Integumentary System True/False Statements:
Identify the True statements by placing a “T” on the blank, identify False statements by leaving the spaceblank.
- ____ Pigment cells are in the dermis layer of skin.
- ____ There are only three types of sweat glands in the body.
- ____ The dermis is the layer of tissue deep to the epidermis.
- ____ Skin plays a role in regulating body temperature.
- ____ Small amounts of vitamin D are produced in the epidermis in the presence of sunlight.
- ____ Melanin functions as a type of sweat gland.
- ____ Skin is often 1 meter thick.
- ____ The epidermis is the superficial layer of skin.
- ____ Hundreds of skin cells rub off every time you take a shower.
- ____ The more melanin you produce, the darker the color of your skin.
- ____ No nerve endings are found in the integument.
- ____ The integumentary system includes the eyes and ears.
- ____ Skin releases a small amount of wastes from the body.
- ____ Skin serves as a protective covering for the body.
- ____ Epidermal cells usually grow and divide from the upper layers of the skin and migrate towards the dermis.
- ____ There are no blood vessels in the epidermis.
- ____ The cells in the epidermis are mostly stratified squamous epithelial cells.
- ____ Thehypodermalregion has adipose cells that help to insulate the body from heat as well as from cold.
- ____ Most accessory structures found within the dermis are actually of epidermal origin.
- ____ Hair and nails are both composed of chemical compounds that include keratin.
- ____ Sudoriferous glands are only associated with hair follicles and do not exist alone by themselves.
- ____ The body produces carotene when exposed to sunlight.
- ____ The hypodermis is also known as the subdermal layer.
- ____ Melanocytes are the most abundant pigment-producing cells in the dermis.
- ____ A child who has been playing in the dirt will accumulate dirt in the lunula of the nail.
- ____ Blood vessels in the dermis will constrict when the external environment is cold, minimizing heat loss from the skin.
- ____ Melanin functions as a “sunscreen”.
- ____ The dermis contains two histologically separate areas.
- ____ Arrectorpilli muscles cause “goosebumps”.
- ____ Fingernails are not considered part of the integumentary system.
- ____ All races have virtually the same number of melanocytes.
- ____ All races produce virtually the same amount of melanin.
- ____ Vasodilation and vasoconstriction occur in the dermis to regulate body temperature.
- ____ The integument plays an important role in communicating with the brain.
- ____ Apocrine glands are found on the palms of hands.
- ____ Melanoblasts produce the dark pigment called melanin.
- ____ Sebaceous glands are actually oil glands.
- ____ The papillary layer is the deeper of the two layers in the dermis.
- ____ Sensory receptors are distributed evenly throughout the body surface.
- ____ The stratum corneum accounts for the largest portion of the epidermis.
- ____ Apocrine glands are not active until puberty.
- ____ Dilating blood vessels help to keep the body warm.
- ____ Living epidermal cells are exfoliated from the skin surface as tiny specks called dandruff.
- ____ The youngest epidermal cells are located in the stratum basale.
- ____ Melanin, hemoglobin, and carotene give color to skin.
- ____ Hair and nails are composed of collagen.
- ____ Melanocytes are responsible for creating the pigment for our hair.
- ____ The nail bed appears pink/red in color because of the blood flow in the dermis beneath that area.
- ____ As sebum secretions increase, the body will become less permeable to water and less likely to dessicate.
- ____ The elderly are more likely to become sunburned because they have decreased melanocyte activity.