World History Unit 1, Part Two, The Greeks and The Romans
World Wall:
1. Dynasty
2. Mandate of Heaven
3. Qin Dynasty
4. Zhou Dynasty
5. Classical Age
6. Hoplites
7. Helots
8. Democracy
9. Republic
10. Pax Romana
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. Homer
4. Alexander the Great
5. Julius Caesar
6. Augustus Caesar
7. Mark Antony
8. Romulus & Remus
9. Jesus of Nazareth
10. Paul
Geography: Locate and label the following on the map below: Italy, Spain, Greece, Macedonia, Israel, Tunisia, and Egypt
Stone Inscription of Emperor Qin:What it means in plain English
A new age is inaugurated by the Emperor;
Rules and measures are rectified,
The myriad things set in order,
Human affairs are made clear
And there is harmony between fathers and sons.
The Emperor in his sagacity, benevolence and justice
Has made all laws and principles manifest.
He set forth to pacify the east,
To inspect officers and men;
This great task accomplished
He visited the coast.
Great are the Emperor's achievements,
Men attend diligently to basic tasks,
Farming is encouraged, secondary pursue discouraged,
All the common people prosper;
All men under the sky
Toil with a single purpose;
Tools and measures are made uriiform,
The wricten script is standardized;
Wherever the sun and moon shine,
Wherever one can go by boat or by carriage,
Men carry out their orders
And satisfy their desires;
For our Emperor in accordance with the time
Has regulated local customs,
Made waterways and divided up the land.
Caring for the common people,
He works day and night without rest;
He defines the laws, leaving nothing in doubt,
Making known what is forbidden.
The local officials have their duties,
Administration is smoothly carried out,
All is done correctly, all according to plan.
The Emperor in his wisdom
Inspects all four quarters of his realm;
High and low, noble and humble,
None dare overshoor the mark;
No evil or impropriety is allowed,
All strive to be good men and true,
And exert themselves in tasks great and small;
None dares to idle or ignore his duties,
But in far-off, remote places
Serious and decorous administrators
Work steadily, just and loyal.
Great is the virtue of our Emperor
Who pacifies ail four corners of the earth,
Who punishes traitors, roots out evil men,
And with profitable measures brings prosperity.
Tasks are done at the proper season,
All things flourish and grow;
The common people know peace
And have laid aside weapons and armor;
Kinsmen care for each other,
There are no robbers or thieves;
Men delight in his rule,
All understanding the law and discipline.
The universe entire
Is our Emperor's realm,
Extending west to the Desert,
South to where the houses face north,
East to the East Ocean,
North to beyond Daxia;
Wherever human life is found,
All acknowledge his suzerainty,
His achievements surpass those of the Five Emperors,
His kindness reaches even the beasts of the field;
All creatures beneht from his virtue,
All live in peace at home.
Essential Question, Lesson One:How did ancient Greek government influence the development of modern democracy?
Democratic State
Other Notes
Rise of the Greek Polis, use the notes below to create a cartoon of the rise of democracy in Greece
Today: take the large piece of paper you have been given and divide it into 6 equal size boxes, in these boxes create a cartoon depicting the rise of the Greek Polis, each box should depict the events listed below. Cartoons may include dialog, must be neat and understandable.
- Rule of Kings: Most land owned by a few noble families, landless peasants, debt-slaves worked the land of nobles, some free peasants worked their own small farms
- Hoplite Army: Non-professional citizen soldiers: farmers who in their spare time fought. Fought shoulder to shoulder in a phalanx with weapon’s they purchased themselves, promoted equality among soldiers
- Colonization: Greek city-states established new city-states around the Mediterranean, this relived overpopulation, spread Greek culture, created commercial networks and sources of new wealth
- Rise of Tyrants: Economic growth resulting from colonization lead to a growing middle class who could afford to purchase weapons. Tyrants, formed armies of this new middle class and seized power in the city-state after city-state. The new middle class demanded rights in exchange for their service as Hoplites
- As the power of the Hoplites grew the Tyrants where rejected and Democracies in which all male who participated in the army could take part in government or Oligarchies where the wealthiest males controlled the government developed.
- Triremes: In several Greek city-states the Navy became very important. Naval ships where powered by rowers. As the importance of Naval power grew the poor men who served as rowers aboard these ships demanded the same political rights as the hoplites. In these city-states the democracy expanded to include all male citizens
Name ______Greco-Roman Personality ______
CATEGORY / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5Required Elements / Assignment includes all required elements:
1. Person’s name
2. large picture of person
3. campaign slogan
4. campaign song with lyrics attached and applicable verse highlighted
5. campaign promises / Assignment includes all required elements except one. / Assignment includes all required elements except two. / Assignment is missing three or more required elements.
Attractiveness / The assignment is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and neatness and all of the following requirements have been met. 1. All poster board space is efficiently used
2. all pictures/visuals are clear, free of distortion
3. All writing is of the appropriate size and color and is easy to read. / The assignment is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and neatness, however, one of the requirements has not been met. / The assignment is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and neatness, however, two of the requirements have not been met. / The assignment is messy, poorly designed and/or lacks all of the requirements mentioned.
Content Accuracy/Factual Information
(Campaign Promises) / Student uses factual information about the Greco-Roman personality to create four campaign promises. / Student uses factual information about the Greco-Roman personality to create three campaign promises. / Student uses factual information about the Greco-Roman personality to create two campaign promises. / Student uses factual information about the Greco-Roman personality to create one campaign promise./Assignment does not contain any campaign promises.
Demonstration of Knowledge/Evidence of Understanding / Student clearly demonstrates knowledge of the Greco-Roman personality through appropriate/relevant choices in the following three areas: 1. campaign slogan
2. campaign song
3. campaign promises / Student clearly demonstrates knowledge of the Greco-Roman personality through appropriate/relevant choices in two of the following areas:
1. campaign slogan
2. campaign song
3. campaign promises / Student clearly demonstrates knowledge of the Greco-Roman personality through appropriate/relevant choices in one of the following areas:
1. campaign slogan
2. campaign song
3. campaign promises / Student does not demonstrate knowledge of the Greco-Roman personality through appropriate/relevant choices in any of the following three areas:
1. campaign slogan
2. campaign song
3. campaign promises
Mechanics / Capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and spelling are correct throughout the assignment. / There is one error in either capitalization, punctuation grammar or spelling in the assignment. / There are two errors in either capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and/or spelling in the assignment. / There are three or more errors in either capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and/or spelling in the assignment.
Total Grade ______Teacher comments:______
Directions:You will be assigned a famous Greek or Roman personality to research. Based on your
research, you are to create a campaign poster promoting your personality as the “Greatest Greco-
Roman.” The finished products will be displayed around the room for all to see. Because of a limited
amount of time, there will not be any oral presentations. This means that you will have to convince your
classmates that your Greco-Roman personality is the “Greatest” through your Campaign Poster alone.
This assignment will count as a performance assessment and will be completed on your own time; outside
of class. As this assignment involves research, you will need to have access to the internet or an encyclopedia to
complete. This assignment will be due on Thursday, September 4th. You will need a poster board to
complete this assignment and it should contain all of the following information:
______1.Large image of the person with their full name clearly displayed
______2.A campaign song – You can write the song yourself or choose a song already in existence. Your song must be relevant to your Greco-Roman personality and their achievements. You must turn in a copy of the lyrics to your song along with your rubric. The portion of the lyricsthat pertains to your Greco-Roman personality most, must be highlighted and included on your poster as seen below.
______3.A campaign slogan – Create your own slogan, like everything else, it must be relevant to your Greco-Roman personality and their achievements.
______4.Campaign Promises – Using factual information obtained through your research, write four campaign promises that your Greco-Roman personality would make based on his achievements.
Name / Occupation / Contribution