EDMIS-2 Report/Summarization Requirements

September 2008

Version 4.0

1. Executive Reports 2

1.1 Impact 2

1.2 Demographics 5

2 Management Reports 7

2.1 Impact 8

2.2 Demographics 11

2.3 In-Business 13

2.4 Nascent 19

3 Operational Reports 22

3.1 Form 641, Parts I and II 22

3.2 Form 641, Part III 24

3.3 Form 888 26

1.  Executive Reports

The Executive Reports display data for the last five complete fiscal years. The numbers will be displayed as follows:

Fiscal Year
2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008


·  Executive User

·  Management Admin User


·  Date Range, configurable by choosing:

o  Beginning FY (default value: previous FY – 4)

o  Ending FY (default value: previous FY)


·  Quantified quarterly and reported annually

·  Data for last 5 complete Fiscal Years

·  Resource partner and District Office data only.

·  Include only clients who have at least one session in the FY for which the calculations are performed. “Case Closed Out” sessions are not counted as sessions.

·  Each client will be counted once in the FY unless stated otherwise.

1.1  Impact

Result Set:

Element / Reporting Requirements
Fiscal Year1 / For SBA purposes, the Fiscal year comprises October 1 through September 30th of the following calendar year.
Jobs Created / Sum of net gain of employees for each business since the last year. (Form 641, Part III, Field 41 minus Part II, Field 27). Where a business reports losing employees (number is less than zero) zero (0) will be used for that business.
Jobs Retained / Sum of jobs retained for all businesses that had at least one session in both the previous FY and the current FY. For each business, the number of jobs retained is the lesser of:
1.  The number of employees for the current FY
2.  The number of employees for the previous FY
As reported in Form 641, Part III, Field 41.
For those businesses with more than one session in either FY, we will use the last session during that FY.
$Amount of Gross Revenue/Sales / As reported from Form 641, Part III, Line 42
$ Amount of Revenue Growth / The sum of revenue increases for each business individually since the last business FY, as reported in Form 641, Part III, Field 42 minus Part II, Field 28. Where a business reports losing revenue (number is less than zero) zero (0) will be used for that business.
Since 641 Part II Field 28 gets updated with the latest information from the 641 Part 3 if the client is currently in Business answered ‘Yes’ we cannot use this formula. This should be based on the Form 641, Part III, Field 42 of the latest session of the current fiscal year and the latest session of the previous fiscal year.
Number of New Business Starts / Total number of counseling clients that subsequently opened a business during or prior to the fiscal year being reported. Business are considered “Started” if at the previous session the client was not “in business,” and at a subsequent session was “in business” (Form 641, Part II, Field 20 and Part III, Field 39)
Total Number of Businesses Created
Total number of Nascent Clients that subsequently opened a business during the fiscal year. Business are considered “Created” if at the previous session during the FY the client was not “in business,” and at subsequent session was “in business” (Form 641, Part III, Fields 39)
Include the number in the quarter where the minimum client session was marked in business. Formula: Count(In business) clients for the quarter where last counseling session in previous quarter/fiscal is marked client as not in business.
Client could be a ‘Nascent Business’ or ‘In-Business’ for the FY and can be counted “Business Created”.
Total $ Amount of Capital Infusion / Aggregate amount from Form 641, Part III, $ Total Amount of SBA Loans, $ Total Amount of non- SBA loans and $ Amount of Equity Capital Received.
$ Amount of SBA Loans / From Form 641, Part III, $Total Amount of SBA Loans, sum of all the field entries for the reporting period.
$ Amount of Non-SBA Loans / From Form 641, Part III, $Total Amount of SBA Loans, sum of all the field entries for the reporting period.
$ Amount of Equity Infusion / From Form 641, Part III, $Total Amount of SBA Loans, sum of all the field entries for the reporting period.
Total Number of Clients Served / Sum of the total number of clients counseled and the total number of training attendees
(Previously Total Number of Clients Counseled & Trained3)
Total number of Counseling Clients plus total number of Training Attendees. Form 641, Client ID plus Form 888, Field 8)
Total Number of Clients Counseled2 / Unique clients having at least one session during the fiscal year. A unique client will be counted once during the entire fiscal year. (Form 641, Based on Client ID)
Total Number of Extended Engagement Clients (EEC) Counseled (5 hours or more) / For a client receiving services in the report year, the total number of clients who have received 5 or more aggregate hours of counseling (contact only) time, (Field 50a) in that fiscal year and any prior (beginning October 1, 2005).
Total Number of Long-Term Clients (LTC) Counseled (5 hours or more) / For a client receiving services in the report year, the total number of clients who have received 5 or more aggregate hours of counseling (contact and prep time, (Fields 50a and 50b) in that fiscal year only.
Total Number of Counseling Hours / Total number of counseling hours (contact plus prep, Form 641, Part III, Field 50a plus 50b) from all forms 641.
Average Hours Per Client Counseled / Average of total hours counseled (contact hours plus prep hours) from all Form 641 divided by total number of counseled clients. Form 641, Part III, and Field 50a plus 50b divided by number of clients counseled).
Average Hours Per Session / Total number of hours counseled (contact hours plus prep hours) from all Forms 641 divided by the total number of sessions.
Total Number of Training Attendees / Total of individuals trained. (Form 888, Field 8)
Total Number of Training Hours / The sum per individual Form 888 of the hours of training (Field 5).
Total Number of Training Hours * Total
number trained / The sum per individual Form 888 of the hours of training (Field 5) x the total number trained (Field 8).
Total Number of Training Sessions / Total number of sessions from Form 888, Field 4. Or is it the total number of 888s under the new definitions.
Total Number of Nascent Entrepreneur / Total number of clients who identify themselves as not “in business” at the initial counseling session for that fiscal year. If the client subsequently starts a business during the reporting period, he will still be counted as a Nascent Client during that reporting period. (Form 641, Part III, Field 39).
Total Number of Business Start-up Clients4 / Total number of In-Business Clients who are classified as “Start-Up.” Clients are considered “Start-Up” if the difference between the last day of the current quarter and the date in the field labeled “Month and Year Business Started” for the first session in the FY equals less than 12 months. (Form 641, Part III, Fields 24 and 40)
Total Number of In-Business Clients / Total number of clients who identify themselves as being “in-business” at the initial counseling session for that fiscal year. If the client closes his business during the fiscal year, he will still be counted as an In-Business Client. (Form 641, Part III, Field 39)
Total Number of Online Counseling Clients / During the FY any client who identified himself/herself as “Online” who completes at least one session. Face-to-face and telephone clients are not included. (Form 641, Field 1a)

1 Data for previous fiscal years

2 Data will include direct counseling and training conducted by District Offices

3This number is included in “Total Number of Counseling & Training Clients.”

4If a business is categorized as a start-up in any quarter, they are included in this category total regardless of their current status during the rest of the FY. This information is calculated each quarter to reflect the annual number of business start-ups.

1.2  Demographics

Result Set:

Element / Reporting Requirements
Fiscal Year1 / For SBA purposes, the Fiscal year comprises October 1 through September 30th of the following calendar year.
Total Number of Women Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Female” in Form 641, Part II, Field 16
Total Number of Women Trained / Summary of values entered for “Women” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Women Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Minorities Trained / Summary of value entered for “Total Number of Minorities Trained”
There is no calculation based on summary of values entered for all of:
- “Asians”
- “Blacks or African Americans”
- “Native Americans or Alaskan Natives”
- “Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders”
in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Hispanic Origin Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Hispanic Origin” in Form 641, Part II, Field 15
Total Number of Hispanic Origin Trained / Summary of values entered for “Hispanic Origin” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Hispanic Origin Counseled and Trained / Sum of:
- Previous element total
- Tally of clients that checked the box for “Hispanic Origin” in Form 641, Part II, Field 15
Total Number of Blacks or African Americans Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Black or African American” on Form 641, Part II, Field 14
Total Number of Blacks or African Americans Trained / Summary of values entered for “Blacks or African Americans” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Blacks or African American Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Asians Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Asian” on Form 641, Part II, Field 14
Total Number of Asians Trained / Summary of values entered for “Asians” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Asians Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Native Americans or Alaskan Natives Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Native American or Alaskan Native” on Form 641, Part II, Field 14
Total Number of Native Americans or Alaskan Natives Trained / Summary of values entered for “Native Americans or Alaskan Natives” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Native Americans or Alaskan Natives Trained and Counseled / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander” on Form 641, Part II, Field 14
Total Number of Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders Trained / Summary of values entered for “Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Whites Counseled / Form 641, Part II, Field 14
Total Number of Whites Trained / Summary of values entered for “White” in Form 888, Field 9
Total Number of Whites Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Clients Counseled2 / Tally of unique clients having at least one session during the fiscal year. A “unique client” will be counted once during the entire fiscal year.
Form 641, Part II, Based on Client ID
Total Number of Clients Trained / Summary of values entered for “Total Number Trained” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Clients Counseled and Trained3 / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of “no response” race category / Tally of unique clients having left all of the boxes blank in Form 641, Part II, Field 14 on all of their forms.
Total Number of Males Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Male” on Form 641, Part II, Field 16
Total Number of Persons With a Disability Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Yes” on Form 641, Part II, Field 17
Total Number of Persons With a Disability Trained / Summary of values entered for “People with Disabilities” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Persons With a Disability Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Persons Without Disability Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “No” on Form 641, Part II, Field 17 plus Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Persons Without a Disability Trained / Summary of values entered for “Total Number Trained” minus the summary of values entered for “People with Disabilities” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Persons Without a Disability Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Veterans Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Veteran” on Form 641, Part II, Field 18
Total Number of Veterans Trained / Summary of values entered for “Total Veterans” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Veterans Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Service-Disabled Veterans Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Service-Disabled Veteran” on Form 641, Part II, Field 18
Total Number of Service-Disabled Veterans Trained / Summary of values entered for “Service-Disabled Veterans” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Service-Disabled Veterans Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Members of Reserve or National Guard Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “Member of Reserve or National Guard” on Form 641, Part II, Field 18a
Total Number of Members of Reserve or National Guard Trained / Summary of values entered for “Members of Reserve or National Guard” in Form 888, Field 8
Total Number of Members of Reserve or National Guard Counseled and Trained / Sum of previous two elements.
Total Number of Clients On Active Duty Counseled / Tally of clients that checked the box for “On Active Duty” on Form 641, Part 18a

1 Data for previous fiscal years