/ 2-1-1/1/3/1,
FeverHospital Backside,
Old Nallakunta,
Hyderabad–500 044.
- Over 2 years of general computer experience, extensiveexperience in software development and implementation of various web and Client/Server applications which involved various phases of software life cycle including analysis, design and testing.
- Worked on Java/J2EE technologies, including Core Java, JSP, Servlets, Java beans, Struts and EJB on Tomcat5.0 web server and Websphere application server with Oracle 8i as Database.
- Possess the enthusiasm for work, strong desire to succeed and commitment to continuous skill development that help build confidence and high level motivation to achieve desired results. Very ambitious to help others and work in IT field.
ProfessionalExperience:2+ years of experience especially in developing Java based Internet applications.
IT & C Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh., Hyderabad / Aug’ 2004 - PresentDistrict/Department Information Officer (DIO)
- Recruited for the development of web-based service oriented e-governance applicationswhich involves gathering information, designing, developing and maintaining the applications for the concerned district / department to which deputed.
- The duties include inspection and enquiry of all IT related services used at the district or department and thus acts as a liaison between the IT & C Department, GoAP and the district / department assigned.
Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad / Dec’ 2003 to Jul’ 2004
Software Project Trainee
- Involves requirement gathering, analysis, design and development of the application assigned.
Technical Summary:
Prog. Languages & OOPSJava1.4
Server Side TechnologiesJava Servlets2.4, JSP2.0, Struts1.1, EJB
Markup LanguagesHTML, DHTML, XML
RDBMSOracle 8i, MS-Access
Scripting LanguagesJavaScript
Web ServersApache Tomcat 5.5
Application ServersIBM Websphere
Educational Qualifications:
- M. Sc. in Information Systemswith 80% from NagarjunaUniversityfrom June 2002 to June 2004
- Bachelor of Computer Applicationswith 85.7% from NagarjunaUniversityfrom June 1999 toJune 2002
- Achieved 32nd rank in BCA CET conducted by NagarjunaUniversity.
- Achieved 35th rank in M.Sc(IS) CET conducted by NagarjunaUniversity.
- Complements from Chief Rationing Officer and Joint Collector of Hyderabad District for the automation of office of CRO and portal for Ration cards issue, published in daily Newspapers like Eenadu, Andhra Prabha, Vishalandhra dated 18-01-2006.
Professional Experience:
1.AUTOMATION OF OFFICE OF THE CHIEF RATIONING OFFICER (Portal done for CRO office, Hyderabad District)
Organization:Hyderabad Collectorate
Technology:JSP,Servlets, ORACLE 8i, Tomcat 5, WINDOWS 2000
Team Size:3
Duration:Sep’ 2005 till date
Role:Software Application Developer
Responsibilities:Requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding & testing
Description:The Chief Rationing Office is the division of Civil supplies office for the district of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The portal designed for CRO office deals with presenting the citizens of Twin cities with all the essential information of civil supplies and provides facilities for complaint registration, online submission of FP shop applications etc. Various reports from the circle offices under CRO can also be sent digitally through this portal. The portal also aims at including the details of ration cards issue that is being carried out in Hyderabad District. Information regarding issue of ration cards and search for DPL centers is also included in this portal.
2. MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT LOCAL AREA DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (MPLADS) (Project done for CPO office, Hyderabad District)
Organization:Hyderabad Collectorate
Technology:Struts1.1, ORACLE 8i, Tomcat 5, WINDOWS 2000
Team Size:5
Duration:Aug’ 2005 till date
Role:Software Application Developer
Responsibilities:Requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding & testing
Description:Under MPLADS scheme, each MP has the choice to suggest to the District Collector for, works to the tune of Rs.2 Crores per annum to be taken up in his/her constituency. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Members of Parliament can recommend works in one or more districts in the State from where he/she has been elected. Works taken up under this scheme are tracked and status can be known instantly. Periodical reports regarding work status and funds allotment will also be generated on a regular basis.
3. AUTOMATION OF REVENUE DEPARTMENT, HYDERABAD DISTRICT(Project done for Hyderabad Collector office)
Organization:Hyderabad Collectorate
Technology:Servlets, JSP, ORACLE 9i, Tomcat 5, WINDOWS 2000
Team Size:4
Duration:Jan’ 2005 to Jul’ 2005
Role:Software Application Developer
Responsibilities:Requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding & testing
Description:This basic purpose of this system is to keep track of application for different kinds of certificates. Thus it maintains each application status from the point of submission by the applicant till it is redressed. It also generates an acknowledgement with expected date of delivery of certificate for citizens’ convenience. To do this it maintains Employee information and Type of Certificates issued along with list of enclosures needed to apply. The type ofapplications issued by Collector’s office include No Objection Certificates(NOC), Rajiv Gruha Kalpa forms etc. The system tracks the status of the application at any stage thus facilitating Right To Information Act (RTI Act). The system also keeps track of the files generated at the collector’s office and tracking the files at various levels.
4. PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR TR&B DEPARTMENT, AP SECRETARIAT (Project done for Transport, Roads and Buildings department, AP Secretariat)
Organization:Transport, Roads and Buildings department, AP Secretariat.
Technology:JSP, Servlets, ORACLE 8, Tomcat 5, WINDOWS XP
Team Size:4
Duration:Aug’ 2004 to Dec’ 2004
Role:Software Application Developer
Responsibilities:design, coding & testing
Description:The project deals with maintenance of the information of employees in Transport, Roads and Buildings department, AP Secretariat. The information includes personal, academic, professional, training and career advancement details. The details of employees used in this system are categorized according to their designation and type of employment and thus is used for salary and PF calculations. Permissions and details of the employees are maintained by the administrator of the application and each user is given a separate login through which the personal, academic and such details can be changed by the concerned employee.
Organization:Village Panchayat Office, Chiluvur, Guntur Dist.
Technology:JSP, Servlets, ORACLE 8, Tomcat 5, WINDOWS XP
Team Size:6
Duration:Dec’ 2003 to Jul’ 2004
Role:Software Project Trainee
Responsibilities:design, coding & testing
Description:The project deals with automating the important services performed by any typical panchayat at the village level. The services provided are maintenance of tax collection, panchayat tenders, panchayat meetings like gram sabhas, and development works done by panchayat to the village. The system provides transparency to the operations of the Panchayat by providing an interface which can be readily accessed by the villagers. A provision is also provided for the administrator for assigning user provisions and employee details management.
Personal Details:
Date of Birth:14 January 1982
Marital Status: Single
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu
Passport Number: A9683759