Civil Aviation Authority No observations (no response indicated from the British Airports Authority).
Health & Safety ExecutiveNo comments.
Scottish Executive PlanningNo comment at this stage but will offer professional advice to Scottish Ministers at the appropriate time.
Defence Communication
Services AgencyNo comments or objections.
Association of Salmon
Fishery BoardsAsk for consultation with the Clyde Fisheries Management Trust and express concerns over potential impact, during construction phase, on watercourses, water quality and fish.
River Clyde Fisheries
Management Trust LimitedExpress concerns in relation to construction phase over problems such as obstruction to upstream and downstream migration, increases in silt and sediment loads, disturbance of spawning beds, point source pollution incidents and access.
BT WholesaleThe windfarm project should not cause interference to BT’s current and presently planned radio networks.
JMP Consultants Limited
(On behalf of the Scottish
Executive Trunk Road Network
Management Division). The proposed development is likely to increase traffic movements in the vicinity of the site, primarily during the construction stage. However, the environmental statement addresses their concerns and on this basis there are no specific trunk road comments.
Scottish Executive Water
Environment UnitIn relation to the borrow pits, the developer should be made aware of the Code of Practice for owners and operators of quarries and other mineral extraction sites under the Groundwater Regulations 1998.
The Crown EstateNo comment.
Scottish Executive
Fresh Water FisheriesThe environmental statement makes no consideration of the possibility of damage to fish populations and fisheries other than a mention of possible interference to access by anglers that the work might cause. Concerns during construction phase over possible adverse impact on fish environment.
Department of Trade & IndustryTechnical concerns over intended electrical system connections and safety and site security issues.
SEPANo objection in principle though a number of concerns are expressed, centred on the construction phase and the creation of access roads throughout the site.
East Dunbartonshire CouncilPossible conflict with Structure Plan policies, very limited visual impact from EastDunbartonshire and national policy to increase renewables (no consultation responses received from other neighbouring local authorities).
Historic ScotlandConcerns expressed about the effects on scheduled ancient monuments in the area, notably the Antonine Wall and Dumbarton Castle.
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs
National ParkObject to the proposal on the following grounds:-
- visual prominence from numerous locations within the National Park; the Kilpatrick Hills provide an important setting to the National Park which would be spoiled by the introduction of wind turbines;
- prospect of some form of aircraft warning illumination being applied to the turbines would result in unacceptable visual intrusion;
- the proposal would result in significant adverse impact on the nationally important scenic qualities of the park, in contravention of the main aims of the National Park;
- NPPG6 on renewal energy developments advises that a cautious approach should be adopted in relation to particular landscapes that are valued, such as national scenic areas or national parks;
- given the extensive landscape impacts beyond the boundary of West Dunbartonshire, the Executive should give greater weight to the views of neighbouring authorities than would normally be the case.
Royal Society for the Protection
Of BirdsHolding objection on the basis of concerns over safety of Whooper Swans and Black Grouse.
Royal Fine Art Commission
For ScotlandObjects to the proposal on the basis of:-
- cannot support the proposal as it is contrary to the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 as it is outwith a preferred area for windfarm development;
- major impact on the regional scenic area and visible from the National Park;
- contrary to local plan policies;
- strong recommendation that the proposal is rejected.
Scottish Natural Heritage
- object to the proposal as it will have significant adverse impacts on the character and enjoyment of the Kilpatrick Hills regional scenic area;
- concerns over likely significant adverse impacts on the Black Carts internationally important population of Whooper Swans; and
- the proposal may also have significant adverse impacts on other European and UK protected bird species.
Windfarm Appendix 5 May 2004