Arabic in the Secondary School at BSAK
Arabic is a compulsory subject for all students
Until Y10
There are two Arabic courses run at Al Khubairat;
Arabic Course A: is for children who are native Arabic speakers.
All children are entitled to 3 hours a week of Arabic from FS2 until Y12. This follows the Abu Dhabi Education Ministry Guidelines. All the children at Al Khubairat learn to speak, read and write Arabic.
Children study Ministry’s Curriculums following ADEC Schemes & Ministry’s Guidelines from Fs- Y12.
Arabic Course B: is for non-Arabic speaking children.
All children are entitled to 3 hours a week of Arabic from FS2 until Y9. This follows the Abu Dhabi Education Ministry Guidelines. All the children at Al Khubairat learn to speak, read and write Arabic.
In FS1, children are introduced to some Arabic phrases by their class teachers and they will count in Arabic as a class and sing happy birthday in Arabic. This is a very gentle approach to language learning and is more about the children appreciating and hearing other languages, rather than acquisition of vocabulary.
In FS 2 the children are introduced to some letters of the Arabic Alphabet but the main focus is on listening to the Arabic language and building up vocabulary.
During Years 1 and 2,and 3 the children will cover all the letters in the Arabic Alphabet. In each year group different, interesting topics are covered where the children will learn associated vocabulary and use the language in different contexts. Some Arabic grammar is taught through these topics.
There is a big emphasis on speaking and listening and the Arabic department use a range of interactive games and practical activities to ensure that learning Arabic is fun and engaging for the children.
From Y4- Y10 children study Adapted Curriculum of Ministry’s curriculum for Non-native ( I love Arabic) following Asset languages strategies focussing on the four skills of language: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Arabic GCSE:
At Y9 students are able to opt Arabic GCSE to study during Y10 and Y11.We are following Edexcel Schemes & exams.
Arabic at Y12:is optional.
Students need to set Arabic Year 12 Ministry’s exams for equivalence if they are going to study in Arabic Country’s university; or if they are going to work with governments in Arabic Country, and if someone chooses to drop it he will be needed to hand the HOD written letter from parents tells their desire.