Comfort Band Boosters

January 18, 2015

6:00 p.m.

Call to order

6:10 by FarrenBasse


Mr. Evans, Mr. Mulliniks, FarrenBasse, Yvonne Bunch, David Aldrich, Angel Contreras, James Ochoa, Kim Ochoa

Approve December 2015 meeting minutes

Minutes were approved by Yvonne Bunch and David Aldrich

Treasurer’s Report

There were some changes made to the Treasurer’s Report. YTD should show $3382.22 because $26.22 and $200.00 was not under the YTD column. Then the expenses of $418.72 should be deducted leaving a total of $2963.50 for YTD. An adjusted report was sent around and approved by Kim Ochoa and David Aldrich.

It was suggested to do the Treasurer’s Report as two separate pages. One page will show the expenses and the other page will show the income. Tammy Aldrich has the final say on how she presents the report.

Director’s Report

Junior High:

-Mr. Mulliniks is looking into having the Honors Choir performs a song with the JH band at the end of the year.

-Solo Ensemble is March 5, 2016

-Pre UIL contest in Lytle on March 30

-UIL second Wednesday in April (13th)

-Spring concert in May. Date currently not set

-Fundraiser to begin February 4

-Band will begin to prepare for Spring concert and HS graduation after UIL

-Honors Society so far has 30 students that have signed up and shown interest. There will be a ceremony for the students inducted into the CMS Honors Band.

-Looking into possibly performing solos and small ensembles at Trinity Mission and other locations throughout the community

High School:

-UIL Solo/Ensemble at Bandera HS on February 16

-Pre UIL stage Contest at Lytle on February 18

-Full band. Leave at 7:30

-UIL Concert and Sight Reading at Fredericksburg HS on March 2

Perform mid afternoon. Be back around 5 or 6

-Fundraiser kick off March 3

-Bandera Jazz Festival on April 14. Looking into playing Friday morning

-Fiesta Texas April 16

-Drum Major and Color Guard Try Outs on May 12

-Spring Concert on May 19

-Graduation on June 3- Required performance for all students. Possible social gathering for band students beforehand. Will discuss later

Old Business

  1. Color Guard Rifle purchase

-Still looking for a Color Guard instructor

-Holding off with rifle and supply purchasing until further notice

  1. By Laws revision

By Laws need more clarification. Draft will be ready in about two cycles.

New Business

  1. Ideas for Spring fundraiser

-Sunday, April 10 Drive Thru Meal. Will discuss meal at the next meeting.

  1. Spring Band events/UIL

-Information is above under Director’s Report

  1. Budget for next year 2016-2017

-Work in progress. Need to budget in scholarships, instruments, Color Guard and Band Camp at UTSA. If you have any suggestions that need to be included in the budget email your ideas.

Meeting Adjourned @7:46

First- David Aldrich

Second- Angel Contreras