Exam all sections
Course Schedule Model
(meeting three times a week)
Week # / Date / Topic / Reading Assignment / What is Due? /
1 / Aug. 26 / Introduction to the course / Chapter 1 / Buy Book
Aug. 28
Aug. 30
2 / Homework assignment #1
Group Project presentations / Project - Due Presentations
QUIZ 1 / Quiz 1
Group Project Presentations / Project - Final Design Presentations
Final Exam