Name: ______Adv: ______Period: ______

Mid Cycle Test Study Guide

Directions: Completing this study guide with grit and excellence and using it to study will result in you earning a higher test score than you otherwise would. It is long, but worth it! Since it is for your own use while studying, complete sentences are not necessary. Please use your notes to complete. You may also find the powerpoints for class at online. Call either Ms. Wiedemann or Ms. Bush with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Cold War Questions (1947–1991)

1. During the Cold War, the US used a ______economic system and the Soviet Union used a ______economic system.

2. Explain why the Cold War was called “cold”:

3. List 2 characteristics (or beliefs) of communism and 2 characteristics of capitalism below:

4. The ______policy was the US’ idea that it would be best to keep communism from spreading around the world during the cold war. During the Cold War, they tried to use this policy to keep communism in the Soviet Union.

5. Describe how the policy from question #4 was used in 2 of the following conflicts:

●Berlin Blockade

●Korean War

●Cuban Missile Crisis

●Vietnam War

6. The Soviet Union built a sphere of security in ______during the Cold War. Explain why below:

World War I and World War II Questions (1914–1945)

7. The conflict between the US and Japan during World War II was ended when President ______did what?

8. At the ______conference, after World War II, the Big 3 allied leaders made the decision to split ______into 4 zones controlled by the allies.

9. Describe 1 decision that affected the “losers” made at the Potsdam conference after WWII:

10. Match the following Big 3 Leaders after WWII with the country that they were leading:

Harry S. Truman/ Franklin D. Roosevelt Great Britain

Joseph Stalin The United States

Winston Churchill The Soviet Union

11. Most Germans were angry with the ______, which was the agreement made between the “winners”/ allies of World War I.

12. The following 6 countries signed the agreement from the question above:


●Great Britain



●Soviet Union

●The United States

13. Explain at least 2 reasons why most Germans were angry with the agreement from question #11, including ways that the Treaty may have limited Germany’s power:

14. Anger in Germany and a need for someone to help them get out of the Great Depression led to the rise of ______in Italy and Germany following World War I.

15. What did Adolf Hitler do leading up to World War II that caused the Soviet Union to become allies with the US instead of Germany when the war started?

16. Italy made a secret treaty with the allies before the outbreak of World War I. What decision made after WWI embarrassed Italy, causing them to hate the allies and join the German side during World War I?

17. After World War I, Germany had to pay ______to the allies for the damages of the war. What happened when they couldn’t make their second payment to France?

18. Explain how the following terms relate to the Great Depression which happened before WWII and after WWI:



●Stock Market:


●Dawes Plan:


19. ______was a new form of dictatorship before World War II, where the leader controlled every single part of the lives of their people as well as the government.

What is fascism?

20. ______became the fascist dictator of ______and is known as the founder of this type of dictatorship leading up to World War II.

German Unification (1863-1871)

21. ______was the leader of ______and is responsible for unifying Germany from small city-states into 1 big country.

22. Explain how Bismarck used lies/deception to make Germans or other countries support his goal of unifying Germany as 1 country in 1 of the following events:

●Bismarck convinces Poland to rebel against Russia (1963)

●Danish War over Holstein and Schleswig (1864)

●Bismarck makes agreements before the Seven Weeks War (a.k.a. Austro-Prussian War)

●Bismarck gets Great Britain to not support France before the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

23. Where did Bismarck finally unify Germany officially? Why did this decision upset France?

Industrial Revolution Questions (1780-1914)

24. The Industrial Revolution started in which country in Europe? ______

25. List and explain 3 reasons why it started in the country from question #24:




26. Imagine you are an industrial factory worker during the industrial revolution and you are also a woman who makes textiles.

  1. Describe what your work hours, pay, rights were like:
  1. Describe what your home was like:

27. After the Unification of Germany by Otto von Bismarck, Germany became a leader in the ______from 1870-1914.

28. Germany was successful during this time period because they had great resources including ______and ______.