Agricultural Education - Course Syllabus
Course: / Veterinary Science / Course Number: / 8088
Textbook: / An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology
Required Fee/Supplies: / $10.00 / Student Organization: / FFA $15.00
Prerequisite: / Agriculture; strong in Science & Math
Dual Enrollment Credit:
Industry Certification:


This course provides students with the employability and technical skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and a career in veterinary medicine or in a related occupation. Course content will include the integration of academics and career skill and instruction in the use of tools, equipment, and facilities for veterinary medicine. Business management, leadership and FFA activities or included in the course.


Task Area / Days
Orienting the Student to Veterinary Science / 10
Demonstrating Professional Conduct / 10
Identifying Animal Species and Breeds / 10
Practicing Leadership Skills / 20
Understanding Safety and Sanitation / 10
Handling Animals / 10
Understanding Veterinary Terminology / 10
Understanding Anatomy and Physiology / 15
Performing Clinical Exams / 10
Demonstration Hospital Procedures / 15
Conducting Laboratory Procedures / 10
Understanding Parasitology / 5
Understanding Office Management / 5
Using Posology / 10
Understanding Animal Nutrition / 15
Identifying Emerging Technologies in Agriculture / 5
Examining All Aspects of Industry / 10
Total / 180


1. Teacher observation, class work, homework 10%

Animal & Breed ID 20%

Plant Identification 20%

Current events in Agriculture 10%

Tests 20%

Project 20%

Veterinary Science (8088) - Competency List

Student Name ______School Year ______

School ______

Veterinary Science

Implementing Virginia's CTE Course Requirements
• 001 Demonstrate Virginia's Workplace Readiness Skills in course activities.
• 002 Apply Virginia's All Aspects of Industry elements in course activities.
• 003 Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards.
Participating in the Student Organization
• 004 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization.
• 005 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult.
• 006 Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects.
Orienting the Student to Veterinary Science
• 007 Identify components of the program and the course.
• 008 Follow safety procedures for personal protection in the veterinary medical industry.
• 009 Follow laboratory safety and organizational procedures.
• 010 Explore career opportunities in animal health care.
Demonstrating Professional Conduct
• 011 Identify and discuss the function of local, state, and national organizations in the field of animal care.
• 012 Identify prominent animal special interest groups.
• 013 Identify legal and professional ethics and standards of the veterinary medicine field.
• 014 Discuss the physical and mental requirements of those in the veterinary medicine.
Identifying Animal Species and Breeds
• 015 Identify species to be discussed.
• 016 Identify prominent breeds within each species.
Practicing Leadership Skills
• 017 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization.
• 018 Identify benefits and responsibilities of FFA membership.
• 019 Identify essential traits of leadership.
• 020 Identify leadership principles.
• 021 Identify opportunities for leadership.
• 022 Identify duties of all officers in the FFA.
• 023 Participate in a committee meeting.
• 024 Prepare and deliver an oral presentation or speech.
• 025 Participate in a panel discussion.
• 026 Write a news release.
• 027 Use parliamentary procedure.
• 028 Develop record-keeping skills, using the Virginia SAE Record Book.
• 029 Complete an FFA award and/or officer application.
• 030 Participate in an FFA chapter activity.
• 031 Develop an annual plan for Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) based on personal goals.
• 032 List the purposes of the Virginia FFA Foundation.
Understanding Safety and Sanitation
• 033 Identify the importance of MSDS sheets.
• 034 Describe the role and regulations of OSHA pertaining to veterinary science.
• 035 Identify the physical, chemical, biological, and zoonotic hazards associated with the veterinary industry.
• 036 Identify safety signs and equipment used in veterinary science.
• 037 List the types of cleansers, disinfectants, and antiseptics used in veterinary occupations and their purpose.
• 038 Describe commonly used chemicals in the veterinary situations.
Handling Animals
• 039 Demonstrate restraint methods used for medical procedures on small animals.
• 040 Identify equipment used in restraining livestock.
• 041 Restrain animals for radiograph.
• 042 Transport injured animal.
Understanding Veterinary Terminology
• 043 Analyze veterinary terminologies and their meanings.
• 044 Analyze the information to consider in using the proper terminology.
• 045 Identify common abbreviations and their meanings.
Understanding Anatomy and Physiology
• 046 Describe anatomical and directional terminology.
047 Explain cell biology.
• 048 Explain the functions of the skeletal system.
• 049 Explain the function of the muscular system.
• 050 Identify proper injection sites.
• 051 Describe the function of the respiratory system.
• 052 Describe the function of the nervous system.
• 053 Describe the functions of the circulatory system.
• 054 Describe the functions of the urinary system.
Performing Clinical Exams
• 055 Explain the importance of routine physical exams.
• 056 Identify the characteristics of healthy animals.
• 057 Describe the methods of assessing unhealthy animals.
• 058 Demonstrate the use of a stethoscope.
• 059 Demonstrate the use of an otoscope.
• 060 Demonstrate the use of an opthalmoscope.
Demonstrating Hospital Procedures
• 061 Discuss spaying and neutering options.
• 062 Demonstrate methods of dental care.
• 063 Demonstrate the proper methods for bandaging.
• 064 Describe the process of immunity.
• 065 Identify vaccinations for common diseases.
• 066 Establish an appropriate vaccinate schedule for each species.
• 067 Determine methods for administering medicines.
• 068 Explain the proper use and identification of syringes.
• 069 Correctly interpret information on the label of medications.
• 070 Define asepsis.
• 071 Identify surgical instruments and their use.
• 072 Clean, disinfect, and prepare surgical instruments.
• 073 Discuss methods of sterilization.
• 074 Describe the use of an autoclave.
Conducting Laboratory Procedures
• 075 Explain the vital importance of performing all laboratory procedures with accuracy.
076 Demonstrate the correct procedure for preparing and staining blood films.
• 077 Determine the common abnormalities seen in blood films.
• 078 Identify blood cell types, using a microscope.
079 Demonstrate the procedure for performing a urinalysis.
080 Perform and interpret an antibiotic sensitivity test.
Understanding Parasitology
• 081 Identify common parasites affecting animals.
• 082 Describe the characteristics of parasites.
• 083 Describe the clinical signs of a parasitic infestation.
• 084 Perform diagnostic lab procedures for parasites.
• 085 Discuss treatment for Lyme disease.
Understanding Office Management
• 086 Maintain accurate client records.
• 087 Answer and assess the urgency of phone calls.
• 088 Schedule appointments.
• 089 Describe the inventory process.
• 090 Determine the effective and appropriate methods of verbal and nonverbal communication.
• 091 Discuss issues associated with euthanasia.
• 092 Discuss issues to address when handling death and dying.
Using Posology
• 093 Correctly complete basic four function operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
• 094 Evaluate word problems associated with veterinary medicine.
• 095 Complete advanced ratios dealing with dosage, dilutions, and weight conversions.
Understanding Animal Nutrition
• 096 Identify the six basic nutrients and their function in maintaining healthy animals.
• 097 Determine the nutritional value of animal feeds by evaluating feed labels and conducting food nutrients testing to determine the presence or absence of nutrients in various animal feeds.
• 098 Evaluate a variety of feed labels and advertisements to determine marketing strategies.
• 099 Conduct a palatability study to identify animal preferences of feeds.
• 100 Calculate dry matter of various feeds.
• 101 Calculate the maintenance energy requirement for animals.
102 Balance a ration.
• 103 Identify the symptoms of malnutrition.
• 104 Explain the relationship between disease and diet.
• 105 Describe the ruminant digestive system.
• 106 Describe the non-ruminant digestive system.
Identifying Emerging Technologies in Agriculture
• 107 Identify current and emerging physical and mechanical technologies in animal agriculture.

1 - Can teach others
2 - Can perform without supervision
3 - Can perform with limited supervision
4 - Can perform with supervision
5 - Cannot perform

Teacher’s signature ______

Veterinary Science - Related Standards of Learning


10.4 / The student will read and interpret informational materials.
a.  Analyze and apply the information contained in warranties, contracts, job descriptions, technical descriptions, and other informational sources, such as labels, warnings, manuals, directions, applications, and forms to complete specific tasks.
b.  Skim manuals or informational sources to locate information.
c.  Compare and contrast product information contained in advertisements with instruction manuals and warranties.
10.7 / The student will develop a variety of writing with an emphasis on exposition.
a.  Generate, gather, plan and organize ideas for writing.
b.  Elaborate ideas clearly through word choice and vivid description.
c.  Write clear, varied sentences.
d.  Organize ideas into a logical sequence.
e.  Revise writing for clarity and content of presentation.
f.  Proofread and prepare final product for intended audience and purpose.
11.1 / The student will make informative and persuasive presentations.
a.  Gather and organize evidence to support a position.
b.  Present evidence clearly and convincingly.
c.  Support and defend ideas in public forums.
d.  Use grammatically correct language including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose.
11.2 / The student will analyze and evaluate informative and persuasive presentations.
a.  Critique the accuracy, relevance, and organization of evidence.
b.  Critique the clarity and effectiveness of delivery.
11.4 / The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials.
a.  Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts.
b.  Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment.
c.  Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task.
d.  Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts.
e.  Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions.
11.9 / The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education.
a.  Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas.
b.  Organize information to support purpose and form of writing.
c.  Present information in a logical manner.
d.  Revise writing for clarity.
e.  Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing.
12.4 / The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials, including electronic resources.
a.  Identify formats common to new publications and information resources.
b.  Recognize and apply specialized informational vocabulary.
c.  Evaluate a product based on analysis of the accompanying warranty and instruction manual.
d.  Evaluate the quality of informational and technical materials.
12.7 / The student will develop expository and informational writings.
a.  Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.
b.  Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing.
c.  Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials.
d.  Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately.
e.  Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation.
f.  Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
g.  Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission.

History and Social Science

GOVT.9 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of the process by which public policy is made by
a.  examining different perspectives on the role of government;
b.  explaining how local, state, and national governments formulate public policy;
c.  describing the process by which policy is implemented by the bureaucracy at each level;
d.  analyzing how individuals, interest groups, and the media influence public policy.
GOVT.15 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by
a.  assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth;
b.  comparing types of business organizations;
c.  describing the factors of production;
d.  explaining the interaction of supply and demand;
e.  illustrating the circular flow of economic activity;
f.  analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations.
GOVT.16 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of government in the Virginia and United States economies by
a.  analyzing the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the economy;
b.  describing the creation of public goods and services;
c.  examining environmental issues, property rights, contracts, consumer rights, labor-management relations, and competition in the marketplace.
GOVT.17 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life by
a.  practicing trustworthiness and honesty;
b.  practicing courtesy and respect for the rights of others;
c.  practicing responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance;
d.  practicing respect for the law;
e.  practicing patriotism.
GOVT.18 / The student will understand that thoughtful and effective participation in civic life is characterized by
a.  obeying the law and paying taxes;
b.  serving as a juror;
c.  participating in the political process;
d.  performing public service;
e.  keeping informed about current issues;
f.  respecting differing opinions in a diverse society.


A.1 / The student will solve multistep linear equations and inequalities in one variable, solve literal equations (formulas) for a given variable, and apply these skills to solve practical problems. Graphing calculators will be used to confirm algebraic solutions.
A.4 / The student will use matrices to organize and manipulate data, including matrix addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. Data will arise from business, industrial, and consumer situations.
