Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 22nd May 2008 at St. Agatha’s Church Hall, Llanymynech commencing at 7.15pm.

PRESENT: Chairman: Cllr I. Pollitt, Cllrs. Mrs. D. Gaskill, P. McConville, L. Griffiths, L. Northcott-Hammond, Mrs. J. L. Smith, The Clerk, Mrs. V. E. Byrne, Borough Councillor J. Duggan and Mr. J. Jaffrey and Mr. B. Robinson.

08/45APOLOGIES: received from Cllrs. A. Brown, M. Keaveny and T Mason.

08/46IN MEMORIAM Council observed a Minutes Silence in Memory of the late

Stan Brown a former long serving Member who passed away on the 14th May.

08/47ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Councillor I. G. Pollitt was elected Chairman for

the ensuing year and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

08/48ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Councillor L. Northcott-Hammond was

elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

08/49RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER Mrs. V. E. J. Byrne was appointed

R.F.O. for the ensuing year and signed an Acceptance Form.

08/50CO-OPTION FOR VACANT SEATS. Mr. John Jaffrey and Mr. Barry Robinson

of Pant had put their names forward for the vacant seats. It was RESOLVED to

co-opt Mr. John Jaffrey and Mr. Barry Robinson to the Parish Council and they

duly signed Acceptance of Office forms.

08/51ELECTION OF COMMITTEES. RESOLVED to elect the following Committ Burial Committee - Cllrs Griffiths, Keaveny, McConville and Mason.

Footpath Committee - All Councillors.

Planning Committee - All Councillors

Oswestry Area Committee - Cllrs Mrs. Gaskill and McConville plus Vacancy.

Play Equipment/Health & Safety Committee - Cllrs Pollitt and McConville

Llanymynech Village Hall Representative - Cllr Pollitt.

Pant Memorial Institute Representative - Cllr McConville.

Playing Fields Association Representative - Cllrs McConville and Pollitt

Emergency Planning - Cllrs Jaffrey and Mason.

Tree Warden – Cllrs Keaveny and Robinson.

La Farge Liaison Committee - Cllrs Brown, Hammond and Mason.

Bryn Offa Playing Field Management Committee - Cllrs Brown and McConville.

Parish Path Wardens - Cllrs Mrs Smith, Griffiths, Keaveny and Robinson.

08/52DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Mrs. Gaskill for 08/50 as a neighbour.

08/53POLICE REPORT An email had been received about a problem at the end of

Rockwell Lane with vehicles parking and suspicious persons with dogs. Agreed

to ask for a sign to indicate turning only. C.S.O.’s have not been visible recently

nor has the radar van. It was agreed to ask the Highways Agency for flashing

speed signs at either end of the village.

08/54OSWESTRY BOROUGH COUNCIL REPORT Cllr John Duggan apologies for

late arrival. Unitary Authority continued to dominate the Borough Council and he

offered to invite Parish Councillors to the Seminars on Unitary. He referred to the

GP led Health Centres and the event on the 12.6.08 in Oswestry. Cllr Duggan

reported on his attendance at the ROW Committee meeting representing a

Borough resident.

08/55MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting held on the 22nd March 2008 were approved

and signed.

08/56PLANNING 08/15537/FUL – Briars Walk, Pant no comments. 08/15539/OUT –

Rhysnant, Tregarthen Lane, Pant: agreed to ask for a species survey as the field

has not been chemically fertilised and there may well be considerable flora on the

site, also stressed that the width of 5m for the lane be enforced, also to ask the

Treetops and Magnolia be informed of the application.

08/57LOCAL AREA ACTION MEETINGS Attendance at the meeting was discussed

regarding the difficulties Cllr Pollitt had encountered. The need to be present to

vote on local funding was stressed. It was agreed that Cllr Pollitt would remain as

the Council’s representative for the time being as the timing of meetings was

under review.

08/58PLAY SUB-COMMITTEE The Clerk reported that £300 had been raised on the

stall at the Discovery Day at the Limeworks. The funding from the Local Area

Action meeting had been agreed and would be used for a kicking wall, to be sited

on the western side of Llanymynech field. The Youth Club had also been granted

funding for the youth shelter which would also be sited on that side of the field.

The Sub-Committee had requested that when they had sufficient funding a tarmac

path be laid from the gate to the junior enclosed equipment, to make it easier to

access with prams.

08/59SHROPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT Cllr Mrs. Gaskill reported on the

County Council progress towards the new Unitary Authority and referred to the

event in Oswestry the previous evening. Small schools were still a big issue for

the County, also post office closures. The Limeworks Discovery Day was very

successful, despite the weather. The event on the 6th June to form the new group,

The Llimeys was mentioned. PACT meetings would be joined to the Local Area

Action meetings as they were of a similar content. Health provision is also under

discussion, with GP led health centres and hospitals under discussion.

08/60ROADS, FOOTWAYS AND RIGHTS OF WAY Letter from Owen Paterson MP

enclosing a copy of the response to the PC’s letter to the Minister regarding the

A483 Bypass. Disappointment was expressed that the Parish Council had not had

the courtesy of a direct reply to their letter. The letter stated that the Bypass had

been withdrawn from the prioritising exercise by the WMRTB because it was of

no benefit to the Region. Discussion on the problems of living with such a busy

road followed and it was agreed to go ahead with another campaign for a Bypass.

It was suggested that a special group be formed to meet in July, gather evidence for the need for a bypass, and to meet with the other Parish Councils that border the A483 to agree a campaign.

08/61VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. Report on the name sign for Rectory Lane was

given by the Clerk. Response from the Compliance Officer to complaints

regarding Rockwell Lane and Plas Vyrnwy was noted and deferred until the

Councillors concerned were present. Loan Approval had been received and

application would be made for the funding of new play equipment. Removal of

the old equipment at Pant was discussed. The clearing of the pavements was

mentioned. The toilet site in Llanymynech was raised by The Clerk and noted.

08/61DONATIONS Request from Crucial Crew and the Play Committee for

donations. The Crucial Crew scheme had been supported by volunteers from the

Council for many years and it was agreed that the donations budget should be

reserved for the new play equipment.

08/62VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT The Clerk had met with Dave Parker and

Peter Booth of the Borough Council who felt that the Statement was not definitive

and lacked strong statements. They agreed to meet with the group and to zone the

areas of the Parish into type of development or design. RESOLVED to arrange a

further meeting with OBC planners, a provisional date of 19th July was proposed.

08/63FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. The completed accounts for

2007/2008 were presented by The Clerk and the Annual Return was signed. The

following accounts were proposed for payment by Cllr McConville and 2nd by

Cllr Hammond with all in favour and therefore RESOLVED.

792 V.E. Byrne488.27 Salary April (paid)

793 Pant W. I. & Institute 60.00 Refreshments, room hire APM Pd.

794 GG Ed 20.00 Pantllan Reporter graphics Pd.

795 RPS Landscapes102.50 Grounds Maint. Paid.

796 Scottiush Power 87.70 Lighting energy

797 V. E. Byrne488.27 Salary May

798 Allianz Cornhill Ins. 407.15 Insurance premium

799 SALC406.80 Aff. fees, Area Comm. subs & PPump

800 Oswestry B C. 130.27 Litter bin emptying.