MOCAN Messages Work Group Minutes
September 18, 2015
The MOCAN Messages Work Group Conference Call took place on September 18, 2015 at 11:45. Participants were: Katie Duggan, Chairperson, Brenda Maley, Co-Chairperson and members: Nathan Ferguson, Maureen Jenkins, Donna Mehrle, Dana Meyer, K. C. Riedl, Karen Sherbondy and Jon Stemmle.
The purpose of the meeting was to brainstorm ideas for the MOCAN website and a new MOCAN logo. Maureen and her team from MU Extension are designing the website.
Some items that will be included on the website are:
1. An interactive membership registration form.
2. Google Analytics, to collect statistical data from website visitors.
3. A MOCAN Initiatives tab (working title), to highlight the organization’s current projects, such as “Eat Smart In Parks,” “Skip the Salt”, etc.
Items to decide upon:
4. New Logo. Several mockup designs were presented. Maureen’s team will tweak some of the designs before a decision is made. Health/Medical professionals are the target audience.
5. The inclusion of everything that is currently on the website. Maureen will gather usage statistics of the current website and return her findings to the group.
6. An Events tab, for quarterly events, conferences, etc.
7. A News Feed to highlight noteworthy items.
8. Social Media Feed. This may depend upon the available space. There was discussion of using an intern or allowing each MOCAN work group to take turns keeping the Social Media aspect up to date. Highlighting particular tweets was considered as well. No decisions were finalized.
9. Consolidating similar pages, like Resources & Accomplishments, to avoid confusion & redundancy & to free up space in navigation. Will probably be able to remove older materials from these pages (Donna will approve before anything is removed).
10. Re-naming tabs. For example, the Media Campaigns tab could be renamed MoCAN Initiatives – need to make this page stand out to highlight important MoCAN projects.
11. The primary focus of the website will change from a members-only site to one that promotes MOCAN and facilitates recruitment of new members.
Maureen will forward website mock-ups to Donna and Katie for consideration before the next conference call.
The meeting adjourned. The next Messages Work Group conference call is October 9, 2015 at 9:00 to discuss the logo and the “mock-up” website designs.