Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jean Allen, Anita Cash, Farrah Corbett, Michelle Drake, Dee Dee Jackson, Jamie Kays, Linda Keller, Tammy Keller, Gina Mitchell, and Christa Simmons present


Old Business

Membership application deadline for the Kindle drawing was January 31, 2015. Actual drawing will take place in April as this was stated in the initial notification.

End of term gifts – Traci and Lana fulfilled terms and need gifts. Jean will process $50 gift certificates for each and Farrah will route thank you cards at the February OSHRM meeting for signatures.

Gina Mitchell discussed making Lana a retired member. Gina will reach out to Lana and coordinate this.

SHAPE – Linda Keller completed and submitted the SHAPE information. She believes that we will get silver (not gold), but we should know something around March. The one item we need to work on for 2015 to achieve gold is at least 75% attendance of state meetings.

Monthly meetings are all at KWC and the menus has been posted on the website.

New Business

2015 Membership Update – Gina Mitchell
We received 87 applications by deadline. Another 4 received the day of the meeting.

Recommendation was made to include the link to the registration page on the initial meeting invites. Also, we are going to change the frequency/timing of meeting invites. Christa will send out the initial invite the Tuesday prior to the meeting, and then a follow-up reminder invite on the Monday before the meeting.

Financial Update - Jean Allen

·  Jean will have the financial reports for January and February at the March meeting. Month ends did not match, so she has been working on some reconciliations.

·  We made a $40 profit at the January OSHRM meeting. We collected $260 at the meeting and $280 prepaid. The total cost of the meeting was $399.57

Jean asked about sponsors for March and discussions occurred about possible future sponsors.

·  Recommendations were made about OMHS, Haley McGinnis, Neace Lukens, and EM Ford.

·  Farrah will spend out sponsorship information for the sponsors who have committed so far.

Jean recommended another board member verify cash amount after meeting and initial and then verify that those amounts were deposited. Farrah is going to be added as a check signor.

OSHRM/Chamber Partnership Update – Anita Cash

·  Anita has had good conversations with Kirk at the Chamber regarding the “What You Need to Know” sessions. There is definite interest.

·  Anita has recommended starting earlier in the year so we are not going into November and December.

·  Discussions around facilities. Past facility was excellent once acoustics issue was resolved so recommendations were made to stay in the same place.

·  We had push back from members who wanted to participate last year, but could not since they were not certified and we had advertised that classes would be led by certified HR professionals. Jean recommended pairing certified and non-certified members together. Farrah recommends changing terminology to state Subject Matter Experts and Human Resource Professionals. The Board agreed that future presenters do not have to be certified.

March Speaker – Farrah Corbett

·  Carrie Van Daele will be presenting on Strategic Planning. She has requested that we pay for her mileage and hotel stay. Board has agreed to pay these expenses, and would agree that paying these expenses for a notable speaker once or twice a year is acceptable.

Seminars – Anita Cash

·  Anita discussed partnering with AE Roberts on seminars in ADA/FMLA/Workers Comp. This could be ½ day or full day seminars and would allow us to make a small profit.

Farrah: Reminder – 2015 SHRM Annual Conference volunteer discount which is available through April 17, 2015

National SHRM Conference Costs for Presidents – Farrah Corbett

·  In the past, the board has paid for some presidents to attend the National SHRM conference. Farrah does not feel this is a good use of board resources. Board discussed and agreed that we would not pay for current or future presidents to attend the National SHRM conference.

KYSHRM State Conference is September 23 – 25. We need a chapter representation for the planning committee. This is a few conference calls. Tammy Keller volunteered to assume this role for 2015.

Farrah has asked that anyone who response a survey about the state conference to please respond and complete the survey.

SHRM Certification – Farrah Corbett

·  At the end of 2015 and 2015, SHRM will pay $25 to Chapters for every new certified participant. Payment will be made for those who obtain certification through the tutorial or passing exam.