Marshall County Central
Course Descriptions
In today's rapidly changing society, it is increasingly important that students carefully plan their educational programs so as to obtain the maximum benefit from the opportunities presented. Many important questions and answers need to be considered:
· What type of career do I wish to follow in the future?
· What post-high school education or training will I need in my chosen career?
· What educational training is available to me in high school?
· What are my strengths and weaknesses?
· How can I best take advantage of my emotional condition?
· What type of world do I want to live in and contribute to?
· How dedicated will I be in working toward achieving my goals?
Each student should be willing to seek help in reaching decisions about career goals and educational training from parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, specially trained personnel, and friends. A student should not plan to take a class because a friend is taking the class; there should be better reasons in preparing for the future!
This registration booklet is prepared to help in promoting an understanding of the curricular offerings. Each year there are several changes to courses offered and to the description of some courses. Students and parents should look over courses carefully and choose wisely when choices are available.
It must be understood that not all of the courses described in this booklet will be offered. Courses that are not in demand or those for which we do not have enough teacher time are not likely to be taught. However, every effort will be made in scheduling classes so as to allow for the greatest number of students to have best choices for classes.
Important General Registration Information:
· Registration in our school takes place in the spring. This is the time when you select subjects for the next year. Therefore, discuss the materials in this booklet with those who are interested in you and your work. The Principal or Counselor will discuss your choices with you and give you any additional assistance that you feel necessary.
· Before you actually list any subject or subjects on your registration form:
- Note which subjects are required and those from which you may choose (electives).
- If a students wishes to drop a class or add a class, it must be done within the first two school days of each term or semester. Courses can only be dropped with the consent of the Principal. You should also talk to your parents about changes in class schedules.
- Be aware of what you must complete during the year; it is hoped that you will do satisfactory or better work in all subjects for which you register.
- Realize that credits not earned through failure of a subject must be made up. Required subjects failed must be repeated. A total of 26 credits must be earned in grades 9-12 to graduate from MCC.
- Realize that you must read carefully the description of subjects offered in order that you may have information about them.
Grade 7 & 8 Required Classes:
Grade 7: 1 credit in Social Studies
1 credit in English
1 credit in Science
1 credit in Math
1/4 credit in Physical Education
1/2 credit in Computer Technology
1/4 credit in Industrial Tech
1/2 credit in Art
1/4 credit in Study Skills
1/4 credit in Life Skills
Grade 8: 1 credit in Social Studies
1 credit in English
1 credit in Science
1 credit in Math (Algebra I)
1/4 credit in Physical Education
1/2 credit in FACS
1/2 credit in Computer Technology
1/4 credit in Industrial Tech
1/4 credit in Career
1/4 credit in Health
Many students are able to and should earn several credits beyond the minimum requirement, thereby better preparing themselves for the future. The 26 credits required for graduation include the following:
Grade 9-12 Required Classes:
Grade 9: 1 credit in Social Studies
1 credit in English
1 credit in Science
1 credit in Mathematics (Algebra 9)
1/2 credit in Physical Education
1/2 credit in Child Development
1/2 credit in Computer Technology
1/4 credit in Industrial Tech
Grade 10: 1 credit in Social Studies
1 credit in English
1 credit in Biology (Biology or College Prep Biology)
1 credit in Mathematics (Geometry or Advanced Geometry)
1/2 credit in Physical Education
1/2 credit in Health
Grade 11: 1 credit in Social Studies (Economics ½ credit)
1 credit in English* (see below)
1/2 credit in Guidance (Career 11)
1 credit in Mathematics (Algebra II or Advanced Algebra II)
1 credit in Chemistry or Physics
(Chemistry is the regular section, Physics & Advanced Chemistry are honors courses)
Grade 12: 1 credit in Social Studies (World History I and/or II; ½ credit from elective courses)
1 credit in English* (see below)
*Students must complete the following English requirements over their junior/senior years:
½ credit American Literature
½ credit additional literature course (British Literature or Novels)
½ credit writing (College Prep Writing or Junior/Senior Composition)
½ credit additional English elective (may be additional literature or writing course, or English elective, such as Film Study, Theatre, or Public Speaking)
· Some classes are tech-prep oriented or contain a "school-to-work" element. Tech Prep or "School-To-Work" emphasizes learning of practical skills for various careers and preparation for skill-based post-secondary school educational programs.
· Some of the courses allow for college credit through an articulation agreement with one or more technical colleges.
· College-bound students should become aware of college entrance requirements and need to choose classes to fulfill those requirements.
· Juniors and seniors who are looking at the post-secondary option should contact the Principal or Counselor about his/her intentions during the spring registration.
Marshall County Central Graduation Requirements
GRADES 9 10 11 12
English (4) / 1 credit English 9 / 1 credit English 10 / English required in grade 11 or 12:½ credit American Literature
½ credit Writing
½ credit additional Literature
½ credit English of your choosing
Social Studies (4) / 1 credit Civics 9 / 1 credit American History / ½ credit Economics / ½ credit World History
1 credit Social Electives
(Gr. 11 or 12)
Math (3) / 1 credit Algebra 9 / 1 credit Geometry
Advanced Geometry / 1 credit Algebra II
Advanced Algebra II
Science (3) / 1 credit Science 9 / 1 credit Biology
College Prep Biology / 1 credit of Chemistry
(Gr. 11 or 12)
PE/Health (1 ½) / ½ credit PE 9 / ½ credit PE 10
½ credit Health 10
FACS (1/2) / ½ credit Child Development
Guidance (1/2) / ½ credit Careers 11
Tech Ed (1/2) / ½ credit Computer Tech
Industrial Tech (1/4) / ¼ credit
Industrial Tech 9
Arts (1) / One credit Arts in grades 9-12 (See list of approved Arts courses on page 7)
Electives / Plus electives to
equal 7 credits / Plus electives to
equal 7 credits / Plus electives to
equal 7 credits / Plus electives to
equal 7 credits
Minimum per Year / 7 credits / 7 credits / 7 credits / 7 credits
Total to Graduate / 26 CREDITS
Student Name: ______Credit Worksheet Date: ______
COURSES / CREDITS / COMPLETEDEnglish 9 Semester 1 / .5
English 9 Semester 2 / .5
English 10 Semester 1 / .5
English 10 Semester 2 / .5
American Literature / .5
English Writing (College Prep Writing or Jr/Sr Comp.) / .5
Additional Literature (British Lit or Novels) / .5
English of your Choosing / .5
Algebra I / 1
Geometry / 1
Algebra II / 1
Civics 9 Semester 1 / .5
Civics 9 Semester 2 / .5
American History 10 Semester 1 / .5
American History 10 Semester 2 / .5
Economics / .5
World History (I or II) / .5
Social Studies Elective / .5
Social Studies Elective / .5
Science 9 Semester 1 / .5
Science 9 Semester 2 / .5
Biology 10 Semester 1 / .5
Biology 10 Semester 2 / .5
Chemistry or Physics Semester 1 / .5
Chemistry or Physics Semester 2 / .5
Physical Education 9 / .5
Physical Education 10 / .5
Health 10 / .5
Industrial Technology / .25
Computer Technology (Tech 9) / .5
Child Development / .5
Careers 11 / .5
Arts / 1
Total Required Credits (18.25)
Total Elective Credits (7.75)
Total Earned Credits to Date / TOTAL
Credits to be earned this year / TOTAL
The following courses will count as partial fulfillment of the Minnesota Arts standards requirement that students must complete as part of their graduation requirements at Marshall County Central High School. Students must complete 1 credit of any combination of the following courses. The courses are listed by department. Credit values are listed in parentheses after the course titles.
Art I (.25 or .50)
Art II (.25 or .50)
Art III (.25 or .50)
Ceramics (.25)
Digital Photography (.25)
Drawing (.25 or .50)
Graphic Design (.25 or .50)
Murals (.5)
Painting (.25 or .50)
Printmaking (.25)
Sculpture (.25 or .50)
Family and Consumer Sciences
Basic Sewing (.5)
Adv. Sewing (.5)
Handmade Crafts (.5)
Senior High Choir (.25/semester)
Senior High Band (.25/semester)
Industrial Tech
Art Industrial Crafts (.50)
It is important for students to register for high school classes that will satisfy the entrance requirements for potential institutions. These requirements can vary between institutions and between programs within the same institution. It is the responsibility of the student to become familiar with the entrance requirements of potential institutions to which they wish to apply. This can be best accomplished by speaking with admissions representatives here at school or by contacting potential institutions directly. Students are also strongly encouraged to arrange a campus visit to those institutions that they may be considering. Admissions factors considered by post-secondary institutions may include: grade point average (overall), grade point average in challenging courses, class rank, high school course selection, entrance exam scores (ACT or SAT), participation and leadership in school and community activities, a personal essay and teacher recommendations.
In general, students may adhere to these guidelines for admission:
The University of Minnesota includes five campuses: Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, Rochester, and Crookston. Admission requirements may vary among campuses, but generally the following minimum courses are required:
· Four years of English with emphasis on writing, including instruction in reading and speaking skills and in literary understanding and appreciation
· Three years of Mathematics including two years of algebra and one year of geometry (Four years of Math are required for Management, Biological Sciences, and Science and Engineering) **Starting Fall of 2015, four years of Math will be required for ALL University of Minnesota campuses & programs**
· Three years of Science including one year each of physical and biological science (Biological science, chemistry, and physics are required for Management, Biological Sciences, and Science and Engineering.)
· Two years of a single world language
· Three years of Social Studies including one year each of U.S. history and geography (or a course that includes a geography component such as world history, western civilization, or global studies)
· One year of Visual and/or Performing Arts including instruction in the history and interpretation of the art form (e.g. theater arts, music, band, chorus, orchestra, drawing, painting, photography, graphic design, media production, theater production)
The Minnesota State University System includes the following universities: Bemidji State
University, Metropolitan State University, Minnesota State University Mankato, Minnesota State University Moorhead, St. Cloud State University, Southwest Minnesota State University and Winona State University.
Requirements include:
· Four years of English including composition, literature and speech
· Three years of Mathematics including two years of algebra and one year of geometry
· Three years of Science including one year each of physical and biological science, all with lab experience
· Three years of Social Studies including one year each of US History and geography
· One year of the Arts, chosen from the visual arts and the performing arts of theatre, music, dance and media arts.
· Two years of a single world language.
The basic requirement to enter a community college or technical college is a high school diploma. Certain programs of study may have additional admission requirements. Students should contact potential institutions for specific requirements.
The admission requirements for private colleges vary greatly. Students are strongly encouraged to contact prospective schools for admission information. The general guidelines for the University of Minnesota or State Universities may be followed but these are generally minimum requirements. Several private colleges require three years of a foreign language.
These schools offer programs in business, technology, cosmetology, art, music and nursing. Again, students should contact prospective schools for admission requirements.
The North Dakota University System includes: UND, NDSU, Mayville State, Minot State, Valley City State, Dickinson State, Bismarck State College, Dakota College, Lake Region State College, NDSCS, and Williston State College. Requirements include:
· 4 units of English
· 3 units of mathematics (at the level of algebra 1 and above)
· 3 units of laboratory science
· 3 units of social science
All military branches now require a high school diploma for entrance. For more information, contact the school counselor or military recruiter.